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How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - Printable Version

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How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-03-17

I use 'Lowlist' view, but Default Select Action of my choice is 'Show Information'. So as you can understand, before watching a movie I prefer to go through certain info.like Plot, Cast, Etc.. But by Plot I don't mean Plot Summary, but Plot Outline. I don't see a way to change the Plot Summary to Plot Outline in the info dialog through settings. Can you help me with this please?

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-03-17

I found out the XML file that contains codes related to the info dialog.

After messing with the DialogVideoInfo.xml (located in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.aeon.nox.5\1080i), I figured out and realized that this is the part of code that shows Plot Summary in the info dialog.

<control type="textbox" id="4">
                            <autoscroll time="3000" delay="6000" repeat="6000">Skin.HasSetting(Enable.AutoScroll)</autoscroll>
                            <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="500" tween="sine" easing="inout">VisibleChange</animation>
                            <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="78" time="300" tween="sine" easing="inout" condition="!Control.HasFocus(900171)">Conditional</animation>

How I realized was by changing the variables like position (left/top), width, height, font, text color and all. But however, one thing doesn't seem to change, and that is of course the most important thing.. the Plot Summary!! It just won't change to Outline.

I changed $INFO[ListItem.Plot] to [ListItem.PlotOutline], but still it shows the Summary or Full Plot.

Now I am seriously stuck and fed up. For the last couple of hours I have been working on it.

And it doesn't seem like any thing is wrong with Universal Scrapper being not able to scrap the plot outline from IMDb, because when I click on the Plot Summary in the Info Dialog, the Plot Outline can be viewed along with Summary and Tagline. Also, in the same XML file (DialogVideoInfo.xml), I had replaced "ListItem.Tagline" with "ListItem.PlotOutline" at the required places using Notepad++ just to see if the tagline in the info dialog can be replaced by the outline or not. It works fine. So why can't the Plot Summary be replaced by the Outline??

Some one please answer.

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-03-17

Also, just if you wanted to know..

My Aeon Nox settings are:

System > Appearance > Skin > Settings > General > Video Plot Preference ---> Views: Full Plot | Info Dialog: Plot Outline.

My Universal Scrapper Settings are:

Information Providers > Movie Information > Universal Scrapper Settings > Configure > Plot ----> Get Plot from: IMDb Outline | Plot from: IMDb.

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-03-18

Bump.. 116 views and still no help available :'(

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-03-20

Still No one?

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-04-03

Bump.. Someone? It has been more than two weeks. Whats wrong with plot outline thing? Why wont it show in the Info Diag?

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - Edworld - 2016-04-03

will tagline give you what you are looking for?

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-04-04

Okay, let me get this clear.



RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - meowmoo - 2016-04-04



RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - farbot - 2016-04-04

Sorry I can't help you but I just wanna remark why the hell there is such a thing as a Plot Summary in the first place, wouldn't it make sense to have Plot Outline the default everywhere? Then I see in the skin options the Plot Summary is a fallback for if there is no Plot Outline? Erm wtf?! Spoiler alert?
I stopped using the lowlist view because of other issues with it, screenshots of an episode overlap the genres for instance... looks freaking terrible.

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-04-05

(2016-04-04, 15:01)meowmoo Wrote: http://kodi.wiki/view/InfoLabels


Yes, thank you. I knew that. But in which XML file to make the change?

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - VikkiXavier - 2016-04-05

(2016-04-04, 20:57)farbot Wrote: screenshots of an episode overlap the genres for instance

That doesn't happen with me, luckily.

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - jubilex - 2016-11-20

(2016-04-04, 20:57)farbot Wrote: Sorry I can't help you but I just wanna remark why the hell there is such a thing as a Plot Summary in the first place, wouldn't it make sense to have Plot Outline the default everywhere? Then I see in the skin options the Plot Summary is a fallback for if there is no Plot Outline? Erm wtf?! Spoiler alert?
I stopped using the lowlist view because of other issues with it, screenshots of an episode overlap the genres for instance... looks freaking terrible.

It has always blown my mind, and continues to do so, that Plot Summary is the default for every skin as far as I can tell, and no skin I've tried has given the option of using the Outline instead -- it always has to be manually edited into the xmls, and then done again every time the skin is updated.

I can't imagine that anyone wants these absurd detailings of the every minute of the plot as their default view (if at all).

RE: How to Replace Plot Summary with Plot Outline in info dialog? - ShadowTek - 2016-11-21

Try finding the term
in the view you wanna change and replace it with: