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Linux Testing - Printable Version

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Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-01-27


Builds can be found here:
Currently only Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 64-bit builds are available. If others are requested enough, I'll see what I can do.

  • Kodi dependencies must already be installed
  • It will unzip to a folder called retroplayer
  • If you are not already running 18alpha1, you may want to backup your userdata. Even if you are, back it up anyway
  • Run by executing /path/to/retroplayer/bin/kodi or startx /path/to/retroplayer/bin/kodi if you don't use a window manager

Original Post:

I'd like to test Retroplayer, input, IARL, and whatever else I can on linux (not openelec). Is everything for Retroplayer contained in the garbear/xbmc repo, or do I need to build kodi-game/peripheral.joystick as well? Are there any other addons that I need to compile myself? Is there a repo I can install to get all the necessary addons?

Also, do you need someone to provide "official" generic linux x64 builds? I can spin up a Jenkins instance so the builds can be automated.

RE: Linux Testing - Dippo - 2016-01-27

All you need to build a working kodi with retroplayer is either contained in garbear/xbmc or will automatically be downloaded from other repositories during the build.

Readme file:

should contain enough info to build.
the game=* parameter in the cmake command should be game="*" (at least on my system)

good luck

RE: Linux Testing - garbear - 2016-01-27

Yes, if you can get things building, linux builds would be helpful

RE: Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-01-28

Great! I will get something set up hopefully by the end of the weekend. I've been meaning to get familiar with Jenkins for work anyway. My HTPC does double duty as a web server, so it's always on, and I have a 100/15 connection. When it's ready I'll PM you the info so you can trigger and pull builds.

RE: Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-01-28

Last night I was able to get Jenkins successfully building. It was glorious to see the Games section in the main menu when running it the first time.

It appears I don't have PM ability yet (longtime user and lurker, but just registered), so I'll post a couple of questions here:

1. How do you want it packaged? Right now it just compiles the bin and puts it in an output folder. I can look into creating a .deb. Tar would probably be easiest, though, and work across all distros. I also need to know what all files/folders/addons are included in the other builds, so they have mostly the same feature sets.

2. It can be automatically uploaded after each build completes. Where do you want it to go? (You can PM me the answer if you want)

RE: Linux Testing - natethomas - 2016-01-28

Keeping as much conversation public as possible is typically the Kodi way. PMing is for personal stuff.

RE: Linux Testing - garbear - 2016-01-28

(2016-01-28, 18:31)MrTarantula Wrote: 1. How do you want it packaged? Right now it just compiles the bin and puts it in an output folder. I can look into creating a .deb. Tar would probably be easiest, though, and work across all distros. I also need to know what all files/folders/addons are included in the other builds, so they have mostly the same feature sets.

I've heard requests for .deb but either is fine. Certainly include all game and controller add-ons, or host them separately like OpenELEC (or use their repo).

(2016-01-28, 18:31)MrTarantula Wrote: 2. It can be automatically uploaded after each build completes. Where do you want it to go? (You can PM me the answer if you want)

Anywhere is fine. I use google drive because it's cloud storage I don't care about and don't use for anything else, but it's not a fully automated process.

RE: Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-01-29

I am a programmer, but I am not very familiar with compiling C++ code, so I am running into some issues compiling peripheral.joystick and all the addons. Can someone explain to me what an "out-of-tree" build is? Or at least point me to some good resources?

RE: Linux Testing - N3MIS15 - 2016-01-29

To build on Raspberry Pi 2 I basicly copied the readme word for word. so here is what i did for pi2.

mkdir /home/pi/workspace
cd /home/pi/workspace
git clone https://github.com/garbear/xbmc.git kodi

cd /home/pi/workspace/kodi/lib/taglib
make -j4
sudo make install

cd /home/pi/workspace/kodi

CFLAGS="-I/opt/vc/include/ -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4" CXXFLAGS="-I/opt/vc/include/ -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/vc/lib" FFMPEG_OPTS="--cpu=cortex-a7" ./configure --disable-gl --enable-gles --with-platform=raspberry-pi --disable-x11 --disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau --disable-avahi --disable-pulse --disable-projectm --disable-optical-drive --disable-dvdcss --disable-vtbdecoder --enable-alsa --enable-player=omxplayer --disable-openmax --disable-rsxs --prefix=/usr

make -j4
sudo make install

mkdir /home/pi/workspace/peripheral.joystick-build
cd /home/pi/workspace/peripheral.joystick-build
cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=peripheral.joystick \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/pi/workspace/kodi/addons \
      -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 \

mkdir /home/pi/workspace/game.addons
cd /home/pi/workspace/game.addons
cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=game.* \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/workspace/kodi/addons \
      -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 \

cd /home/pi/workspace/kodi/addons
sudo cp -R peripheral.joystick /usr/share/kodi/addons
sudo cp -R game.* /usr/share/kodi/addons

RE: Linux Testing - OmniBlade - 2016-01-29

Out of tree builds are mostly something I've seen with the cmake build system, where you run cmake (akin to ./configure for autotools stuff) in a directory other than your source dir so you don't clutter up the source dir with all the cmake config files. Then all your builds end up in a sub directory of this 'build' dir.

(2016-01-29, 01:09)MrTarantula Wrote: I am a programmer, but I am not very familiar with compiling C++ code, so I am running into some issues compiling peripheral.joystick and all the addons. Can someone explain to me what an "out-of-tree" build is? Or at least point me to some good resources?

RE: Linux Testing - garbear - 2016-01-30

Sorry, the build system for our binary add-ons has grown rather large and offers a lot more functionality than a casual user needs. I've rewritten the readme for peripheral.joystick: https://github.com/kodi-game/peripheral.joystick . Hope this makes the process a little more clear.

RE: Linux Testing - wsnipex - 2016-01-30

nice write up. We should generalize it and put it on the wiki and in binary addons README

RE: Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-03-24

It took me a while to get back to this, but I've started nightly builds of Retroplayer. They can be found at:


It will unzip to a folder called kodigame so that Kodi won't be overwritten in the off chance someone has Kodi installed a certain way. Just run


or if you run without a window manager like me

startx /your/path/to/kodigame/bin/kodi

RE: Linux Testing - ironic_monkey - 2016-03-24

The build will only be usable on whatever distro you happened to use when it was built.

RE: Linux Testing - MrTarantula - 2016-03-24

Ah, I see. This is being compiled on Ubuntu. I don't have the resources available for any other distros.