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Beta Testflight access to beta version - Printable Version

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-01

I was thinking over the same problem: If I change the behaviour now, and the issue is just a regression of the current Kodi version (for now we don't really know), I would change the desired default sorting (year, ascending) to something less user friendly. Maybe I just keep this change at hand, but not raise any pull request for now. We can use the time to figure out since when this is broken and when it might be fixed. Btw, just to be sure I checked if sort by "year, ascending" still work for music albums: it does. So maybe the issue you observe, just happens for movies inside movie collections.

When the App is sorting locally the section headers are shown (I guess this is what you called "labels" in your last comment). When the default sorting (the one which came from Kodi) is used these section headers are not shown. Exception: If more than 100 items are shown, the sections are displayed as well to enable quicker navigation by using the index in the right side. So, not seeing the section headers is a clear sign of seeing the list as it comes from Kodi.

Btw, did you ever use "Music Roles"? Was this ever working for any other role than "Artist"?

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-01

(2022-01-01, 20:58)Buschel Wrote: When the App is sorting locally the section headers are shown (I guess this is what you called "labels" in your last comment). When the default sorting (the one which came from Kodi) is used these section headers are not shown. Exception: If more than 100 items are shown, the sections are displayed as well to enable quicker navigation by using the index in the right side. So, not seeing the section headers is a clear sign of seeing the list as it comes from Kodi.
Sure? Either we are talking about different things or I simply don’t get it since it does not match my observations. With labels I mean the following marked red:
Quote:Btw, did you ever use "Music Roles"? Was this ever working for any other role than "Artist"?
It works "somehow", but not as I would expect it. And I so far did not have the time to check whether it is Kodi itself or the App, what fails here… But I fear it’s somehow the App (or again the API?) because at least in my media center "Now Playing" screen everything (artist, composer and conductor) is shown, if present in the music file's corresponding tags. Please note that I solely use tagging and no .nfo files for my music archive, don’t know whether this makes a difference here?
Artist (obviously) seems to work, but honestly too many to check
Composer shows only very few of the many composers in my archive
Conductor rarely is shown in the App: only one single conductor is shown - Maybe this could be a good start for some debugging, since I could check what’s the difference between this and any other audio files…
Performer (what is the difference between performer and artist?) is always empty

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-01

Yes, we talk the same. What you marked is called "index". This index is shown when the so-called "section headers" are shown as well (the vertical grey bars which in your case state "Die 2020er Jahre". Index and section headers go together. And they are not shown, if the App is in the sort mode which is equal to the way in which the data is requested from Kodi. In your example you should not see the index when using "year, ascending" (= default), but for any other sort mode -- like "year, descending" which your screenshot shows.

On the music roles: The displayed music roles are the ones coming from the API. If there is something different to what is shown in Kodi, we need to ask someone from the Music Database team. But what I meant was the result of selecting an artist inside a role. I found an issue which caused this to fail in most cases (only exceptions: role = "artist" always work, first selection after App start works for any role). In the meanwhile I found the problem and fixed it.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-01

But I see these section headers and indexes everywhere, even without previously selecting any specific sort order. They are simply always there, everywhere but not for movie collections. That’s why I was and still am wondering why the App shows a different behavior here - even with your explanation in mind.

Talking about music roles: for the limited amount of entries shown here everything works, e.g. album selection etc. But in the meantime I found another strange thing here. For my Roger Waters albums, Mr. Waters is shown for each album as the composer, but only one Roger Waters album has any Composer tag? So this information must be provided from somewhere else then. And since I index my libraries only using the "Local information only" scrapers, I honestly have no idea where this information is coming from? It is even not part of the Music DB file, I just checked this again.

So, what is listed in Kodi's Music DB and what is provided via the API doesn’t match. The song_artist table shows much more entries than the App… So basically within Kodi, all the necessary information is gathered. Why it is then not provided via the API, different story! Sad

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-01

(2022-01-01, 22:30)UlfSchmidt Wrote: But I see these section headers and indexes everywhere, even without previously selecting any specific sort order. They are simply always there, everywhere but not for movie collections. That’s why I was and still am wondering why the App shows a different behavior here - even with your explanation in mind.
Do the lists have more than 100 entries? Such lists always have section headers. If not, can you give an example of a list where this happens unexpected? The only list with unexpected sections headers I found myself is for Artists.
(2022-01-01, 22:30)UlfSchmidt Wrote: Talking about music roles: for the limited amount of entries shown here everything works, e.g. album selection etc. But in the meantime I found another strange thing here. For my Roger Waters albums, Mr. Waters is shown for each album as the composer, but only one Roger Waters album has any Composer tag? So this information must be provided from somewhere else then. And since I index my libraries only using the "Local information only" scrapers, I honestly have no idea where this information is coming from? It is even not part of the Music DB file, I just checked this again.
Same root cause as the one I just fixed. For me this resulted in an empty list, for you it shows too many. This really is/was a bug in the App, and not in the database or API.
(2022-01-01, 22:30)UlfSchmidt Wrote: So, what is listed in Kodi's Music DB and what is provided via the API doesn’t match. The song_artist table shows much more entries than the App… So basically within Kodi, all the necessary information is gathered. Why it is then not provided via the API, different story! Sad
This is not relating to music roles, but to something else, right? You made use of the feature to change artists from API-default to album artists to songs artists?

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-01

No, it is related to music roles. The song_artist table, as far as I understand it, contains not only the artists for each song, but also all the other persons involved, like composer or conductor. Maybe this table's content is then misinterpreted by the App? Or do you query for conductors and the API delivers a list of all conductors? Then the error is most likely in the API, not in the App.

But on the other hand, you are right, I limited in Kodi's settings the artists shown to album artists. So, can all this be a side effect of limiting the artist list to album artists, then somehow also limiting the conductors, composers and other roles? This would be a strange behavior - I would call it a bug.

(Coming back to the section headers, you are right, I missed the point that if one has more than 100 entries, they will always show up)

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-02

(2022-01-01, 23:26)UlfSchmidt Wrote: But on the other hand, you are right, I limited in Kodi's settings the artists shown to album artists. So, can all this be a side effect of limiting the artist list to album artists, then somehow also limiting the conductors, composers and other roles? This would be a strange behavior - I would call it a bug.

Hi @Buschel
Let me extend my previous statement:

After some in-depth testing I can confirm that e.g. a composer only shows up if he is also an album artist. Example: Ludwig van Beethoven is missing from the list of composers, while Leonard Bernstein is listed. Simply due to the fact, that he is not only the composer, but also one of the artists for his own works. And since I do not own any original recordings from Beethoven's own performances, he is suppressed as a composer.

For me, this behavior/implementation does not make any sense.

Can you somehow overwrite the "album artists only" setting when querying the other roles? It seems to me that the Chorus Web Interface is able to overwrite the skin setting…

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-02

Sorry, but you are confusing me now.

Does Chorus have "Music Roles"? I only see the option to filter for "Artists". If this is what you are writing of, this is to my understanding the same as using the App in Music -> Artist. There you can toggle through 3 states: 1 (= as configured in Kodi), 2 (= album artists only), 3 (= all artists). Are you seeing the same content in Chorus "Artist" and under the Apps "all artists"?

If the music roles behave different based on your Kodi settings for the album artists, I do not see any way to handle this different. The API allows to receive the music roles. From this set of roles you can request a list of artist names for each role. For a combination of artist and role you can request a list of albums.

To me your use case sounds like a change request or bugfix in Kodi itself.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-02


Memo to myself: Don’t write confusing posts close to midnight. Wink

Sorry for not being totally clear about what I was thinking… Sad

I simply did not remember that also in the App I can switch already between different sets of artists. That’s why I pointed you to Chorus. And, since when I change the Artists mode to "all artists" in Kodi itself, all conductors and composers become immediately visible, I had the hope that you may be able to achieve the same behavior in the App. Since in the end, a Kodi Skin is also using an API to retrieve data from Kodi. But it seems that the App API behaves differently here. So, all roles will be delivered from Kodi depending on the skin settings, not on the App settings?!

Summary (based on my limited knowledge):
  1. When setting Kodi to only show album artists, this influences also the composers, conductors etc. as then only composers, conductors are listed that are also album artists. Again, this does not make any sense from my point of view!
  2. While the App can simply overwrite the Kodi skin setting for artists, it cannot do so for any other role (which is a pity, because this would allow for an easy workaround in the App)
  3. In order to get this fixed, Kodi needs to be changed, not the App (but maybe it is not seen as a bug, but by intention as a feature?)

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-02

Obviously it was also too late for me. In fact, it is possible to override the setting when requesting the Composers (or other roles). You will love it. Smile

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-02

Thumbs up!

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-02

Just as intermediate impression: https://abload.de/img/bildschirmfoto2022-01t4jgp.png. The screenshots show a non-empty Performer list, a quite lengthy Composer list and albums for a selected Composer. This didn't work before.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-02

Any idea what's the difference between artist and performer? Since you have at least one performer, my list of performers is empty...
And, second question, is the list of artists here always, despite of the setting elsewhere, listing ALL artists?

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-01-02

I checked the file which triggered "Performer" to show up. And there is a tag "Performer=bla" written into the metadata. Seems I need to find another tagging tool to clean up the tags. With MP3Tag they are looking pretty clean, but MP3Tag does not show all tags which Kodi is now reporting. Also, I think it will be good to use the "Ensemble" tag in case an orchestra performed a track.
Edit: MP3Tag can be configured to show any tag, but it is not showing all tags in the metadata. Best will be to delete and rewrite all tags -- some day. Wink

On your 2nd question: Yes, I implemented it to always take the full set of artists. But everything is possible. I just do not want to overcomplicate the usage.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - UlfSchmidt - 2022-01-02

Sounds reasonable. Thanks again for all your dedication!
I use Kid3 Audio Tagger since I switched to Ubuntu several years ago. Works also on MacOS…

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