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[RELEASE] Launcher - application launcher plugin for Linux, Mac, Windows, and Xbox - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: [RELEASE] Launcher - application launcher plugin for Linux, Mac, Windows, and Xbox (/showthread.php?tid=35739)

- dark0n3 - 2010-07-21

Any plans on making this into a addon so it will work on the new versions of xbmc ?

- Zerqent - 2010-07-22

dark0n3 Wrote:Any plans on making this into a addon so it will work on the new versions of xbmc ?

This one works, although a bit buggy.

Was hoping the official author might come back and update this addon, but seems like he hasn't posted in the forums for the last four months so might be a bit much to hope for :/

- steve1977 - 2010-07-23

Zerqent Wrote:This one works, although a bit buggy.

Was hoping the official author might come back and update this addon, but seems like he hasn't posted in the forums for the last four months so might be a bit much to hope for :/

Thanks, this is great. Any chance to get it added to the repo? This would allow auto-update in case someone will do so.

- DannyDroid - 2010-07-24

I think this project should be moved to google code.

It would be all in one place and bugfixes could be submitted easier.

I don't think we need a fork. - wipmonkey - 2010-07-24

DannyDroid Wrote:I think this project should be moved to google code.

It would be all in one place and bugfixes could be submitted easier.

The author still has a google code page and you can submit patches.


While he doesn't seem to be actively developing any more he does respond to issues and asks for patches. Maybe Zerqent can submit some patched or ask to be added as a developer if he has the time and talent to work on this.

- steve1977 - 2010-07-25

wipmonkey Wrote:The author still has a google code page and you can submit patches.


While he doesn't seem to be actively developing any more he does respond to issues and asks for patches. Maybe Zerqent can submit some patched or ask to be added as a developer if he has the time and talent to work on this.

That would be cool, Zerqent!!! This is one of the top-3 threads in this forum and the launcher plugin definitely among the most used ones. Would be great to keep it running and in the repo soon.

- Zerqent - 2010-07-25

AuXBoX Wrote:I get the following happen.
It loades with the selection of executable file etc, then after 1 second up comes something over this saying


Loading Directory

Nothing happens and as soon as i press cancel xbmc freezes.

Did some research on this bug today. As I previously mentioned I have only seen it happen on Linux, and from what I can tell it looks like some weird race condition.

Anyways, I believe this is how you solve it:
Comment out line 47 of resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py

That means it should look like this:
#pDialog.create( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__ )

As for the comments that perhaps I should take over development I can tell you that I do not have much experience with writing xbmc-related stuff, and have really just fixed the launcher enough so I can run my rooms from xbmc. I might fix it further but I won't commit to anything right now.

- linuxluemmel - 2010-07-26

I saw this ;-=)http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/dharma-pre/plugin.program.executor/

- Zerqent - 2010-07-26

linuxluemmel Wrote:I saw this ;-=)http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/dharma-pre/plugin.program.executor/

It can only launch apps, and not list roms the way launcher can, but that might be added in the future. Anyways good to see someone is doing something

- steve1977 - 2010-07-31

Zerqent Wrote:It can only launch apps, and not list roms the way launcher can, but that might be added in the future. Anyways good to see someone is doing something

So, the "new" launcher won't do the trick for me as the emulator is the key thing for me to use. Still having hopes to see the "old" launcher in the repo soon or the "new" to have added this functionality.

- steve1977 - 2010-08-07

Zerqent Wrote:It can only launch apps, and not list roms the way launcher can, but that might be added in the future. Anyways good to see someone is doing something

Any update on this able to list roms? Is there a thread on this new add-on?

- cinpou - 2010-08-20


Have a look on this post.

I've modified this plugin for Dharma.

Firefox window sizing issue - Dean Birman - 2010-09-07

I installed launcher and set it up to launch Firefox from XBMC. Firefox launches and appears to work, best I can tell, because Firefox shows up so large on my screen that I can only see a small portion of the upper left corner. Nothing I do with window sizing, etc. when running Firefox in Gnome affects what shows up when I use the launcher.

I am using an Acer Revo running XBMC 9.11 Live connected to a Samsung 51" HDTV using HDMI.

Any ideas, and instructions (since I am new to XBMC/Linux) would be greatly appreciated.

- JustSomeUser - 2010-09-07

Just patched up my modified launcher to work with new XBMC
based on the release from CinPoU (thanks for that).

And Zerqent found out how to fix the lockup after adding a new launcher. (great work)
This seems to happen when the plug-in is calling itself with "ReplaceWindow" (also on windows).

Grab it here

- Zerqent - 2010-09-07

JustSomeUser Wrote:Just patched up my modified launcher to work with new XBMC

Great =) Will check it out once the downloadsite is up again. This addon really should be in the official repo =)

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