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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon - Printable Version

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RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2017-12-09

I can't make auto ajustable to keep the same hight. Your 4:3 screen is stretching the hole screen. 
I have to add option for 4:3 screen but i have to modify the hole home screen and i don't have time now for that.

But you can modify your logo to add some space on top and on the bottom for what you want. Smile

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2017-12-12

what am i doing wrong i want sygic to open when i click on navigation but it dont work can you take a look were i went wrong


RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2017-12-12

Try with: StartAndroidActivity("com.sygic.aura")

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2017-12-14

thanks i now how to do it now

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2017-12-14

I added animated lyrics - Thanks to @manfeed  for help.
Download link: https://github.com/idorel77/skin.CarPc-Carbon/tree/with_lyrics
Info : For lyrics you have to install Cu LRC Lyrics addon from repository. Settings - add-ons - Install from repository - Lyrics - CU LRC  Lyrics.


RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - jdig4240 - 2017-12-16

Thanks for making this skin, looking good. 
I have an idea, since incorporating skin shortcuts is a pain, and IMO slows down the performance. To make it easier to select Custom actions could you add the option to select from Kodi favorites?? This way we could just browse the installed android apps or the installed Kodi addons in Kodi and add the ones we want to Kodi favorites, then have the option to choose a favorite as a custom action.  This way nobody has to try to figure out the manual command.
Just  a thought, thanks!

An example of a skin that has this option already would be Xonfluence.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2017-12-17

Hi , i don't use skin shortcut (script). What is IMO? 
Sorry but i will not change that . What is wrong with manual command? Its not like you have to change the button action every day.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - jdig4240 - 2017-12-18

(2017-12-17, 08:22)idorel77 Wrote: Hi , i don't use skin shortcut (script). What is IMO? 
Sorry but i will not change that . What is wrong with manual command? Its not like you have to change the button action every day.
 IMO (In my opinion)
I know you dont use skinshortcuts script. You dont need to use skinshortcuts script to incorporate adding a Kodi favorite as a custom action.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - htcguy - 2017-12-19

(2017-12-14, 18:25)idorel77 Wrote: I added animated lyrics - Thanks to @manfeed  for help.
Download link: https://github.com/idorel77/skin.CarPc-Carbon/tree/with_lyrics
Info : For lyrics you have to install Cu LRC Lyrics addon from repository. Settings - add-ons - Install from repository - Lyrics - CU LRC  Lyrics.


Thanks for implementing the suggestion
Looks great in the vid !!

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2017-12-24

how do you save albums ,i see you have albums on the recent tab ,how do save them in shortcuts ,because i can save regular addons like (radio) but cant save albums to shortcut like you have


RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2017-12-25

Hi, there is the last albums played.

Merry christmas!

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - ontap - 2018-01-04

I use favourites to add items to home screen it only takes minutes to copt the code from favourites.xml in userdata then paste it in "action box " ?

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - ontap - 2018-01-04

I have an issue please , using live tv (pvr) , in "channels mode" works fine , but when using guide mode , my main screen is dimmed ( darkened ) almost like kodi switches to screensaver mode when  "TV Guide" is selected ? Have checked power saving is disabled in Live TV settings. 
Also I cannot change "channel groups" from main screen in "channels mode" , i have to exit Live TV , go into settings-addons-live tv -group manager , then change the group there ?

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - ontap - 2018-01-05

Sorry I should have said , using this on android box not in car.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - ontap - 2018-01-05

pic1 is guide view. pi2 is channel view.

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