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Win System semi-unresponsive when scanning music library - Printable Version

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System semi-unresponsive when scanning music library - robinwillems - 2016-05-10

He guys, i have a Mp3 music collection on a SMB Share and It's about 350GB in size.
Kodi connects to a shared MySQL DB on the server.

Recently i changed the "music" settings and enabled the option "Update library on startup".
Now, when the machine has startup Kodi and i try to play a serie/movie it's not responding (black screen, very slow interface response).
It seems that updating my library and playing a serie/movie is not the best way to go as scanning the library takes a lot of time and resources.

Is anybody else having this problem, and is there a fix for it? For the time being i disabled the "update library on startup" option.

i'm running Kodi version 16.1.
My skin is the Aeon Nox.
All machines are running Windows 7.

RE: System semi-unresponsive when scanning music library - DaveBlake - 2016-05-13

With music "Update library on startup" enabled on startup Kodi checks all your music folders and files to see if any have changed. It looks at date, time and size, which is far quicker than actually scanning the tags, but on a large remote music collection can take some time to perform. If changes are found then those files are scanned, and the library entries updated (well actually deleted and recreated). This intensive checking task obviously takes processor power and makes network traffic, so attempting other actions is going to be slow.

Why enable "Update library on startup"? You can update the library voluntarily from the side blade menu whenever suits you better, or elect to scan new music when you add it. Checking a library when the source files aren't changing is unnecessary.

For the future there is a feature request to be able to select which files/folders are checked rather than all of them, so you could have a static/archive music file location(s) and others where the content is likely to change that is checked often.

For now leave "Update library on startup" disabled.

RE: System semi-unresponsive when scanning music library - robinwillems - 2016-05-17

Hi DaveBlake, i will keep this setting disabled.

Thanks for the response!