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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon - Printable Version

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RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - xBrunex - 2018-02-21

In includes is just this?

    <include name="DayNight">
        <control type="image">
            <animation effect="fade" time="300">Visible</animation>
            <animation effect="fade" time="200">Hidden</animation>

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2018-02-21

(2018-02-21, 15:31)xBrunex Wrote: In includes is just this?

    <include name="DayNight">
        <control type="image">
            <animation effect="fade" time="300">Visible</animation>
            <animation effect="fade" time="200">Hidden</animation>
 Yes . Is just a background transparent and show/hide ....
and in home is a togglebutton

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - xBrunex - 2018-02-21

Well yeah i see... Idorel i found a better way working very nice for me and all guys with this skin instaled on android device can do this way too:

Install app "Auto Brightness Switch" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abrody.brightness&hl=pt_PT)

And then go to the Includes.xml and edit this:
Quote:<include name="DayNight">
        <control type="image">
            <animation effect="fade" time="300">Visible</animation>
            <animation effect="fade" time="200">Hidden</animation>

to this:

Quote:    <include name="DayNight">
        <control type="button">

I like this app too "Best Display Brightness Level" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.top10labs.AutoBright)
And for this app u just need modify

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - rvas18 - 2018-02-23

(2018-02-18, 09:20)idorel77 Wrote:
(2018-02-17, 08:59)rvas18 Wrote:
(2018-02-17, 08:30)idorel77 Wrote:  What image , can you give me more detail?  
The thumbnail and list viewtypes. I am using this on a phone and I cannot actually see what any of the thumbnails are....  
Than you can try on this files:  ViewsThumbnail.xml , ViewsList.xml , ViewsWide.xml . 
So looking at ViewsThumbnail.xml is there an easy way to specify it to be bigger? By default I have 7 columns and 3 rows. Hoping to go maybe 3x2 or 4x2.

Do I need to mess with MyVideoNav.xml any? I see that the panel width is pulled from there....

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2018-02-23

You can make the backup before and than play with that values.

If you modify a list, will be modify everywhere it use that list.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - xBrunex - 2018-02-24

Idorel where can i edit volume + / - buttons ?

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2018-02-24

(2018-02-24, 05:06)xBrunex Wrote: Idorel where can i edit volume + / - buttons ?
 <include name="VolumeBottom">

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - xBrunex - 2018-02-25

Thanks man  Wink

Do you know the best command to control the volume of the tablet/smartphone instead of the kodi volume ?

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - idorel77 - 2018-02-25

In my opinion the best way is to add a rotary encoder as volume control.


RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - xBrunex - 2018-02-25

Thats not bad choise bro  Blush

And about just software ? I can't figure out one app just for up volume and other app just for down volume lol.

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - zZarZiLLoSs - 2018-02-28

Good evening first I wanted to thank for such good support that is given in this thread .. and forgive my English as it is an automatic google translation.
I am starting and making my little progress little by little.
I want to set up a multimedia system in my car, an Audi A4 B8, I have the basic system, without navigation or anything else, but I made a modification and I built a good music team.
I would like to get a gps map browser and a good audio player to have all the music stored in a ssd of 1 tera.
Cambio equipo Audio ... Audio equipment change

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2018-03-11

heres my set up in my jaguar


RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - Karellen - 2018-03-11


The video is blocked

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2018-03-12

ill post it back up once i remove music

RE: [MOD] CarPC-Carbon - 1milenia - 2018-03-12

fixed it  no music


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