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Beta Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Printable Version

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RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - A-Swiss - 2016-12-31

(2016-12-30, 16:09)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2016-12-30, 14:52)A-Swiss Wrote: All my Kodi Installations with Titan Beta 3.7.40 are crashing now - Estuary is working properly.
Kodi are now on 17 RC1 - I expected to get the problems solved with RC1, but is not.

Hmm, that could literally be caused by anything. Maybe a typo in the skin's code, maybe the skin is trying to show some Kodi info that is not yet available.
In the past there was an issue with kodi crashing if the skin wanted to display some pvr properties when the pvr manager was not yet ready.
Long story short: It shouldn't happen and is most likely a hard-to-reproduce Kodi bug.

Can you give it a try with clean skin settings ?
Just rename the skin.kryptonbeta folder in the userdata\addon_data temporary.

Hi Marcel

First I did it with your recommendation - no luck - and in addition - Estuary is crashing on an on.
So I tried with a new clean install of Kodi 17 RC1 - Estuary was working with no problem.
Then installed Repo and Titan 3.7.40 - it stays for some minutes and the Kodi hangs. Error is reproduceable.

heres the new Log

Wish you a happy new year. Maybe a fix will be available soon.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - maxifullmedia - 2016-12-31

(2016-12-29, 09:46)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2016-12-29, 01:07)maxifullmedia Wrote: How exactly now playing artwork works
I use only STRM files connected to google drive addon
Some movies retrive me different image than i have in my library. And some movies retrive nothing
For other side Plot not appear
I use emby server kodi addon too

Are these movies properly added to your emby server with all artwork ?
YES PROPERLY ADDED And show it in Media Libray Views But not in Now Playing
In that case it should work fine. It sounds to me like it's having issues with your strm approach.
But not with all movies

If the strm in now playing can't access the library artwork they scrap in IMDB or TMDBHuh?

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - grote345 - 2017-01-01

Hi Marcel,

I did switch over to krypton also because of some current issues with the Emby fo kodi addon it does not show the tv shows anymore in kodi jarvis 16.1 but works fine now in kodi krypton,
But i did notice something in the kodi beta skin for krypton all the widgets work in the Netflix style homemenu layout 2 but in the Netflix style homemenu layout it goes wrong the only with what shows up is the large Spotlight widget and yes it is rotating but the rest of the widgets wont show Smile

Happy new year and all the best for 2017 Smile

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Edworld - 2017-01-02

using extendedinfo, "default actor" image doesn't appear. If you click on the "default" image shown, it displays fanart from a movie.

watch gallery

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - jadvena - 2017-01-03

Is it just me or is there no tv show title art anymore in widgets. Movies title art is working perfect but nothing for tv shows

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Tempestous - 2017-01-03

(2017-01-03, 18:40)jadvena Wrote: Is it just me or is there no tv show title art anymore in widgets. Movies title art is working perfect but nothing for tv shows

Working fine for me on netflix 2 style

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - jadvena - 2017-01-04

(2017-01-03, 22:39)Tempestous Wrote:
(2017-01-03, 18:40)jadvena Wrote: Is it just me or is there no tv show title art anymore in widgets. Movies title art is working perfect but nothing for tv shows

Working fine for me on netflix 2 style
Really Im using the samething Netflix 2 style movies look killer in widget movie title art uptop and catch phrase but nothing for the tv section widget just movie name stock no catch phrase. Im using version 3.7.30 from Emby beta now has catchphase. i tried 3.7.41 samething but no catch phrase and no titlel art in widget for tv. wierd. Are you able to send a picof yours working with both title art. Movies and Tv

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - komplex - 2017-01-05

Something weird is going on, 2 setups both use the same backup file so everything is the same but i get different outcomes



The On Deck line should just be clearart but the Windows one shows the episodes thumb and the LibreElec shows both clearart and logo mashed together. I have no idea what's going on

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - CBers - 2017-01-07

Hi Marcel.

I'm trying to backup the skin settings so that I can restore on a 2nd device, but the BACKUP THE SKIN SETTINGS option doesn't seem to do anything, other than tell me a backup has completed, but when I check the backup folder, there's nothing new there.

If I CREATE NEW BACKUP in the MANAGE SKIN BACKUPS option, a backup does get created.

Just thought I'd mention.


RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-01-07

(2017-01-07, 16:39)CBers Wrote: Hi Marcel.

I'm trying to backup the skin settings so that I can restore on a 2nd device, but the BACKUP THE SKIN SETTINGS option doesn't seem to do anything, other than tell me a backup has completed, but when I check the backup folder, there's nothing new there.

If I CREATE NEW BACKUP in the MANAGE SKIN BACKUPS option, a backup does get created.

Just thought I'd mention.


+1, although the failures (even though the skin reports success) are intermittent for me. And it's always been a problem (from back in the Jarvis beta days). I've never figured out why it fails one time and succeeds the next time. I just always check to make sure a backup was actually created.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - chaoticmaster - 2017-01-08

I dont see random episodes in the default widgets list. Is it located somewhere list? I can see that xsp is in the titan folder so I am guessing it supports it.

Random TV shows is available but does not provide what I need.


Nevermind. I was using the version from the Kodi repo.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - chaoticmaster - 2017-01-10

The random episode widget is showing the same results as recently added episodes widget. The only difference is it shows watched episodes in the result. I switched over to another skin that I use and it is generating random episodes.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - AverageMarcus - 2017-01-11

I'm having some trouble with animated posters.

When I first set everything up on Sunday everything was working as expected and animated posters were showing when using the "Netflix" style layout.

I have just noticed today that the animated posters are no longer showing. I've done quite a lot of tweaking since I last noticed them working so not sure what may have caused it.

If I manually select an animated poster for a movie it correctly shows again in the view. For those that I haven't yet manually selected an animated poster if I go to the information view I do see the animated on there.

I've checked the skin settings and I have animated posters and fanart turned on and the don't show animated in lists is turned off.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - AverageMarcus - 2017-01-11

Looks like I may have resolved it by deleting the movie database and rescanning the media. It seems to take a while to grab the images with no progress notfication.

Ignore me Smile

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - rich76 - 2017-01-12

Hi all,

I am having a problem with Kodi crashing when script skin helper backgrounds is installed. Even when kodi is idle within a few minutes of loading kodi the cpu will be at a constant 100% and then kodi will crash.

I am using windows 7 pro 64 bit o/s with kodi 17rc2 (its same with the nightlies too) latest titan beta for krypton skin and I'm using emby for kodi addon to sync my media.

If I remove the skin help backgrounds kodi does not crash so it looks like its related to that but not sure if its the skin help backgrounds addon or the emby for kodi addon causing the problem/

If you need anymore info let me know



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