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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TurDo - 2024-05-15

@jollyhiggler Should be fine now. Try it and let me know.
Same link as previous.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jollyhiggler - 2024-05-16

(2024-05-15, 12:28)TurDo Wrote: @jollyhiggler Should be fine now. Try it and let me know.
Same link as previous.

Thanks. I must admit, I hadn't spotted the larger "item_icon_height" in AZ2R vs AZ2 (360 vs 350). I'm sure there was a good reason for this at some stage!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-05-19

Hello , it's nice that the AZ2:R skin is alive and getting better.
The guardian of the AZ2:R skin @TurDo takes care of the development of the skin, releasing subsequent versions (the last one is 1.0.15).  Smile  This version includes minor fixes reported by users.

I asked @TurDo to introduce a new feature to the AZ2:R skin. @TurDo took a look at my proposal, but implementing it requires a lot of work. This is time-consuming and there is little chance of this feature being implemented. I understand, but I hope that perhaps one day it will be possible to introduce the proposed feature into the AZ2:R skin.

@TurDo , thank you for your work on the AZ2:R skin.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jonnyp - 2024-05-20

v21 Omega:

I cannot get the 'In progress TV show' widget or submenu to work after customising the home menu.

It doesn't show up as a widget at all. It does show in submenu but there are no entries.

'In progress Movies' widget worked fine after customising though.

In progress TV shows widget works fine when switching back to other skins.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - sus67 - 2024-05-20

with clean installation of AZ2:R v1.0.15 for Nexus in Kodi 20.5 results not correct size & form of icons in all view types (link below). What can I do ? Thank you
versus Estuary skin (correct size & form):

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jollyhiggler - 2024-05-27

(2024-05-20, 06:02)sus67 Wrote: @TurDo
with clean installation of AZ2:R v1.0.15 for Nexus in Kodi 20.5 results not correct size & form of icons in all view types (link below). What can I do ? Thank you
versus Estuary skin (correct size & form):
A quick fix - unlocking square views for favourites - would be to use an AutoWidget shortcuts group instead of Kodi Favourites.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-06-06

Hello everyone
Skin version 1.0.16 of Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection has been released.   Smile

This version includes a new function in the AZ2:R skin, i.e. after pressing the "i" information button, optionally earlier in the settings you can select that during movie playback, all given information will be visible on a transparent background of the movie being played.

For those interested, information on how to activate this function, as it is optional.

Note, for users of the AZ2:R skin, in order for the feature to be active and working in the skin, I completely uninstalled the AZ2:R skin. Then a clean installation from scratch, but more on that below:
Settings > Interface Settings > Skin > Estuary (default) > Keep Changes > Yes

Settings > Add-ons > My Add-ons > Look and feel > Skin > Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection > Uninstall > Are you sure to do this > Yes > Do you want to remove all add-on-related settings (for example, settings)? >Yes

Then install the Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection skin from the @TurDo (DenDy) repository.

After installing the AZ2:R skin "cleanly", below is a description of the necessary settings for the function to work properly.

Skin Settings > Background > Background Images > View Current Playing Video in Background > OFF

Settings > Skin Settings > Video/Music > OSD VIDEO > Stop when dialog opens > OFF

Settings > Skin Settings > Video/Music > VIDEO OSD > Hide background in extended info window > ENABLED

We set the transparency level by changing the "alpha" value in:
Settings > Skin settings > OTHER > Alpha value for some dialogues > Value 0 is the default and value 100 is total transparency (scale every 5%) > select e.g. 100% > OK

Closing the information contained in TMDB Helper (TheMovieDb Helper) and returning to the movie is done by pressing the return button.

@TurDo,  thank you for adding the changes to version 1.0.16 of AZ2:R. The function after installing the skin "cleanly" and making the appropriate settings, works as it should, it is very cool...

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-06-07

I use the AZ2:R skin primarily on Box Android TV (Xiaomi Mi BOX S,  Box Canal+)  and a little on Windows 10.

Recently, out of curiosity, I installed Kodi with the AZ2:R skin with the latest version 1.0.16 on Xbox ONE. In the AZ2:R skin, the full OSD is activated using the X button, instead of a gamepad I used the Xbox One/S/X remote control.
On Xbox One, the AZ2:R skin works very well, instead of a gamepad, i used a multimedia remote control for Xbox One/S/X.   Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - sus67 - 2024-06-08

Thank you very much. The AZ2:R  v1.0.16 Nexus working fine for me.  Fast navigation and customized Favourite window in Square Wall view looks perfect.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-06-09

Hello everyone

The guardian of the AZ2:R skin, @TurDo, is constantly working on further development of the AZ2:R skin.
Big thanks to him for supporting the AZ2:R skin.

He announced the next version,  it will be version 1.0.17 of the AZ2:R skin,  enriched with new features.  Smile   This is:

1.  In the next version, it will be possible to enable the backlight transparency mode and adjust it to individual preferences.  For example, For example, the transparency of the subtitle background border for movie titles can be freely adjusted by the user.

2.  And a function showing movie premieres/series premiere/season finale.  The feature will only work in plugins that support it, such as TMDB Helper (in the menu tract progres and calendar).  This will be an option that you need to enable in your skin settings.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - sus67 - 2024-06-10

(2024-06-06, 17:42)Arkady1964 Wrote: Hello everyone
Skin version 1.0.16 of Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection has been released.   Smile

We set the transparency level by changing the "alpha" value in:
Settings > Skin settings > OTHER > Alpha value for some dialogues > Value 0 is the default and value 100 is total transparency (scale every 5%) > select e.g. 100% > OK
Tested some dialogues with 0%(Default) and 95% transparency, can't tell the difference. Have you an example to explore this feature ?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-06-10

Read my entire post carefully and apply all settings... The described function, i.e. transparency, works in the "i" information. Active with some movie add-ons.

Attention. For the function to work, it is necessary to install the AZ2:R skin from scratch, a so-called "clean" installation. Then everything works without a problem.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - sus67 - 2024-06-10

(2024-06-10, 10:30)Arkady1964 Wrote: Read my entire post carefully and apply all settings... The described function, i.e. transparency, works in the "i" information. Active with some movie add-ons. Attention. For the function to work, it is necessary to install the AZ2:R skin from scratch, a so-called "clean" installation. Then everything works without a problem.
Thanks for clarify, now different transparency of information works for me if movie play.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-06-10

@sus67 , good that you managed to do it.   Smile

The background transparency feature in "i" information was introduced in version 1.0.16 of the AZ2:R skin.

As I mentioned, in version 1.0.17 the guardian of the AZ2:R skin, @TurDo, will introduce a transparency function, where the user will be able to freely adjust the transparency of the background border of subtitles for movie titles.

Will also be introduced in the next version of the skin 1.0.17, an additional function in the "i" information. Showing with compatible movie add-ons, more information, this is movie premieres/series premieres/season finale.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TurDo - 2024-06-10

Version 1.0.17 has been released.
In this version, you can enable transparency for the selection box and select its level.
- Skin Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Selection box: enable transparency
- Skin Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Select a transparency value



Also as a request on github, I added indicators for premiere/final episodes as in Fuse.
It will work only if addon supports it - for example TMDB Helper (in trakt menu) and has to be enabled first in "Skin Settings -> Library -> Premiere and finale indicators for series"


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