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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - acira - 2024-07-06

Thank you @Arkady1964 for your reply!

Are there any way you can give more details on what settings you want me to change to make the settings work in 1.0.20 with ratings? Something must have been changed between 1.0.18 and 1.0.20..?
I am running Kodi on an Nvidia Shield TV (Android Box)

I have no means to take any good screenshots, but here are some bad pictures..

  * Blur background and all ratings works as intended: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Z4liBBRwnshjO65Vwy7vEBUbivE1zFd/view?usp=sharing  (This is what I want to keep)
  * The settings I talk about when i say blurred background (Blur background): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qFgqUbh_-ivBABClHcG5U20uaYE04xs1/view?usp=sharing  (second row, for clarification)

  * No blurred background nor any additional ratings next to the star rating: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qEMuHoEFUV55X3LKN36Dsk06YBkavW_B/view?usp=sharing (only solid very dark/black)
  * Settings of supposed showed ratings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lg32KlRNK-nSJOMK88W7GtlEPVrlEvZ4/view?usp=sharing
  * Setting that shows Blurred background is still enabled: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15GozBagk5XP9wSZ43yuZAnmbnqoUchJc/view?usp=sharing
  * Also a picture showing I am indeed running 1.0.20 when having these issues: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUXg2sh3aYohimYzxhm9eKg21DxKu89B/view?usp=sharing

I do expect the user experience to be very similar with not much additional settings or tinkering when moving from 1.0.18 to 1.0.20 (should be a very minor patch if i understand this versioning correct). But again, if there are extra steps that anyone know of that I need to change in the latest version to get the same look and feel as the first 1.0.18 picture it would be much much appreciated, I don't find it very clear that there should be any "breaking" changes in the changelogs posted in this forum thread.

Thank you in advance!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TurDo - 2024-07-06

@acira make sure tmdb helper is up to date (5.2.26)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - acira - 2024-07-06

(2024-07-06, 19:17)TurDo Wrote: @acira make sure tmdb helper is up to date (5.2.26)

Thank you @TurDo! That indeed could be the issue for ratings! Appears I am running an old version 4.10.x something. Not able to test in this instant as my better half has occupied the TV for some soccer game or whatnot.
I just have to ask the super stupid question on top of that, could that also somehow be breaking the background blur effect? Or are there any other potentially outdated addon that handle that part?

Thank you for all the efforts and time put into this!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-07-07

Hello, @acira

I don't know what is the reason that the blurred background effect in version 1.0.20 does not work for you, however, it works for me in the latest test version of Kodi (from Nightly Development Builds).

Since the cause cannot be detected, perhaps the only solution is to install the latest version of Kodi (from Nightly Development Builds) from a ZIP file:
Be sure to perform a new, so-called "fresh" installation.

These nightly versions of Kodi may sometimes experience issues. Therefore, install a fork of Kodi, i.e. WBMC. On Nvidia Shield TV (Android Box) you can have Kodi and WBMC installed, if there is a problem with the test Kodi, you can then use WBMC.

Edit 1. I use the trial version of Kodi if you don't want to install the trial version of Kodi.  Try reinstalling Kodi and then AZ2:R skin version 1.0.20.  Reinstalling Kodi should help.

Edit 2. I tested the background blur function and it works on my Android TV Box without any problems (AZ2:R version 1.0.20), I knew about it before but didn't use it. I leave it included in the AZ2:R skin, nice feature  (thanks to the background blur effect, information in views is displayed very clearly).

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-07-08


@acira, did you manage to enable the background blur function in the AZ2:R skin?

For me, as I wrote, the background blur function in version 1.0.20 on Android TV Box works without any problems.

For me, it's a cool feature, but some users don't turn it on because it has the disadvantage of blurring fanart.

However, the background blur function is optional and anyone who likes it can turn it on.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - acira - 2024-07-08

Hello @Arkady1964,

Sorry for the late reply here.. IRL came in-between.. The latest update from me is very positive!

After updating the tmdb helper from an old version 4.x.x to the latest 5.2.26 as suggested by @TurDo , it all started to work again!
I did struggle a bit with getting the "star"-rating back to being "stars" and not a number in 1.0.20, but I think that was an intended change if i read the commit messages correct in the github repo. So that's nothing to complain about.

Something seems to have changed with the blurring effect, as it does not seem to stick in all menus (eg. if I select a movie the background "gets blurry" as expected, then open settings menu the background effect is gone), and it's not as "vivid" in lack for better words, as before - but it might as well be an placebo experience at this point, feel free to confirm if something actually has changed or not changed. Smile
But hey, now I'm being very very picky, in short everything is working in the first spotlight screen the sub-spotlight if i got into movies and such is not blurred, but at this point I don't even know if it ever has. Once in the title screen again the blurring background effect works again.

TLDR; seems to work as intended again, but there seem to be some minor changes in experience.

Thanks so much for the time  consumed from you guys, I appreciate the support and suggestions!
I'm very happy to be running on the latest and greatest version again!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-07-08

Hello @acira,

I'm glad that version 1.0.20 of the AZ2:R skin is now working for you and you can continue using this great skin on Kodi.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Xiclops - 2024-07-09

Thank you so much for keeping this skin alive!

I have a question regarding the selection box highlight. I'm really happy this was brought back but unfortunately I can't seem to get it working. No matter what I do it looks like this:

Screenshot 1

This is on Kodi 21.0 on my Nvidia Shield

Edit: Upon exiting the settings I see it actually is working when browsing my library, however it doesn't seem to be working in the settings menu. Any idea?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-07-09

Hi @Xiclops

Selection box highlighting doesn't work on all boards, and it doesn't work on the one where the screenshot is displayed.  If it works for you on others, for example "Video Plugins", then everything is OK.

It is what it is and there is no way to change it. In my opinion, it's better than nothing.

Edit.  @TurDo wrote about this:

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jollyhiggler - 2024-07-10

(2024-07-03, 12:41)Asymm Wrote: What line in the XML files has the indicator/progress circle colours, I am trying to change it from the green back to a white or a purple, I have spent a bit of time looking but no luck.
Any help is appreciated

1079 & 1127 in Includes_View.xml (Green = "ff00dd44")

Facing Issues with CD Spinning in Kodi's Latest Version - rajivaryan1984 - 2024-07-12

With Kodi's latest version installed, has anybody facing issues with CD spining..as previosuly it was only the cd which used to spin while playing music but now the cd apns along with the square sized white background.

Any suggestions if anything needs to be changes in Settings....Please advise.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - rajivaryan1984 - 2024-07-13

Hi, I am new to the skin and am really liking it. I need some help in setting it up and use it accordingly. Please if any of you can please guide me ---

I just want to keep these options on my Home Screen Menu - MOVIES / TV SHOWS / MUSIC / SETTINGS / POWER

My conern here is on the home screen - All the section MOVIES / TV SHOWS / MUSIC / SETTINGS / POWER just shows my Movie collection. 

I would like to enable - When I am on Movies it should show my Movies collection, TV SHows should show my TV SHows collection and MUsic should show all my Music Albums on the Home Screen.

Please advise how can I enable this...

RE: Facing Issues with CD Spinning in Kodi's Latest Version - scott967 - 2024-07-13

Need to know skin in use.

scott s.

RE: Facing Issues with CD Spinning in Kodi's Latest Version - rajivaryan1984 - 2024-07-14

Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Arkady1964 - 2024-07-14

@TurDo, published a new version of the AZ2:R skin.  Smile  This is 1.0.21:

Comparing changes:

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