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Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - Printable Version

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Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - theuser86 - 2017-02-23

When I first open Kodi on Windows 10, it connects to the Plex Media Server and lists the Movies and TV Shows sections on the Home Screen, however the shelf for both the Movies or TV Shows does not populate, as in it does not display the On Deck, or Recently Added movies. If I go into the Movies section to view the listing of movies and then back out to the Home Screen, the Shelves are populated. Please see screenshots below.

Using the most updated versions of everything: Windows 10, Kodi v17.0, PleXBMC 4.1.0, Amber v3.0.6




RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-23

This is most likely because Plexbmc has not started before the home window starts therefore it has no content to display, if plexbmc could provide a way of telling if it is running we could delay startup until after that, the same can be done with skin widgets.

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - theuser86 - 2017-02-23

Thanks for the prompt reply. However, if PleXBMC has not started it does not even display the Movies or TV Shows or Channels sections on the Home Screen. Those sections are only displayed after PleXBMC starts and makes a connection to the Plex Media Server. If the Plex Media Server is off for example, then those sections are not even listed and PleXBMC reports it is unable to find any servers.

On top of that, even if I wait 1 minute for PleXBMC to start up fully, then go to Settings and hit "Refresh" or "Reload Skin", the shelves still do not populate.

Another weird behaviour, is if I go into the Movies section, then back out, it populates the shelf for Movies, but the shelf for TV Shows is still empty.

If I then go into the TV Shows section, then back out, it populates the shelf for TV Shows, but the shelf for Movies which was populated is now again empty. Just from this behaviour of only 1 shelf being populated (either Movies or TV Shows), and not both at the same time makes me think it is not an issue with PleXBMC not starting before the Home Screen.

This may be specific to Windows 10. I do not have this issue with Kodi v16.1 and Amber skin on my Fire TV box.

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - stroti - 2017-02-24


i have a similar issue with my installations.

Same behaviour as described below on every machine that runs Kodi 17.0 and amber (3.05 and 3.06)
No Problems on every machine with Kodi 16.1 and amber (3.05).
I tried a clean installation of 17.0 and an upgrade from 16.1. Same result...

No Config-Changes are made in Plex-Server.
Server (Plex is running on Synology DS514play (DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 9)

My installations:
1. FireTV-Box (all Updates)
2. FireTV-Stick (all Updates)
3. Win10-PC (all Updates)

The connection to the plex server is etablished and my Plex-Libraries are displayed in the skin (as in 16.1)
But nothing happens, if i want to open a library, No content (movies, TV-Shows, etc.) is displayed (but i can hear the click-sound).
If i switch from Plex-Mode to Kodi-Mode, i can browse and play the movies without any problems via "movies->video-addons-> PlexBMX"

So from my point of view not Win10-specific...
Any ideas?

Best regards.

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-24

OK, I've installed plex to try and fix this so I'll see what I can do (had to delete my plexbmc addon data for it to even connect though)

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-24

Are you able to try this branch as this works for me but would like more testing if possible.


RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - stroti - 2017-02-24

I tired it only in W10. No effect, issue still there.

Another hint: I enabled the "recently added"- view in the main menu (in 3.06 and in branch)
If i scroll (arrow up/down) to the library-entries, he recently added movies are displayed and can be started.
If i click (Mouse or Enter-Button) to go into the libraries, nothing happens....

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-24

(2017-02-24, 16:44)stroti Wrote: I tired it only in W10. No effect, issue still there.

Another hint: I enabled the "recently added"- view in the main menu (in 3.06 and in branch)
If i scroll (arrow up/down) to the library-entries, he recently added movies are displayed and can be started.
If i click (Mouse or Enter-Button) to go into the libraries, nothing happens....


Can you delete the addon_data for plexbmc and restart form here:


RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - stroti - 2017-02-24

I deleted the folder plugin.video.plexbmc.
Restart of the pc
Starting Kodi
(It swiched automatically to Kodi-Mode and i switched back to plex)
Same issue still there...

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - theuser86 - 2017-02-25

I uninstalled Kodi. Restarted my computer. Installed Kodi. Then installed the new Plexbmc add-on by Tgxcorporation which you have linked in the forums.

Then I installed the Amber skin from the official repo, and the issue persisted. So I then uninstalled the skin, and I downloaded the fix you posted today in this thread. And BAM, it works!

What was the issue?

Thanks for the fix! And the quick turnaround.

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - stroti - 2017-02-25

Thanks, W10 is working now!

- Uninstalling Kodi
- Removing folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Kodi
- Restarting Winsows
- Installing Kodi V17.0
- Installing latest PlexBMC (plugin.video.plexbmc-isengard-helper-merge) from here: https://github.com/Tgxcorporation/plugin.video.plexbmc
- InstallingAmber branch from here: https://github.com/joethepartylion/skin.amber/tree/Fixes1_v17

So i will try he FireStick next and report!

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-26

(2017-02-25, 04:41)theuser86 Wrote: I uninstalled Kodi. Restarted my computer. Installed Kodi. Then installed the new Plexbmc add-on by Tgxcorporation which you have linked in the forums.

Then I installed the Amber skin from the official repo, and the issue persisted. So I then uninstalled the skin, and I downloaded the fix you posted today in this thread. And BAM, it works!

What was the issue?

Thanks for the fix! And the quick turnaround.

There was a fault with some of the visibility conditions which used the Kodi IsUpdating boolean, this doesn't work with Plex so I had to put in a flag to skip this evaluation when in plex mode.

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - theuser86 - 2017-02-27

Interesting - will the fix you created but pulled into the official Amber skin?


RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - stroti - 2017-02-27


now i tried the same on my FireTV-Device an it is working!

After this, i recognized, that Kodi 17 and FireTV are not supporting DTS an therefore i had tot go back to 16.1.


Best regards!

RE: Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10 - joethepartylion - 2017-02-27

(2017-02-27, 02:59)theuser86 Wrote: Interesting - will the fix you created but pulled into the official Amber skin?


It has been accepted by jester and should be in 3.0.7 (probably in a couple of weeks)

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