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Win External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - Printable Version

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External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - Johnny569 - 2016-05-07

I'm using a newer 4K Skylake laptop with Intel HD Graphics 530 on Windows 10 64-bit

It was quite a struggle to get Kodi Jarvis 16.1 fullscreen on the external monitor. I was careful to log off after each attempt to clear any previous scaling.

METHOD 1: Extend mode with laptop primary. Hotkey "\" method

Hotkey "\" to get into small windowed mode on laptop screen
Drag the boxed window to external monitor.
Hit "\" again to maximize on external monitor, but maximizes fullscreen on laptop screen, not external monitor.
Kodi Dual Screen Method 1 Pastebin Log

METHOD 2: Extend mode with laptop primary. Full Screen #2 method

Setting -> System -> Video Output -> Display Mode set to Full Screen #2
Displays a tiny unscaled 1920 x 1080 Kodi interface in upper center of the 4K laptop screen, not on external monitor.
Kodi Dual Screen Method 2 Pastebin Log


METHOD 3: Disable laptop screen, only external monitor active.

WORKS. I get fullscreen Kodi on external monitor

METHOD 4: Extend mode with external monitor primary

WORKS. I get fullscreen Kodi on external monitor

There first 2 methods were working fine on my old Nehalem laptop. But, they just don't work correctly on the newer Skylake Intel HD graphics laptop.

I tried also Kodi 17 Krypton. It's still alpha. There's nothing final yet. The first 2 methods don't work either on Kodi Krypton.

I'm just bringing to light this dual screen fullscreen display bug. It's not really a high priority bug because method 3 and 4 are valid workarounds. It would be nice though if it can get fixed, provided that understandably the developers find the time and have a Skylake Intel HD graphics laptop handy for testing.

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - PatK - 2016-05-07

I don't see this as a bug, as developers have mentioned in the past Kodi is not designed as a multi-tasking program (there's just too much hardware that is different to take on this 'feature', after all most of us settle down to the content). I note Kodi works for you in an 'either or' situation. Many of us have what you want, but it's a hit & miss thing, some never get lucky. I don't know how Intel handles graphic memory, but a lot of systems end up challenged in this regard.

Method 1) Open second display prior to Kodi launch, you may get lucky.

Method 2) mini Kodi.. I love it. Some graphic conrol software can swap primary with secondary on a hot key!

Method 3) There's a script in the forums that uses the display switch to open up Kodi on the secondary, then revert on exit.

Method 4) If the resolution is not the same start with the biggest, and set secondary correctly, might be livable work-around.

I ask you what is wrong with Kodi full screen on your TV, then go to windowed mode to check this or that, and then if needed using display switch to flip back to monitor, too much effort on the fingers? Or are we talking about another person watching a movie while you cruise the net? Guess these a $5 rasp pi zero is too much to ask?

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - Johnny569 - 2016-05-08

Thanks for the reply. I was not trying to multi-task. I was merely trying to get Kodi fullscreen on external monitor with the least amount of fumbling around.

Full Screen # 1 and Full Screen #2 in Display Output would have been the most straightforward method. But, it's just not working. I suspect it has something to do with the Intel HD Graphics drivers, more than it has to do with Kodi.

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - PatK - 2016-05-08

What does duplicate mode give you?

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - Johnny569 - 2016-05-08

Duplicate mode works fine. That's one more way. But, I don't know anybody who watches videos like that simultaneously on a small screen and a big screen.

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - Pander02 - 2016-05-10

I'm new to kodi and have been having similar problems. Ideally method 2 that you described above should pUT kodi on our tvs (I have a similar setup but with a desktop and want to use my setup as you have described). When I select fullscreen 2 it does go on my tv but isn't correctly sized and I can only see part of the kodi display. Of note, when you select fullscreen 2, you only have about 10 seconds to confirm the settings on the tv. For me this meant running to another room and clicking yes on the tv since my tv and desktop are in different rooms. Fiddling more the settings I got a similar mini-kodi on my tv like u pictured above. I then deselected "use fullscreen window" which enlarged it but not to fullscreen. Finally I used video calibration and got it to fit on my tv in the correct resolution. I haven't tried it out yet but I should now be able to use my computer with its monitor and kodi with my tv separately.

RE: External Monitor Fullscreen issues on Skylake 4k Laptop - afedchin - 2016-05-11

(2016-05-08, 02:33)Johnny569 Wrote: Thanks for the reply. I was not trying to multi-task. I was merely trying to get Kodi fullscreen on external monitor with the least amount of fumbling around.

Full Screen # 1 and Full Screen #2 in Display Output would have been the most straightforward method. But, it's just not working. I suspect it has something to do with the Intel HD Graphics drivers, more than it has to do with Kodi.
Disable display scaling in windows settigns.