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[RELEASE] Launcher - application launcher plugin for Linux, Mac, Windows, and Xbox - Printable Version

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- kricker - 2009-01-10

fidoboy Wrote:First all, i didn't say that this plugin is garbage, where did i say this?? Second, my english is a bit limited, so sometimes i sound rude because i write very straigh phrases. And about the directx trouble i've reported it here some posts ago (just use the search function before talking). So, i'm sorry, but, for the moment this plugin is useless in windows, may be it works on xbox or linux, but it doesn't work on windows, that's all... it's not something subjetive, it's the current situation. I hope that it can be solved soon, but i was only answering to a user that can't use it on windows.

kind regards Wink
Ok, so your English is a bit rough. Still you say the plugin in "useless", and it isn't. I use it in windows to launch firefox in fullscreen mode, switch to SageTV, and a few other apps. So no it isn't useless. Maybe for you trying to switch to a game it doesn't work, but that hardly makes the plugin useless. You are just having an issue with it.

At one time there was a way to allow XBMC to minimize when launcher launched another application. Since it's been working fine for me I've lost track if this is still possible. You may want to look into that and ask nicely for some help. Most devs here are quite nice if approached properly about an issue. I understand you may have made some posts already (I haven't looked for them). If the devs haven't responded maybe they haven't seen it, or they are just too bust at the moment dealing with what they feel are more important issues. I do know the external player launcher patch has been added to SVN, and most players people are using are DirectX based. If someone can get a Directshow based player working fine with XBMC, then a DirectX game should work as well.

- fidoboy - 2009-01-10

kricker Wrote:Ok, so your English is a bit rough. Still you say the plugin in "useless", and it isn't. I use it in windows to launch firefox in fullscreen mode, switch to SageTV, and a few other apps. So no it isn't useless. Maybe for you trying to switch to a game it doesn't work, but that hardly makes the plugin useless. You are just having an issue with it.

At one time there was a way to allow XBMC to minimize when launcher launched another application. Since it's been working fine for me I've lost track if this is still possible. You may want to look into that and ask nicely for some help. Most devs here are quite nice if approached properly about an issue. I understand you may have made some posts already (I haven't looked for them). If the devs haven't responded maybe they haven't seen it, or they are just too bust at the moment dealing with what they feel are more important issues. I do know the external player launcher patch has been added to SVN, and most players people are using are DirectX based. If someone can get a Directshow based player working fine with XBMC, then a DirectX game should work as well.

Kriker Thanks, but I have not said anything about the programmers and I have no complaints about care. I simply was responding to a question from another user, the plugin (for now) is limited in its use with Windows, that's all and I assume so. I hope that it can be fixed soon; i'm not sure about if it's a problem on XBMC code or this plugin...

regards, and sorry again if i sound rough Smile

- kricker - 2009-01-10

fidoboy Wrote:Kriker Thanks, but I have not said anything about the programmers and I have no complaints about care. I simply was responding to a question from another user, the plugin (for now) is limited in its use with Windows, that's all and I assume so. I hope that it can be fixed soon; i'm not sure about if it's a problem on XBMC code or this plugin...

regards, and sorry again if i sound rough Smile
Limited is a much better way to say instead of "useless" Wink Give it time, I'm sure it will be addressed. I myself may look into it. I just need a DirectX game to launch on my HTPC and see for myself. SageTV uses Directx and it works fine, so I find this issue interesting.

- wildonrio - 2009-01-11

MasterGHP Wrote:Hey, sorry if this has already been covered. Just trying to contribute here.

I'm running XBMC on Vista (working on replacing my Xbox 1 with it) and couldn't get the launcher program to run to save my life.

Ultimately, I used 1.01 and started XBMC as administrator (Right Click - Run as Administrator).

Solved my problems. Thanks. Great way to run PC games, so it'd be like an Xbox that plays games, but not Xbox games, though I'm actually working on writing a ton of macros to self install and uninstall games and and a few master control scripts for all that. The only thing missing is all the games and scripts.

I won't advertise here. I'll just say that before my house fire, I had one working. It's been a few years and I have to start over, and Vista is proving more onerous to automate. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in the project (so I know there's an audience) or helping out, PM me.

And again, I hope my note about how to make it work in Vista helped someone.


Just wanted to say that I couldn't get my Launcher to work for the life of me and THIS turned out to be the fix. I thought I was taking crazy pills! Letting you know that you did help someone Smile

As an additional note, I ran XBMC in administrator mode just one time and then turned it off, and now Launcher permanently works.

- wildonrio - 2009-01-12

Thank you leo for this plugin! I have a couple questions. I am almost positive that these questions has been answered already in this 23 page thread thread but I hope you'll have mercy on me, it's a little hard to read through all of this:

1. As far as running any emulator using Launcher while XBMC is in full screen, it doesn't work as many have already noticed. Is there any way to make XBMC minimize itself first to run the emulator, and then once you exit the emulator, have XBMC go back to full screen? Or as a last resort, have XBMC exit before playing the game and possibly restart after?
2. All the ROMs are in lower case letters instead of title caps. Not a big deal, just wondering if there was a simple solution.
3. If music is playing in XBMC, it keeps playing while the emulator runs. Can the music be stopped each time an emulator is launched?

By the way, I'm on Windows Vista running Launcher 1.02. And once again, sorry for asking a question that might have already been answered. A link to the post that already answers this question would be fine. Thanks!

- smtdd - 2009-01-13


I successfully created an emulator launcher .

I successfully imported a game ROM .

But, the game can not be directly run. (click the ROM,can not automatically run the game ROM).

Just only opened the EMULSTOR procedures(Gens32 Surreal.exe).

Do not support the space character FILENAME


How do I setting, import?

Need the right way, thank you.

I come from China. English is not good. Sorry.

- Zelgadis - 2009-01-13

leo2 Wrote:1. I'll create a file launcher.
2. Set the application to be "C:\MAME\MAME.EXE"
3. Set the application arguments to be "-joy"
4. Set the file path to be "C:\MAME\ROMS"
5. Set the extension to be "zip"
6. Set the title to be "MAME"

it work it work on the xbox, finally i can luanch zsnesx directly ty

you have to use mc360 to see the message for these keyboard.
if you're using aeon you only see the keyboard alone. now hope i
can figure out how to add thumb myself. the yahoo button dont
seem to find anytinng

- smtdd - 2009-01-14


hope this help you:

2008-10-14, 00:19 #68

Got my thumbnails to load up automatically, but it's an ugly hack. I changed this code on line #434 of launcher_plugin.py

romdata["thumb"] = ""
to this

romdata["thumb"] = 'E:\\Emulators\\zsnexbox\\artwork\\Shots 1\\' + romname + '.png'

Which because I have thumbnails for all of my ROMs, I basically hardcoded the path to those images once in this part of the script so I wouldn't have to write it 500 times by hand in Launchers.xml

It would be better if it would just grab the path that we've assigned from settings.xml and only write the path if the image exist in that location. That's probably the way you have it setup already, but I was getting blank thumbnails.

- Roncore - 2009-01-14

Does anybody have a list of the switches used with the popular emulators? I've searched around via google and not found a wealth of information like I had expected. By this I mean application arguments (-joy, -f, etc)

Thanks in advance!

PS. I'm sure you guys are aware of this site, but for artwork http://www.thecoverproject.net/

Launcher issue? - Roncore - 2009-01-19

I know a few people in the launcher thread stated they had gotten Project64 and Mame running, but nobody ever really told how. These are the only two emulators I am having issues with. Does anybody have the details? Also, what application arguments are you using?

- dbldown768 - 2009-01-20

the launcher worked the very fist time, however, not no matter if i remove all the files and try again, it does not appear to work. I have attached my xbox.log file. I will assure you the files the log shows having errors loading due in fact exist.


There is no data in my %appdata%\xbmc\userdata\plugin_data

- leo2 - 2009-01-20

dbldown768 Wrote:the launcher worked the very fist time, however, not no matter if i remove all the files and try again, it does not appear to work. I have attached my xbox.log file. I will assure you the files the log shows having errors loading due in fact exist.


There is no data in my %appdata%\xbmc\userdata\plugin_data

It seems that you don't have the Programs plugin folder.
should be in: c:\Program Files\XBMC\plugins\Programs

- dbldown768 - 2009-01-21

no I do. I had a problem with the plugin, so i removed the Launcher from that folder and from the plugin_data from %appdata% folder. I wanted to just try and reinstall the plugin and start from scratch. I will post more later tonight after work.

- Roncore - 2009-01-21

Nobody has Project 64 working in their launcher?

Fixed PJ64 problem - digitalhigh - 2009-01-22

Hey guys...maybe this has been posted already, but I don't think so.

The new beta version of PJ64 has that little "" bug fixed. Launching now works flawlessly for me. Version # is If you need to know where to get it, PM me, and I can prolly point you in the right direction.

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