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Bug Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - Printable Version

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Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - madmax2 - 2016-02-06

I am getting an error with Kodi randomly crashing.

When I leave Kodi idling and I do something else, a crash would randomly occur sometime later.

-Exception caught on main loop. Exiting.


Kodi version : 16.0 RC1

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - willemd - 2016-02-06


You might want to make a debug log etc.
(Preferably after you update to the latest version, which is now RC3. Wink )

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - DaLeberkasPepi - 2016-02-06

i get the same problem every day when i check my server which runs 24/7. It's a Windows 8.1 machine and its runnig without any monitor connected only RDP.

kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/paf0nagi2
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/ptihiwace

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - Tony7777 - 2016-02-07

Same here on Jarvis RC 3 wimdows 7

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - DaLeberkasPepi - 2016-02-10


i still get the kodi crashes every few hours.
Windows says that about the crash

Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Kodi.exe, Version: 15.9.903.0, Zeitstempel: 0x56b3baad
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ntdll.dll, Version: 6.3.9600.18185, Zeitstempel: 0x5683eff4
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x0001df23
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1f3c
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d16354ef125d3e
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Berichtskennung: c8f8156b-cf81-11e5-8261-0026832dc177
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets:
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:

and here are my kodi.logs
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pr2xs0c7m
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/p1edijy6v

And i am on Kodi 16 RC3

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - Martijn - 2016-02-10

please enable debugging and disable UPNP component logging

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - afedchin - 2016-02-10

Try uninstall also script.common.plugin.cache addon.

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - DaLeberkasPepi - 2016-02-10


i did what you suggested. Lets see if kodi crashes again.

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - DaLeberkasPepi - 2016-02-11

Ok it just crashed again:

in uninstalled the script.common.plugin.cache aswell.

My recent logs:
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pzc3dlnt4
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pk1liikos

a .rar file with my recent .dmp files since the last kodi reinstall:

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - Derek - 2016-02-11

Just a small observation but why are you not running RC3? <- sorry disregard i checked your log and you are apologies i just saw rc1 in the first post.

But what nvidia driver: might be worth trying this = http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=259366 wont do any harm thats for sure

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - Derek - 2016-02-11

It also seems to my untrained eye to be a totaly different cause of the crash looking at the logs.

Also im intrigued by you running your desktop at 32hz?

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - elborracho - 2016-02-11

Maybe try disabling DXVA2 video acceleration if its enabled.

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - afedchin - 2016-02-11

please do more tests because your last dmp file has zero lenght.

RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - bakito - 2016-02-11

hello every one, I didn't want to add a thread for my problem even if it is not a "loop" crash but it is a crash nonetheless...
Since Jarvis RC3 I experience many random crashes of kodi, sometime during streaming some videos, sometime when I awake my htpc from sleep, sometimes doing ...nothing... I didn't have these crashes with rc2...I'm on windows 7 pro 64 bit, I put debug on ( and add debug level in advanced setting.xml to make the text in the corner of the screen not visible)
I hope I did this correctly so my post is useful for the devs...
Can't past my log in pastbin because it is "too long" so I upload it to mediafire


This log came from me doing nothing on kodi...but crash anyway.

Hope this is usefull.

edit: just wake up my htpc....crashed...Sad



RE: Exception caught on main loop. Exiting. - DaLeberkasPepi - 2016-02-11

i dont have any display connected to the pc since i use it as a server. i only control it with RDP. but i'll try the nvidia fix anyway.

i dont play any videos on that machine. Kodi only runs to update my library as soon as new tv shows or movies are recorded and processed. but i'll try that aswell

yeah i noticed that aswell. but i didn't get a new .dmp file as of now. I'll post it here if i get a new one.

Already caught 2 crashes today. They seem to be happening pretty randomly to me as of now.

updated logs:
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pn1nw6hi5
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/piwrgwf2o