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HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players ISO Menus - Printable Version

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RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - Eagle784 - 2017-08-02

Thanks - I didn't want to force the driver either. Seeing odd behavior as it is; although I missed that there was an issue with FSE madvr and these drivers - that explains some of it. I read through those threads, but haven't seen anyone actually try this card on Win10 with madvr or PowerDVD - just some benchmark data.

I've checked all the trade performance for quality settings - madvr shouldn't be doing that much work on these files anyway, should it?

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-02

No. I'm using 4GB of GPU RAM though.
Try Chroma upscaling = Lanczos and activate ringing.
Downscale = DXVA2
Upscale = NGU sharp at medium or high with Jinc AR and the last downscaling algorithm.
Refinement = Everything off.

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - laola - 2017-08-09

just wanted to say "thanks" to brazen 1 - works like a charm :-) Finally all what I dreamed about - 4k, HDR and 3D in Kodi ...

P.S.: I have to admit I had some difficulties to get it it done. So make sure you're disabling the windows-auto-update of the hardware driver. This drove me crazy because every time I installed the nvidea 378-driver and then it seems to work - after 30minutes or so Windows decided to update the driver to the most revent version - without any notification...Then HDR didn't work anymore... Also maybe good to know - you must disabling the internal filters in MPC-BE so that the external filters will be used (this gave me some headache for getting 3D running)...

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - rloxley - 2017-08-10


Thank you very much for this fantastic howto and your superb support :-) It is exactly what i was searching for.

My setup: Samsung 1080p 3D TV - Windows 7 x64 - NVIDIA 460GTX / latest drivers - PowerDVD 15 Ultra - Kodi 16.1 Jarvis - VirtualCloneDrive - ONLY 3DBD-ISO's.

I've used a different playercorefactory.xml than yours before to start PowerDVD in 3D and it always worked without any problems.

With this, i get some weird mistakes and have some questions...

1. If i don't let VirtualCloneDrive autostart (as recommended), PowerDVD does not load any file. Waited quiet a while... Not even the built-in mounting device is starting. If i let VCD autostart / active before, it works...

2. PowerDVD is a) not playing in 3D, it plays in 2D (Play 3D in 3D is activated), "pause/play" does not help out.
and b) not fullscreen, just fullscreen window - no matter in which state i closed it earlier... On startup there are a few automatic resolution changes going on, but only this is the result...

3. My TV is usually detecting 3D and switches automatically. With this, the TV does not switch.

4. But now: When CLOSING PowerDVD and after some automatic resolution changes again, the TV switches to 3D... and the whole system crashes. Can't even reach the task-manager, it needs to restart...
It is a fresh setup without any other problems at all.

What did i do wrong?

My playercorefactory.xml:
      <player name="3D" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <player name="2D" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <player name="DISC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <rules action="prepend">
        <rule filetypes="mkv|avi" player="VideoPlayer"/>
        <rule filename=".*.3D.*|.*.3D.iso|3D.*" player="3D"/>
        <rule filetypes="iso|bdmv|mpls|m2ts" player="2D"/>

My PlayDISC.bat:
@echo off
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PowerDVD.exe" A:

My PlayISO2D.bat:
Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:iso=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO playiso) ELSE (goto next)

Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:mpls=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO plaympls) ELSE (goto playbdmv)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 %1
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PowerDVD.exe" B:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 /u
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:~1,-25%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema\PowerDVDCinema.exe" "%pth%" exit
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:BDMV\MovieObject.bdmv=%
set pth=%pth:BDMV\index.bdmv=%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema\PowerDVDCinema.exe" %pth% exit
GOTO end


And my PlayISO3D.bat:
Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:iso=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO playiso) ELSE (goto next)

Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:mpls=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO plaympls) ELSE (goto playbdmv)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 %1
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable
timeout /t 3
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PowerDVD.exe" B:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 /u
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:~1,-25%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema\PowerDVDCinema.exe" "%pth%" exit
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:BDMV\MovieObject.bdmv=%
set pth=%pth:BDMV\index.bdmv=%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema\PowerDVDCinema.exe" %pth% exit
GOTO end


all paths are correct and i think i followed your instructions carefully.

1. Why do you use just PowerDVD Classic Mode for ISO-playback? The Cinema Mode can be used for ISO's. Cyberlink just don't let us use their built-in ISO-mounting device with Cinema Mode... had this before with VirtualCloneDrive and it worked like a charm. I would prefer using the Cinema Mode again :-)

2. Before trying your solution, i used the "userdefined userinterface" (that's what it called in my language) in Windows 7 for a seamless autostart directly jumping into Kodi on HTPC Startup. It does not load the explorer.exe and the windows desktop. first thing you see is Kodi Interface. This can be set with gpedit.msc. When you exit Kodi, the explorer.exe is starting automatically and you can use it as usual.

Trying you solution in this setup didn't work either - probably because some used programs NEED explorer.exe to be started first.
Is there any possibility to get BOTH at the same time?

Would appreciate any help ;-)

Thanks again :-)

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-11

You have a lot of questions! Everything you're using is generations old. Haven't used any of it for years but I'll try to help you although I have no way of testing to replicate.

(1) I don't know why PDVD 15 internal virtual ROM does not work for you and VCD does? I do know VCD will mount quicker and PDVD's worked for me at the time too. Maybe there is something wrong with your iso PDVD does not like and VCD isn't affected? VCD method is what I provided in my code.

(2a) No idea why 3D does not switch for you? It should. Are your titles named properly as outlined?
(2b) If for some reason PDVD did not open in full screen, double clicking in the field of the player during playback will. If your system did not remember screen size, I can't even guess why. It should. Resolution changes are only going to happen when refresh rate is matched. This has nothing to do with screen size. You can start PDVD solo without mounting anything. Is it's GUI in full screen and does it open in full screen subsequent solo restarts? It should. Kodi has no affect on changing its screen size fwiw or it's playback.

(3) Again, no idea why 3D does not enable for you? Are your titles named properly as outlined?

(4) Your display should not switch into 3D when closing PDVD of course and certainly shouldn't crash forcing a hard reset. You have some very weird problems. Are your titles named properly as outlined?

Looking at your playercorefactory I see you have modified code added to it from mine but see no reason it shouldn't work provided your paths are correct. There is references to Kodi and XBMC at the same time in it. Perhaps you should just copy mine without your mods and test it?
Your 2D.bat looks fine too. Both of these explain why 2D is ok for you.
You 3D.bat has xxit at the end of the code instead of exit but doubt that is the root of your problems.
Maybe as I said, use my codes and see if everything works as intended. It should. Make your mods to it from there.

(1) You answered your own question. As you wrote, I assume PDVD virtual ROM does not work in Cinema Mode. If memory serves me right, folder structure rips did not work in Cinema Mode but were no problem in Classic. Navigating the folder structure was not possible I think. I simply didn't like the interface either. That was my reasoning.

(2) Not familiar with skipping explorer.exe on startup to speed up boot and directly open Kodi bypassing Windows explorer splash for an aesthetic advantage mimicking a streaming box TBH. You answered your own question. Wouldn't know how to get both? Maybe a delayed start of explorer or just let it load as it was designed. Without explorer running, nothing 3rd party like PDVD or VCD could possibly run afaik.

Sorry I can't be of any help to you. I do know I had no problems when using older software and hardware as you are now following the guide exactly. I'm fairly certain the root of your problem is outside the scope of the guide or was overlooked, bypassed, or modified and what ever that culprit might be, only you and your system can reveal. When you do find your answer, please share in the event anyone else ever ran into something similar. Wish I could put my finger on it for you outside of Are your titles named properly as outlined?

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-18

As of 385.28 NVidia driver update, newer drivers are now working as intended. Evidently, NVidia updated API so 3D MVC and UHD HDR now work in FSE mode. (As always, DO NOT turn HDR and advanced color switch ON). The new release of madVR v0.92.1 reflects these updates. Yea! AMD and Intel may have also updated though I have no test beds to confirm. Perhaps other users can confirm or deny after GPU driver and madVR and LAVfilter updates?

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - Sonopanic - 2017-08-22

for the high end 4k and HDR stuff, i intend to buy a GTX1050 2GB.

Will this work or do i need a more powerful card ?

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-22

Personally, I would go with 4GB or higher. Even Netflix 4k streaming has acknowledged 2GB is simply inadequate. Running madVR would be on the bleeding edge imo and why strain it even if it worked satisfactorily. Many madVR settings would simply break down due to lack of vRAM. Ripping speeds would be sloooooow. Low fps titles might manage but higher probably wouldn't make it. In the case of GPU's, you really do or don't get what you pay for even if you're not gaming and just using it for A/V. This late in the year, if you're considering getting a high end card, I'd wait for the new Volta GPU's due out in 2018. Otherwise shop out a 960 4GB or 10xx 4GB or higher. Fwiw, I didn't upgrade the 960 for the simple fact the 1060 didn't offer me anything the 960 didn't except it's a newer generation and more expensive. I don't game. Above all, make sure what you select 100% hardware decodes. Never put a 1050 2GB through its paces. Not many have according to google searches. So, to answer your question, maybe..... but I doubt it.

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - Sonopanic - 2017-08-22

OK, i go with a GTX1050 with 4GB. It´s 35 € more.

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-22

I think 4GB is a 1050Ti Pascal family which should be fine.

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - ragico - 2017-08-22


Again thank you for keeping the thread up to date.
I upgraded the nvidia drivers to the last version as you suggest in post #231
Also upgraded madVR. MPC-Be and Lavafilters.
The system runs now more responsive and smooth.
Question: madVR performances are only affected by GPU and its ram?
In other words if I upgrade to a more powerful CPU (I now use an Intel I3 4th gen:with 8GB ram in my Htpc together with gtx 960 4Gb) will the madVR performances improve or not?
So what should I do to get better performances from madVR?
Thanks a lot

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-22

CPU has little to do with decoding or rendering when using madVR as we apply it. Instead we use hardware architecture in the GPU and its vRAM and take advantage of it with drivers and software like madVR with LAV filters to unharness it. How much oomph a GPU can output allows scaling options in madVR to be determined. Scaling options are also a user preference. What you may like, someone else may not. Scaling options range in intensity. How much unbridled fervor you want to hand to your display is up to you. If you desire a more intensive scaling option and you cannot achieve it, you would need to increase your GPU capabilities. Also consider your display, especially 4k. It applies scaling algorithms too and very well at that. So does the Kodi internal player for titles madVR may not be needed which is user subjective. You have a nice setup. I wouldn't change a thing until down the road when it might become necessary like UHD ripping. Today it isn't. My Xeon X5690 CPU is 7 years old fwiw. Much of the point of this guide in the 1st place was to help users achieve the ability to play anything with a simple GPU upgrade and setup providing they have a PC of some sort already. Imo, it's a worthy option vs multiple streaming boxes that will need replacement as new things are introduced. I'm considering putting up pics of my various scaling profiles to help others with madVR scaling if there's enough demand from others. Basic settings are already included.

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - ragico - 2017-08-22

As always your explanations fullfill the questions and are comprehensive, thanks again @brazen1.
I would be very happy if you publish your pics of madVR scaling settings with your usual clear explains.
Hope others will follow.

HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - mlv2148 - 2017-08-25

I am building an HTPC but have a possible issue. I have an epson 5040 projector with and HDMI bandwidth limitation that requires 4k material to be at 12 bit, 4:2:2, 23.97hz or 25 depending on source material. Is this a setting that can be exactly specified on the output from the GPU? Otherwise with this projector you lose either WCG/HDR.

Sent from my SM-G955U

RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - brazen1 - 2017-08-25

No. That PJ uses 'enhanced' 4k and is limited unlike native 4k. Not sure how you'd achieve anything under 60Hz limited to that specific chroma subsample? Sucks you lose your HDR gamut. Your HDMI 2.0 port should support 4:2:0 though only at 50/60 frames per second (FPS). At 24 FPS 10/12 bit, only 4:4:4 and RGB are supported. 2.1 might when it comes out and maybe your port could be firmware updated. This is why I use RGB full for desktop and video.

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