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v16 Conq test version for Jarvis - Printable Version

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Conq test version for Jarvis - Hitcher - 2015-11-08

Can be found here -


Please post bugs in this thread.

Thanks go to BobCratchett.

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - Jimmeh - 2015-12-09

Thanks for updating it. Still my favourite skin.

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - ScrewAttackThis - 2016-01-29

With Jarvis coming close to release, is there still work that needs to be done?

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - JoopNL - 2016-01-31

Downloaded the skin today from github and installed from ZIP on Jarvis RC2. Seems to be working without issues, except:

- The Conq GUI sounds can longer be selected/used.

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - meccs - 2016-03-08

Is there a way to enable "watched" markers? At least for TV Shows?

Edit: I'm stupid. Found them. Oo

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - meccs - 2016-03-16

Solved my problem.

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - cereyanli - 2016-04-12

Is this version further developed ?

This is a really nice skin and if it works with Jarvis , this would be great

RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - Hitcher - 2016-04-12


RE: Conq test version for Jarvis - kermit_frosch - 2016-05-27

Love the skin, but there's one tiny thing that annoys me: the widget for recommended episodes (i.e. the next one to watch) has a very low frequency for updating itself. I used amber earlier which refreshed the widget right after finishing an episode.
I think I read somewhere that amber uses a different method for refreshing - I wonder how hard it would be to port that functionality?!

ps: I assume I' m not the only one experiencing this issue, am I?

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