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Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - Printable Version

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Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

I just began working with Kodi (default skin Estuary) on Odroid N2 CoreELEC on Feb 15, and on Macbook Pro 2011 High Sierra 10.13.6 about a week before that. 
I did not install Kodi on N2; it came preinstalled on mini SD with Odroid N2 CoreELEC.

On N2 > Videos page, an icon for Videos and another for TV Shows appear under Media Sources below Categories items.
Icons for my 2 external hard drives appear under Media Sources as soon as they're plugged into the N2, without being selected and defined as media sources.
This behavior does not seem normal because Videos, TV Shows, and my 2 external HDs are not my defined Media Sources.

Movies and TV Shows icons appear on left under Categories above Media Sources, where they function logically.
Clicking on either of those opens a screen list of same Categories items that appear across the top of the Home Screens for Movies and TV Shows when selected from the Main Menu.
Videos and TV Shows icons under Media Sources, however, do not behave logically.
Videos icon opens to a file list for Movies folder on only one of my hard drives, not a complete list for Movies from folders on both drives, even though Movies folders on both drives have both been defined as Media Sources and are both visible as icons on the Home Screen of Videos under Media Sources.
TV Shows icon opens to list view of all my TV Shows from both TV folders on both my drives.

How can I remove these 4 icons (links) from beneath Media Sources on Home Screen of Videos where they do not belong?

I have similar issue with Kodi on Mac with a Video Playlists icon appearing under Media Sources below Categories items before I've defined any folders as media sources.

How can I remove this Video Playlists icon? 
It seems it should be under Categories above Media Sources along with Playlists or not visible at all, because I see no difference between Playlists and Video Playlists. Both icons open to a folder with back button (..), and selections for Party mode playlist and New smart playlist...

I have experienced a lot of inconsistent behavior of Home Screen for Videos of Kodi on N2.
That has caused a lot of difficulty for me learning the program as it has made it very hard to intuitively understand the rationale of how the program operates. 
For several weeks I've felt like I've been lost in a labyrinth.
The Video Home Screen on N2 did/does not match that on Mac, which has been totally confusing. Nor does it match the Video Home Screen on Windows, apparently from my discussion with a CoreELEC forum member. It would be extremely helpful if Kodi GUI was the same regardless of the OS on which it was installed.

It wasn't until I added and deleted sources about a dozen times that I started to understand what was happening was abnormal.

I have a Movies folder and a TV folder on each of my 2 external hard drives.
The TV folders have 2 folders inside - one with TV shows with multiple seasons, and another with TV miniseries that are essentially one season shows. All video files are in folders.
Kodi on Mac had no problem adding both TV folders with that setup, but I could not do so on N2.
TV shows were missing or whole subfolders would not add, and a folder source icon was missing from Videos Home Screen and a different folder source was missing from Files list. 
This seems illogical, because I have subfolders within Movie folders in which I group movies by a director's name, or actor's name, and Kodi on N2 and on Mac added all of those without any problem.
On N2, when I clicked Videos and TV Shows icons that illogically are under Media Sources, they opened to folder with back button (..), but when I clicked back button, that screen opened to another folder with back button and list of strange folders that appeared to be for core files of Kodi app, e.g. backup, lost+found, music, pictures, screenshots, tv shows, videos, etc.
Now, Videos and TV Shows icons open to something completely different than that.

I removed TV folder media sources, cleaned library, restarted Kodi, and removed TV shows from subfolder within TV folder on my hard drive, and removed TV miniseries from subfolder within TV folder on my hard drive.
Now, all 4 media sources from both hard drives appear as icons under Media Sources on Home Screen of Videos, and all 4 media sources appear in Files list along with my hard drives.
But I still have the illogical Videos and TV Shows icons listed under Media Sources, as well as icons for both my hard drives which are not defined as media sources. Only the Movies and TV folders on the hard drives are defined as media sources.

How can I remove these 4 icon links from Home Screen of Videos?
What is causing this issue?
What did I do (if anything) that caused the issue in whole or in part?
(I couldn't have had anything to do with Videos and TV Shows icons under Media Sources on N2 or Videos Playlists icon under Media Sources on Mac, as those appeared before I every added any sources and remain after I delete all my sources.)

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - Karellen - 2020-02-29


A screenshot might make it easier...

If the image is on your computer, use button 19.
If the image has already been uploaded to a public image hosting site, right click the image and select Copy image location then use button 14 and paste the link

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

Home Screen - Videos - Kodi on Mac - Abnormal Videos Playlists icon in Media Sources
In same place on Odroid N2 CoreELEC, there are abnormal Videos and TV Shows icons in Media Sources


RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

In same place on Odroid N2 CoreELEC, there are also abnormal icons for my external hard drives 1.VIDEO and 2.VIDEO in Media Sources.


RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

Here's screenshot of abnormal Videos and TV Shows icons in Media Sources on Odroid N2 CoreELEC.
had't noticed last one on right that looks like Recovery.
After removing media sources, restarting Kodi on N2 CoreELEC, and re-adding media sources, Recovery icon disappeared, and icons for all 4 media sources displayed normally.
Not sure, but a lot of this may have occurred after importing a library.xml file exported from Kodi on Mac.
Could that .xml file have contributed in any way to the abnormalities other than appearance of abnormal icons in Media Sources on Videos Home Screen?
The abnormal icons Videos and TV Shows have always appeared from very first boot of Kodi on N2,
and abnormal Videos Playlists has always appeared since first opening Kodi app on Mac.


RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

When I attach my Mac backup hard drive, then icon for it shows up under Media Sources - Video Home Screen - Kodi on Mac.
There's 2 HD partitions so icons for both of those show up - 1.MacBP.13 and 1.MacDOCS
Partition 1.MacBP.13 is backup for Mac OS 10.13.6, so there's also an iicon for the Recovery_HD from the OS as partially seen in screenshot above (Recov - ery_HD isn't visible in screenshot).

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

Music sources are on the 1.MacDOCS partiton.

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - DaVu - 2020-02-29

For the Video Playlists icon, IIRC that´s created by Kodi core

External harddrives for (I guess) any *ELEC version out there, are mounted by attaching that drive to the *ELEC device and is kind of activated as a source to be able to browse that external drive. So, that´s done on purpose. Same counts for external drives attached on your Mac, Linux or Windows machine

Every *ELEC distro (may it be CoreELEC, LibreELEC or WhateverELEC) has a default "Movie" and "TV Shown" folder which are added as sources after installation. This makes it easier for users who want to have specific files/movies/Tv-shows locally on that machine and don´t want to create additional folders. Beside the fact that you can´t create folders on those ELEC distros where you want. As those distros are "read-only" OSs. Those folders also also shared via SMB by default. So they can be reached from any machine in your network. If you don´t need them, remove them.

I agree, that this looks inconsistent. But that´s simply the difference between embedded systems (what every ELEC version is about) and "normal" OSs where you also have other software installed beside Kodi.

So it´s nothing "abnormal". It´s just "different". You can remove those default "Movies" and "TV-Show" sources easily by emtering the "Video" section, open the context menu on those items and select "remove source". Then it should look pretty similar as on any other OS.

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

That had occurred to me, that the connected HD icons were unique to CoreELEC because it's not a 'normal' OS as you say, like Mac or Windows.
It would be less confusing if Kodi created a Connected Drives category (or something like that) when installed on embedded systems, so drives don't display in Media Sources category.

The default sources (icons in Media Sources on Video Home Screen) are Videos (not Movies) and TV Shows. 
When I right click on them, there is no context menu for removing them.

I don't understand what you mean by "This makes it easier for users who want to have specific files/movies/Tv-shows locally on that machine. Those folders also also shared via SMB by default. So they can be reached from any machine in your network."

See original post quoted below. Movies and TV Shows icons in CATEGORIES above Media Sources are useful. Video and TV Shows icons in Media Sources not so, redundant at best, incomplete/broken at worst. See below -
 "Movies and TV Shows icons appear on left under Categories above Media Sources, where they function logically.
Clicking on either of those opens a screen list of same Categories items that appear across the top of the Home Screens for Movies and TV Shows when selected from the Main Menu.
Videos and TV Shows icons under Media Sources, however, do not behave logically.
Videos icon opens to a file list for Movies folder on only one of my hard drives, not a complete list for Movies from folders on both drives, even though Movies folders on both drives have both been defined as Media Sources and are both visible as icons on the Home Screen of Videos under Media Sources.
TV Shows icon opens to list view of all my TV Shows from both TV folders on both my drives."

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - DaVu - 2020-02-29

In Kodi under "Videos" every source you add will be listed there. As you can see like this for my Kodi installation on Fedora:


The icon is just different, because it's a network share and not a local folder on my hard drive. If it would be a local folder on my HDD and if I would have named it "Movies" instead of "movies" (see uppercase "M" to lowercase "m"), it would look 100% identical to what you are seeing.

So, just to clarify....

LibreELEC for example has a Kodi userdata folder which path is: /storage/.kodi. That's most likely the case for every ELEC installation. The path /storage/ is a single partition on your medium (may it be a SD card, SSD or HDD which you are using). This partition contains the following folders (for example):

- .kodi
- Movies
- TV-SHows

The 2 folder "Movies" and TV-Shows are:

- automatically shared via SMB. So you can reach them directly from any other machine on your network
- automatically added as sources inside Kodi

Let's imagine you connect to that share and you put some movies into that network share, you simply have to hit "Update library" and Kodi does the rest. That would mean, that you have your movies stored locally on your device you are also running *ELEC on. That will become difficult if you have about 1000 movies and probably even more episodes on different tv-shows. Hence some of us are using network shares (on a NAS for example). So far for the explanation how it makes things probably easier for some of our users.
(2020-02-29, 17:20)ds_tx Wrote: When I right click on them, there is no context menu for removing them

Enter the video section first:

Don't do that of those entries have been added by you.

Step 1:

Step 3:

Step 4:
(2020-02-29, 17:20)ds_tx Wrote: Movies and TV Shows icons appear on left under Categories above Media Sources, where they function logically.
Clicking on either of those opens a screen list of same Categories items that appear across the top of the Home Screens for Movies and TV Shows when selected from the Main Menu.
Videos and TV Shows icons under Media Sources, however, do not behave logically.
Videos icon opens to a file list for Movies folder on only one of my hard drives, not a complete list for Movies from folders on both drives, even though Movies folders on both drives have both been defined as Media Sources and are both visible as icons on the Home Screen of Videos under Media Sources.

Tbh I cannot reproduce that. If I hit on one of my sources I see all the movies which are shared.  Please share your sources.xml

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - DaVu - 2020-02-29

(2020-02-29, 17:20)ds_tx Wrote: Videos icon opens to a file list for Movies folder on only one of my hard drives, not a complete list for Movies from folders on both drives

Have you added a source for each HDD you are using or have you added a single source containing multiple HDDs by using the "add" button while adding source locations?

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

I have NOT added single source for each HDD, nor a single source for multiple HDDs.
I've added 2 folders from ea of 2 drives, and 4 music folders from 1.MacDOCs drive partition (backup of my MacDOCs external drive for docs).

On Videos Home Screen, I click on Files at Categories at top of page, and as you say, I find the mystery icons listed as sources, so I remove them - Videos and TV Shows on CoreELEC, and Video Playlists on Mac.
I clean library, navigate back to Video Home Screen and icons are still there even though supposed sources have been removed from files and library cleaned.

RE: Issues with Media Sources and Files List on CoreELEC - ds_tx - 2020-02-29

Restarted Kodi, quit and reopened on Mac and the icons are gone.

HD icons in Media Sources on CoreELEC are useful for 'Remove Safely' command.
Is it necessary to safely remove HDs connected to N2 before shutting it down?
or is that a CoreELEC question?
I don't want to corrupt media source files on my HDDs.