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autoexec.py - Mount Network Folders Automaticly - Printable Version

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autoexec.py - Mount Network Folders Automaticly - ashjohnuk - 2016-01-22

I have written a script to automatically load SMB (windows) folders from a network source, such as a server, or NAS... Im looking to create an addon for this.

import xbmc, time, os, xbmcgui, shutil

ServerIP = "" #xbmcgui.Dialog().input('Enter the IP address of the server', type=xbmcgui.INPUT_IPADDRESS)
ServerUN = "USERNAME" #xbmcgui.Dialog().input('Enter the username for server', type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM)
ServerPW = "PASSWORD" #xbmcgui.Dialog().input('Enter the password for server', type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM)
ServerFI = ["Downloads","Kodi","Media"] # add remote folders here

Start of functions
def alert(title, msg):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()

def popup(title, msg):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    dialog.notification(title, msg, xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, 3000)
def Epopup(title, msg):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    dialog.notification(title, msg, xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 3000)
def Wpopup(title, msg):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    dialog.notification(title, msg, xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_WARNING, 3000)
def deleteDefault():
    defaultList = ["/storage/tvshows","/storage/music","/storage/pictures","/storage/screenshots","/storage/videos","/storage/downloads","/storage/emulators","/storage/recordings"]
    for x in defaultList:
        if os.path.isdir(x):
            Wpopup("Deleted default folder",x)

def rebootpopup(folder):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    i = dialog.yesno("Network Error","Unable to find \""+folder+"\" on: "+ServerIP+"\nRestart Kodi?")
    if i == 1:
        xbmc.executebuiltin( " RestartApp " )

def mountDrive(FOLDERS):
    for x in FOLDERS:
        a = "mount -t cifs -o username="+ServerUN+",password="+ServerPW+" '//"+ServerIP+"/"+x+"' '/storage/"+x+"'"
        if os.path.isdir("/storage/"+x):
            if os.path.ismount("/storage/"+x):
                popup("Successfully mounted", x)
                Epopup("Unable to mount", x)
            if os.path.ismount("/storage/"+x):
                popup("Successfully mounted and created", x)
                Epopup("Unable to mount ", x)

def ReloadKodiSkin():
    xbmc.executebuiltin( " ReloadSkin() " )
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    dialog.notification("Kodi Skin","Refreshed", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, 2000)

def runScript():
End of functions
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Kodi network mount", "Loading...", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, 10000)

while not os.system("ping -c 1 "+ServerIP) == 0: