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[RELEASE] Launcher - application launcher plugin for Linux, Mac, Windows, and Xbox - Printable Version

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- Angelscry - 2010-11-04

jlkawaii Wrote:-> When i add a second launcher (using GUI), i only could get info as if the launcher is a game.
-> when i add a game at this second launcher (using GUI), it "$^ù*ù$^ù"... botch (?).so the second (or more) launcher disappear from xbmc. If i correct the xml by hand, it's ok -> the launcher reappear. but if i add another game (by GUI) : return of the same effect.
Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the bug your describe here. I have manually add several launchers, manually add several games, deleted some games, add them by scanning, etc... I have encounter no error. Could you tell me exactly what you do when you obtain the error (step orders, roms file name, automatic or manually adding roms, etc...)? Could you also post here the xbmc_crashlog file and/or a screenshot. It will be helpful.

- Angelscry - 2010-11-04

Cybertoy Wrote:A simple cuestion but, how i can install a mame bin on xbmc live?.

I try install but it seems that need libgconf library... and its imposible install.

Thnx to all and excellent plugin..
I'm not sure, but I think that the problem with the linux based live version of XBMC is that you are limited to only use programs that are on the live CD and only add programs that use dependencies which are present on the live CD. So if libgconf is not installed on the Live CD, you will not able to install and use mame.No

I can suggest you to post a request on the XBMC Development thread to ask to add the libgconf library into a future version of XBMC Live.Nod

- htpc guy - 2010-11-04


Thank you so much for your continued work with the launcher addon. I posted a request in the Transparancy forum to have your updates added so the program view can show the game and emulator information. I received a quick response and the new feature is added in T!'s SVN.

And before anyone asks, here are some thumbnails.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I think I may ask for one more small revision. I would like to see the full thumbnail image rather than having them cropped by the square box.

- jimmyhat - 2010-11-04

I am having a similar issue as Azteca65….I am running the latest version of launcher (v1.14) and Dharma (Beta 4) with Showmix Evolution and it will not show up in my program files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am eager to setup my emulators!

- jlkawaii - 2010-11-04

Angelscry Wrote:Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the bug your describe here. I have manually add several launchers, manually add several games, deleted some games, add them by scanning, etc... I have encounter no error. Could you tell me exactly what you do when you obtain the error (step orders, roms file name, automatic or manually adding roms, etc...)? Could you also post here the xbmc_crashlog file and/or a screenshot. It will be helpful.

hmmm... i think it's possible my install is flawed (i updated dharma 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> svn -> 4), so i will use this excuse to reinstall a proper system without anything else, and retry. i'll keep you updated Wink

- Angelscry - 2010-11-04

I'm running under linux system. I will try to make more further tests in the next days under windows systems to see what could be the problem.HuhHuh

Dharma 4 Question - skeeto2010 - 2010-11-04

Hello all,

I have skimmed over most of the 93 pages of this thread and there is still an issue I must have missed when setting up Launcher. I have the Dharma 4 Vanilla release installed on my Revo 1600 and it seems to be working great.

I have installed Launcher v. 1.14 and when I run the add-on it asks for the location of the emulator I am trying to run. I have previously installed zsnes by opening a terminal to my Revo and using "apt-get install zsnes" and it appears to have installed but how do I point Launcher toward this new installation? Where exactly can Launcher find it? I assume this process will be the same for all emulators.

As you can tell I am a noob with Linux and any help is appreciated. All apologies if I have missed these directions elsewhere.


- Angelscry - 2010-11-04

skeeto2010 Wrote:Hello all,

I have skimmed over most of the 93 pages of this thread and there is still an issue I must have missed when setting up Launcher. I have the Dharma 4 Vanilla release installed on my Revo 1600 and it seems to be working great.

I have installed Launcher v. 1.14 and when I run the add-on it asks for the location of the emulator I am trying to run. I have previously installed zsnes by opening a terminal to my Revo and using "apt-get install zsnes" and it appears to have installed but how do I point Launcher toward this new installation? Where exactly can Launcher find it? I assume this process will be the same for all emulators.

As you can tell I am a noob with Linux and any help is appreciated. All apologies if I have missed these directions elsewhere.

Generally all the installed software are into the /usr/bin/ directory. So I think you will found it at /usr/bin/zsnes, like here :
        <name>Super Nintendo</name>
        <args>-m -s -v 22 </args>
        <platform>Super Nintendo Entertainment System</platform>
        <genre>Console / 16-bit / Color</genre>
        <launcherplot>The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (also known as the Super NES, SNES or Super Nintendo) is a 16-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America, Europe, Australasia (Oceania), and South America between 1990 and 1993. In Japan and Southeast Asia, the system is called the Super Famicom (officially adopting the abbreviated name of its predecessor, the Family Computer), or SFC for short. In South Korea, it is known as the Super Comboy and was distributed by Hyundai Electronics. Although each version is essentially the same, several forms of regional lockout prevent the different versions from being compatible with one another.</launcherplot>

- jlkawaii - 2010-11-04

Angelscry Wrote:I'm running under linux system. I will try to make more further tests in the next days under windows systems to see what could be the problem.HuhHuh

no need, i will do this for this week-end and keep you updated Smile
(c'est que j'y tiens à mon "mediacenter plateforme générale de loisir" Wink )

edit : beside i'll try under the last fedora and under archlinux to "feel" if i let my server/mediacenter under win7 or pass it on *nux; as i don't have any win apps i want to use a part utorrent and MMCE.

- kevenz - 2010-11-06


I'm trying to use this launcher to launch PCSX2 emulator....

I added the command line --nogui --fullscreen and everything works well.

The only problem is when I press Escape..... the emulator stops the game but stays in memory.

Is there any way to close it without pressing Alt+f4 ? thanks

- jeff93063 - 2010-11-06

Angelscry Wrote:I think it will be to complicated, for me, actually, to do this. It seems that you are under Windows. If so, maybe you can try to create and use .BAT files to simply do it. For example :

First, create a launcher.bat file that will call other .BAT files. It will be your launcher.

call %1

Then for each PC games create a corresponding .BAT file that will launch the game and put them into the same directory (named roms for example). Each .BAT files will be like this:

"C:\Program Files\game1\game1.exe"
"C:\Program Files\game2\game2.exe"

Then the launchers.xml file for your PC games will be like this :

    <name>PC Compatible</name>
    <platform>IBM PC Compatible</platform>
            <name>Game 1</name>
            <platform>IBM PC Compatible</platform>
            <name>Game 2</name>
            <platform>IBM PC Compatible</platform>

It may works. It is a very long time that I have not use Windows. Maybe you will encounter some fullscreen transition problems. You have to found the good command line to launch the games. But if it works, it will do exactly what you want. You can maybe also ask your question into the Windows Specific Support forum. There is surely a better way to do it.

Thanks for the help, I got this working. I found one thing which improves it a little, and I thought I should share it with the other windows users. Instead of the "launcher.bat", I use a program called hstart which can run batch files without showing the console. I use it this way:
    <args>/noconsole /wait</args>
    <thumbpath>D:\Jeff\Pictures\Box Art\PC\</thumbpath>
The /noconsole hides the console, and the /wait makes sure XBMC doesn't pop back up until the game is finished running.

Then I have a bat file for each PC game. It works really well because inside the bat files I can do useful things like loading disk images in DaemonTools or whatever it takes to get the game running.

Thanks for the awesome launcher plugin, it works really well now.

- Angelscry - 2010-11-06

kevenz Wrote:Hi,

I'm trying to use this launcher to launch PCSX2 emulator....

I added the command line --nogui --fullscreen and everything works well.

The only problem is when I press Escape..... the emulator stops the game but stays in memory.

Is there any way to close it without pressing Alt+f4 ? thanks
There is an option to desactivate into PCSX2 to exit the emulator using the ESC key.

- htpc guy - 2010-11-06

I am still having difficulties with getting my emulators to launch using the launcher.sh script (linux version). Is there any way to modify the launcher addon so that the launcher.sh script is unneeded. If I run Mupen64plus by itself I get a full 60 fps. When I launch it from xbmc it drops to 30fps. There has to be a way to do this natively with the launcher program, rather than having to rely on scripts do do the middle work of closing and reopening xbmc.

What do you think Angelscry? Is that a possibility?

- mandark - 2010-11-07

jeff93063 Wrote:I have one question though. Would it be possible to put standalone launchers into a submenu, so that I can have PC games in a section just like I do for Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc?

check out my how-to here.

- htpc guy - 2010-11-07

mandark Wrote:hi!

check out my how-to here.

This is cool for windows but I'm running ubuntu 10.4 on my htpc. I don't really need to worry about performance issues on my windows system. I have an i7-930 chip and it is a monster. It will chew through anything I throw at it. I'm searching for a way to run mupen64plus on my htpc (the one in my signature) in such a way that it will allow for the most resources for the emulator. Currently with xbmc running in the background its too sluggish and I can't get the launcher.sh method working.

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