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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 00:05)onesane Wrote:
(2021-06-21, 23:35)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-06-21, 22:41)andash Wrote: You are fast. Thanks a lot.

Tomorrow I must improve it a bit since now there are some places with missing fanart.
@jokero009 mentioned this issue I guess.
Yeah - I really enjoyed having the individual episode artwork instead of this new setup with just the same landscape art for every episode as well. It'd be nice to have the option to go back to the way it was if possible. And thanks for fixing the play button so quickly!

I made a big mistake with that play button. We tested it a lot before but not in every case :/ My bad. But I'm glad we manage to get it back ^^ Sorry!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 07:54)Silent Knight Wrote: thumb images not working looks horrible as black.
those with low thumb images I am on 4k very large TV use TMM to scrap for better images
attached video how it looks at the moment to prior update.

Current version

Previous version

Yes, I'm aware of this. Notice it after update. Today I will fix it and push with update in the evening Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

I am still on versions of 0.4.7 because of the sketch discharge on the landscape) But by the way I have an idea about the age rating and about studios ..) It is possible to do so that the MP rating was color and also there were studio icons..)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 10:33)jokero009 Wrote: I am still on versions of 0.4.7 because of the sketch discharge on the landscape) But by the way I have an idea about the age rating and about studios ..) It is possible to do so that the MP rating was color and also there were studio icons..)

Probably it's possible but it require some more work to do. And when I tried it has bugs. Maybe in the future I will try to make them switchable to colorful but for now studios and codecs will be monochrome Wink

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

I also like the same as it isSmile They look very clean and carefully and right in the right place ...) So I think that this is not just important, but on the other hand, it will be beautiful and interesting when you flip a movie or TV shows and badges everywhere different different Laugh

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

Sorry that I am bothering you again with this problem .. But what about my past problem associated with the background and the day theme?)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - onesane - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 12:11)jokero009 Wrote: Sorry that I am bothering you again with this problem .. But what about my past problem associated with the background and the day theme?)

Dude - you have got to chill lol.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 12:11)jokero009 Wrote: Sorry that I am bothering you again with this problem .. But what about my past problem associated with the background and the day theme?)

I will do it but as you can see there is a lot of places which need to be improved...
Just relax and please wait patient Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

What are you talking about? I am relaxed.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

OKSmile Take your time, I'll wait patiently...)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 13:41)jokero009 Wrote: OKSmile Take your time, I'll wait patiently...)
Ok, since that was not too hard to implement I got it...
Automatic theme switcher will works at 6am-6pm. You can find it in Skin Settings > Miscellaneous > Automatically switch color theme based on time. Check this mark.
Also it will work (probably it will works (not tested it yet) Tongue) only with all the home layouts except Netflix Style (dark) because main reason to use this home layout is that, it is dark and no need to change color theme. 
Please download this zip file: https://github.com/nfm886/skin.arctic.zephyr.2.resurrection.mod/archive/refs/heads/main.zip and test if you can.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

Thank you very much) The automatic theme scheduling function appeared after the update, thank you very much for that!) But during the day I use the "Higher Contrast" theme and leave it at night .. I just wanted, as I wrote to you, that I could increase the brightness during the day so that the background was better seen due to an increase in brightness by at least 30-40% and at night I like everything...) And on the basis of the night schedule I wanted one theme with increased brightness and at night I didn't even need to change anything) Or maybe in the future it will be possible to return the extrafanart button to make the rotation work again ...) I don't know why, but I noticed that in version 3.0 it was removed for some reason. And so the automatic schedule function works well Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Logs22 - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 08:25)iphonenexus Wrote: Hey nice job with these daily updates. I haven't really checked most of the changes you made in the last week or so but of the changes which I noticed; I would like to out some of my annoyances.
  • The colorful ratings icons don't look well with the light theme. I don't know whether it's only on my setup or not.
  • Also, the colored tmdb icon looks weird and stretched. Maybe you can replace it with the green one from Arctic Horizon or with the one mentioned in this post
(2021-06-18, 19:43)Logs22 Wrote: I changed the tmdb logo on my personal setup, let me know what you think of it, i attached the png in the imgur gallery as well if you like it! https://imgur.com/gallery/4tYV3HL
Also in the future, could there be a possibility to hide the amount of imdb votes, but keep the imdb rating?
  • I also didn't like replacing episode artwork with tv show landscape. If some people want this change, then maybe it can be made optional.

Are planning on adding colorful icons for the codec flags?

Also nice job with the thin borders. Keep up the good work!
yea your probably right, this does look better. Heres a link to the logo Image

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-22

How can you switch back to thumbnails for episodes instead of landscape?)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - FXB78 - 2021-06-22

(2021-06-22, 15:30)jokero009 Wrote: How can you switch back to thumbnails for episodes instead of landscape?)
He already said he's working on it, you need to be patient and stop demanding different things every 5 minutes https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=362941&pid=3044857#pid3044857

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