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Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - Printable Version

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Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - denywinarto - 2016-09-06

I'm migrating from 14.2 to 17.2 and I'm using custom skin, with Ace as Home and Transparency as MyVideoNav.xml

There are some skinning problems that i cant figure out :

1. Includes with <colordiffuse> tag no longer works properly..
This causes alot of includes to not showing up or changed colours..
I cant find any reference about colordiffuse in skinning changes page...

This is one example :

                    <control type="image">

It's supposed to show yellow LED in home panel, but now it's black

I tried changing the colodiffuse value but it didnt work

2. Scrolling list is out of focus, especially when scrolling up and down..
I checked the related part of the code in newest transparency version but it's still exact same with mine

        <control type="scrollbar" id="60">
            <texturesliderbackground border="0,10,0,10">scrollbar-back.png</texturesliderbackground>
            <texturesliderbar border="0,10,0,10">scrollbar-front-nofocus.png</texturesliderbar>
            <texturesliderbarfocus border="0,10,0,10">scrollbar-front.png</texturesliderbarfocus>
            <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) + !Skin.HasSetting(FanartShort) + !Skin.HasSetting(FanartLong)</visible>

I found a reference about scrolling but it's for fade control

Edit : about out of focus scrolling.. is this the new default behavior in Krypton?
If so then it's a drawback because when i hold an drag left mouse and stray a little bit it goes out of focus...

In Helix hodl left click + drag will always drag the original list wherever i drag the mouse to...
Is there anyway to revert it back to old behavior?


RE: Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - Hitcher - 2016-09-06

1. colordiffuse is working fine for me. What colour is the led.png texture to start with?

2. Pretty sure it's always been like that, although I don't use mouse, but you could try adding hitrect to the control.

RE: Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - denywinarto - 2016-09-07

(2016-09-06, 18:11)Hitcher Wrote: 1. colordiffuse is working fine for me. What colour is the led.png texture to start with?

2. Pretty sure it's always been like that, although I don't use mouse, but you could try adding hitrect to the control.

1. In homescreen it's Yellow, but in textures.xbt it's grey..
These are the includes that i can't solve :

Home screen :


Are there any other kodi changes that might affect this?

2. Any sample how to use hitrect? Googled some but there's no clear samples... It wasn't that way in 14.2.. scrolling is a pain now for long list

RE: Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - Angelinas - 2016-09-07

Read this thread...

Both skin have problem with var and includes(aeon mq and ace).From isengard version skins have problem...with krypton version is in focus of isue.
I stop moding all Marcos skin,till find solution.
Have progres with changes
-Rewrite windows id to windows name
-rewrite custom home & submenus
-rewrite all views

RE: Need help modifying skin changes from Kodi 14.2 to 17.2 - denywinarto - 2016-09-07

(2016-09-07, 12:47)Angelinas Wrote: Read this thread...

Both skin have problem with var and includes(aeon mq and ace).From isengard version skins have problem...with krypton version is in focus of isue.
I stop moding all Marcos skin,till find solution.
Have progres with changes
-Rewrite windows id to windows name
-rewrite custom home & submenus
-rewrite all views

Thanks for the tips angelina.. i will look into var and includes.. if its too complicated then ill stick to 14.2...

Btw do you have the working aeon mq home xml somewhere? Should be similar for ace

Also do you experience mouse scrolling out of focus when scrolling list? This is much more fatal for huge library..