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Need some help with scaling - Printable Version

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Need some help with scaling - ArieS - 2015-07-07

I have 2 different displays. A plasma TV and a projector.
If I use Kodi on the projector it doesn't fill up all the screen while it does when watching the BD player or satellite TV.
So I went into ccc and changed the scaling option to 0%, it's all great.
That's until I go back to the plasma and now the image is cropped on all sides.
So the question is, can I have different scaling preset for each display?
I'm using Windows 7
Thanks in advance for any help I'll get Smile

RE: Need some help with scaling - PatK - 2015-07-07

You should be able to have two different resolutions for Kodi, but it's depending on the default, handshaking EDID, graphic card, software etc.. a lot of factors. I run two different screen sizes between my monitor and TV which both send handshaking to the gfx card. I only launch Kodi in the screen in use (helpful to throw a <fullscreen>true</fullscreen> in your advanced settings under video) after I have used the DisplaySwitch.exe (win+P key). Your set-up should have the desktop edge to edge on both the TV, and the same for the projector, then launch Kodi full screen.

If that's not possible (desktop edge to edge on both) then Kodi will need some sort of script.

RE: Need some help with scaling - ArieS - 2015-07-08

Thanks Pat for taking the time to help.
However, can you talk to me like if I was a 5 years old, please? Big Grin
In Windows 7 and when I use either screen, the display is listed as my Pioneer receiver.
I also only launch Kodi in the screen in use (the other one is not even turned on).
I'd rather not use Fullscreen because when I did so, my Kodi will always minimize itself at random times when watching a movie.
So using Windowed mode rather than true Fullscreen option is preferred.
I also use Kodilauncher so I wouldn't be able to use Win+P before already being in Kodi.
Or am I totally missing what you are trying to tell me?

RE: Need some help with scaling - PatK - 2015-07-08

There's a lot of hardware anomalies, too many for this message to hand hold you through. The issue might be in the receiver not passing on the edid handshaking of your TV/Proj, the good part is that you can make adjustments and get both systems working well.

My previous message was to get the idea across that you need to set your TV to the proper window desktop size corner to corner, then Kodi will run fine to the screen edge. The same goes for your projector; the trick would be to use a script to swap saved preferences, from each device. Some graphic cards allow different profiles to be swapped on a hotkey or keep 2 profiles up and allow parent/secondary swapping, you need to display swap prior to running Kodi.

Kodi loosing focus and minimizing while playing a movie is a totally different issue, something you are running in windows is dong that, there are many threads in the forum that elude to this problem.

5 year olds have difficult forum experiences, they're looking for a sucker.