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v18 increase epg grid number to 10 rows - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: v18 increase epg grid number to 10 rows (/showthread.php?tid=337480)

increase epg grid number to 10 rows - the_other_guy - 2018-11-14

this mod is not that neat as the text at the top gets moved up
<control type="group">
    <description>Guide Timeline</description>
    <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Control.IsVisible(51) | Control.IsVisible(52) | Control.IsVisible(53)</visible>
    <control type="group">

change to

RE: increase epg grid number to 10 rows - the_other_guy - 2018-11-14

had some time to look at it you can move info and image down
lines are below <include content="EpgGrid">

<!---image -->   <control type="image">
      <aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<!---fadetime--> <fadetime>400</fadetime>
<!---group--> <control type="group">
<!---Text-->  <control type="label">
<!---aligny--> <aligny>center</aligny>
<!---font--> <font>font37A</font>
<!---label--> <label>$INFO[ListItem.EpgEventTitle]</label>
<!---Text-->  <control type="label">
<!---font--> <font>font12</font>
<!---label--> <label>[COLOR button_focus]$INFO[ListItem.StartTime,[COLOR grey]$LOCALIZE[555]:[/COLOR] ][/COLOR]$INFO[ListItem.EndTime,[COLOR button_focus] - ,[/COLOR]]</label>
<!---Text-->  <control type="label">
<!---font--> <font>font12</font>
<!---label--> <label>[COLOR grey]$VAR[SeasonEpisodeLabel][/COLOR]$INFO[ListItem.EpisodeName,[COLOR white],[/COLOR]]</label>
<!---Text-->  <control type="label">
<!---label--> <label>$INFO[ListItem.Genre,[COLOR red]$LOCALIZE[515]:[/COLOR] ]</label>

edit includespvr.xml
<include name="EpgGrid">


RE: increase epg grid number to 10 rows - manc01 - 2018-11-15

Where do we find this file & can you please give instructions on how to add the code or what to replace?