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Beta Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - Printable Version

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RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - edjalmo - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 05:22)treboR2Robert Wrote: @bsoriano @edjalmo

Maybe could look OK if everything was sized and aligned correctly and the shadow was a lot more subtle (like the original)

That was something i noticed while messing around actually , that the media flags are not centred.

Maybe adding that extra separator line would be good for centering the thumb, banner and media flags ?

Im tired, it probably looks rubbish lol.

going to bed now, looking forward to seeing tomorrows mods Big Grin
I personally I did not like it very much. The video info of this skin was not made thinking in thumbnail style, that's why is difficult to us think in something. That's why I suggest add an option to select between poster an thumbnail.
I liked it you first suggestion view, but it changes the design.
I think the only sollution is draw something for the background, because only repositioning the thumbnail, banner will not be good.
But this is my personal opinion.

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - Croneter - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:01)treboR2Robert Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 09:07)Croneter Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 03:01)treboR2Robert Wrote: I have just noticed that I cannot set my own rating for stuff.

Limitation because of PKC you think ?

You cannot set anything with PKC - you need to do that on your Plex Media Server :-)

AHH ok, so the rating I set with estuary will only show up on Kodi locally and nothing else ?

Seems funny that estuary lets me set a rating though and amber doesn't.

What about watched status ? That will carry over to other Plex clients won't it ?


Do everything on the Plex side, it will be synched over to Kodi. Watched status are the exception and go both ways

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:04)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 03:10)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo , in my NFO files the ratings are exactly as per Kodi standards.  For example:

        <rating name="imdb" max="10" default="true">
        <rating name="metacritic" max="10">
        <rating name="tomatometerallcritics" max="10">
        <rating name="tomatometerallaudience" max="10">

That is what I have for Captain Marvel.


How can I check this here for see if I'm getting them? 
@edjalmo , if you do not use NFO files, one way I can think of is looking in your Kodi video db (Myvideosxxx.db, in the userdata\database folder).  You would need a program like SQLite DB Browser to actually be able to view the data inside your db.  Another possibility, you can PM me with a link to your db (put it in OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive or some other file sharing site or cloud drive) and I can take a look for you.



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 13:59)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 03:13)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo , no, when the icon is bigger it will not push the rest of the ratings.  I don't know how to do it in a responsive way in a skin, but that just might be lack of design knowledge on my part.
I did a little research in Skinning Manual and found this
Quote:6.1.2 Auto size labels
Wrapping your label in a grouplist with the auto width and appropriate minium and maximum values. Allows the labels width to dynamically change relevalant to how long the label text is. This allows a image or other control to be alligned to the right of the actual label text no matter how wide the label is.
<width min="29" max="200">auto</width>
This is an example of image positioning
Quote:6.4.1 Example
<control type="image" id="1">
     <description>My first image control</description>
     <texture border="5" flipy="true" flipx="false">mytexture.png</texture>
     <bordertexture border="5">mybordertexture.png</bordertexture>
The command you use to creat this space is <itemgap>8</itemgap>, right?
So, if you put <itemgap>0</itemgap> and change one of this other parameters (left, top, width, height... I don't know which) in auto will not solve this? 
@edjalmo, thanks for your feedback.  As far as I know, the only attribute you can set to "auto" is the width of a label control.  I can certainly reduce the item gap and see how it looks.



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:01)treboR2Robert Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 09:07)Croneter Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 03:01)treboR2Robert Wrote: I have just noticed that I cannot set my own rating for stuff.

Limitation because of PKC you think ?

You cannot set anything with PKC - you need to do that on your Plex Media Server :-) 

AHH ok, so the rating I set with estuary will only show up on Kodi locally and nothing else ?

Seems funny that estuary lets me set a rating though and amber doesn't.

What about watched status ? That will carry over to other Plex clients won't it ?

@treboR2Robert, I don't know why you would not be able to set the rating in Amber and be able to in Estuary; I will look into this.



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:13)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 05:22)treboR2Robert Wrote: @bsoriano @edjalmo

Maybe could look OK if everything was sized and aligned correctly and the shadow was a lot more subtle (like the original)

That was something i noticed while messing around actually , that the media flags are not centred.

Maybe adding that extra separator line would be good for centering the thumb, banner and media flags ?

Im tired, it probably looks rubbish lol.

going to bed now, looking forward to seeing tomorrows mods Big Grin
I personally I did not like it very much. The video info of this skin was not made thinking in thumbnail style, that's why is difficult to us think in something. That's why I suggest add an option to select between poster an thumbnail.
I liked it you first suggestion view, but it changes the design.
I think the only sollution is draw something for the background, because only repositioning the thumbnail, banner will not be good.
But this is my personal opinion.
@treboR2Robert , @edjalmo, thank you both for providing your ideas and suggestions to improve the info dialog for episodes.  I know it might not be what you expected, but I am just going to provide an option to show the thumbnail, centered on the left, or to show the season poster if available (or the tv show poster if not).  Feel free to mod the skin if you'd like!

I want to merge this version with the current Amber soon, so my focus now will be to complete the following (apart from what I mentioned above):

- Sort out the Votes when that info is not in the db
- Sort out the set my ratings issue
- Include some more certification flags for other countries
- Complete the "taller" List View and options

After that, I will merge the 3.2 version with the current one and upload to the Amber repo, and submit the new version to the Kodi repo.  Once that is done, I will close this thread and move back to the main thread for Amber for Leia.

I really appreciate your time and patience! Please keep providing your feedback and keep testing!



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - edjalmo - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:48)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo , if you do not use NFO files, one way I can think of is looking in your Kodi video db (Myvideosxxx.db, in the userdata\database folder).  You would need a program like SQLite DB Browser to actually be able to view the data inside your db.  Another possibility, you can PM me with a link to your db (put it in OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive or some other file sharing site or cloud drive) and I can take a look for you.


I check and I'm not geting them.
I asked in Universal Movie Scraper thread to know if I can get them.

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 15:38)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 14:48)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo , if you do not use NFO files, one way I can think of is looking in your Kodi video db (Myvideosxxx.db, in the userdata\database folder).  You would need a program like SQLite DB Browser to actually be able to view the data inside your db.  Another possibility, you can PM me with a link to your db (put it in OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive or some other file sharing site or cloud drive) and I can take a look for you.


I check and I'm not geting them.
ImageI asked in Universal Movie Scraper thread to know if I can get them. 
@edjalmo, thanks for confirming that it is not a skin issue.



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - Croneter - 2019-06-14

PlexKodiConnect now has a limit to the number of items to show in widgets (standard is 30). This should speed things up greatly. But looking at the Aura skin and how fast it loaded everything previously anyway, there seems to be a way to not rely on a mechanism like that  Huh

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - bsoriano - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 20:53)Croneter Wrote: @bsoriano
PlexKodiConnect now has a limit to the number of items to show in widgets (standard is 30). This should speed things up greatly. But looking at the Aura skin and how fast it loaded everything previously anyway, there seems to be a way to not rely on a mechanism like that  Huh
@Croneter, thanks for the info! I will look at the Aura code to see how the widgets are managed.  I do know that I am not using all of the features of skinshortcuts (used to build/customize the menu and widgets), and that my code might be slower overall (I am not an expert by any means).



RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - timmins - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 15:02)bsoriano Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 14:13)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-14, 05:22)treboR2Robert Wrote: @bsoriano @edjalmo

Maybe could look OK if everything was sized and aligned correctly and the shadow was a lot more subtle (like the original)

That was something i noticed while messing around actually , that the media flags are not centred.

Maybe adding that extra separator line would be good for centering the thumb, banner and media flags ?

Im tired, it probably looks rubbish lol.

going to bed now, looking forward to seeing tomorrows mods Big Grin
I personally I did not like it very much. The video info of this skin was not made thinking in thumbnail style, that's why is difficult to us think in something. That's why I suggest add an option to select between poster an thumbnail.
I liked it you first suggestion view, but it changes the design.
I think the only sollution is draw something for the background, because only repositioning the thumbnail, banner will not be good.
But this is my personal opinion.
@treboR2Robert , @edjalmo, thank you both for providing your ideas and suggestions to improve the info dialog for episodes.  I know it might not be what you expected, but I am just going to provide an option to show the thumbnail, centered on the left, or to show the season poster if available (or the tv show poster if not).  Feel free to mod the skin if you'd like!

I want to merge this version with the current Amber soon, so my focus now will be to complete the following (apart from what I mentioned above):

- Sort out the Votes when that info is not in the db
- Sort out the set my ratings issue
- Include some more certification flags for other countries
- Complete the "taller" List View and options

After that, I will merge the 3.2 version with the current one and upload to the Amber repo, and submit the new version to the Kodi repo.  Once that is done, I will close this thread and move back to the main thread for Amber for Leia.

I really appreciate your time and patience! Please keep providing your feedback and keep testing!


Yes its looking good, just one thing, the refresh between menu options needs to be increased. Sometime it takes 10 to 15 seconds to renew. This is on my shield box.

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - edjalmo - 2019-06-14

(2019-06-14, 14:51)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo, thanks for your feedback.  As far as I know, the only attribute you can set to "auto" is the width of a label control.  I can certainly reduce the item gap and see how it looks.
If gap don't work you could change the position for the end of right side. This way will not have this error due diferentes certifications sizes. Look:
In this image I also increased a little little bit of the rating size to better match with the other ratings sizes (IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, TMDB...). I wish I could say to you this exactly size, but I don't know how, sorry.
Anyway thanks for everything Smile

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - treboR2Robert - 2019-06-15

(2019-06-14, 14:13)edjalmo Wrote: Hi!
I personally I did not like it very much. The video info of this skin was not made thinking in thumbnail style, that's why is difficult to us think in something. That's why I suggest add an option to select between poster an thumbnail.
I liked it you first suggestion view, but it changes the design.
I think the only sollution is draw something for the background, because only repositioning the thumbnail, banner will not be good.
But this is my personal opinion.
Yes I agree it looked a bit congested maybe.
It is annoying yes, as you say the skin was not designed with a episode thumb in mind, and probably the only way to make it look right is to redesign the whole page.
I will have a go at this myself at some point when I have learnt some more about skinning.

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - treboR2Robert - 2019-06-15

(2019-06-14, 14:13)Croneter Wrote: Do everything on the Plex side, it will be synched over to Kodi. Watched status are the exception and go both ways 

Ok thank you

RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - treboR2Robert - 2019-06-15

(2019-06-14, 15:02)bsoriano Wrote: @treboR2Robert , @edjalmo, thank you both for providing your ideas and suggestions to improve the info dialog for episodes.  I know it might not be what you expected, but I am just going to provide an option to show the thumbnail, centered on the left, or to show the season poster if available (or the tv show poster if not).  Feel free to mod the skin if you'd like!

I want to merge this version with the current Amber soon, so my focus now will be to complete the following (apart from what I mentioned above):

- Sort out the Votes when that info is not in the db
- Sort out the set my ratings issue
- Include some more certification flags for other countries
- Complete the "taller" List View and options

After that, I will merge the 3.2 version with the current one and upload to the Amber repo, and submit the new version to the Kodi repo.  Once that is done, I will close this thread and move back to the main thread for Amber for Leia.

I really appreciate your time and patience! Please keep providing your feedback and keep testing!



No worries Bart, I agree concentrate on getting it on the kodi repository, it may even make things faster once the images are put into the textures.xbt.

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