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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Rijs43 - 2021-06-26

(2021-06-26, 23:45)FXB78 Wrote:
(2021-06-26, 23:43)Rijs43 Wrote:
(2021-06-26, 23:31)FXB78 Wrote: A bit off-topic but how did you install this? I've tried before and never managed to even get the addon installed, it always fails with "ParseXML: file 'mediaimporter.plex-0.0.9/' doesn't contain a valid add-on type name (kodi.mediaimporter)"

Which platform do you use to run Kodi?
CoreELEC. Just been looking at it again and it seems you need to install a specific fork of Kodi? In which case I think I'm out of luck  Blush

Yeah you need to have LibreElec.. media importer Plex plays items quite instant compared to PlexKodiConnect from what I have noticed.

@Montellese(maintainer/ developer) is also very supportive!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - FXB78 - 2021-06-26

(2021-06-26, 23:48)Rijs43 Wrote:
(2021-06-26, 23:45)FXB78 Wrote:
(2021-06-26, 23:43)Rijs43 Wrote: Which platform do you use to run Kodi?
CoreELEC. Just been looking at it again and it seems you need to install a specific fork of Kodi? In which case I think I'm out of luck  Blush

Yeah you need to have LibreElec.. media importer Plex plays items quite instant compared to PlexKodiConnect from what I have noticed.

@Montellese(maintainer/ developer) is also very supportive!
Yeah I've tried PKC and could never get it to work well, Composite was great but is unstable in Matrix so I was looking for something else. Ah well, nevermind, thanks for confirming  Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-27

I don't know if you will like it, but is it possible to make a change or create a new widget in the form of a ''Landscape'[ on which the poster and disk are fixed?) And about trailers, by the way, how do you look at such a separate window when starting trailers? I really liked it Smile In no case do I force you to embody my ideas .. This is your completely right!) How do you decide! Or maybe if you like this idea (of course not my clear business)) Then you do it somehow your way if you want to do something like that at all ..) But it seems that the trick with the trailer in a separate window is interesting SmileImage

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - iphonenexus - 2021-06-27

Nice job with the new PVR layout. It's nearly there but I think it needs some improvements.

  • Current program's remaining time overlaps with program description.
  • Time just cuts off due to its big font size
  • Maybe add 'Next Up:' before the upcoming program's name. It's not very intuitive. At first I thought it was current program name before I glanced up.

Also, did you get a chance to look at colored ratings in light theme? They don't look right. I've attached screenshot in one of my earlier posts if you want to see how they look.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 07:50)iphonenexus Wrote: Nice job with the new PVR layout. It's nearly there but I think it needs some improvements.

  • Current program's remaining time overlaps with program description.
  • Time just cuts off due to its big font size
  • Maybe add 'Next Up:' before the upcoming program's name. It's not very intuitive. At first I thought it was current program name before I glanced up.

Also, did you get a chance to look at colored ratings in light theme? They don't look right. I've attached screenshot in one of my earlier posts if you want to see how they look.

Thanks. I'm gonna fix it today Smile
About colored ratings in light theme I remember of course. Did not have time to fix it yet. Maybe today since I have done things I did before Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 02:13)jokero009 Wrote: I don't know if you will like it, but is it possible to make a change or create a new widget in the form of a ''Landscape'[ on which the poster and disk are fixed?) And about trailers, by the way, how do you look at such a separate window when starting trailers? I really liked it Smile In no case do I force you to embody my ideas .. This is your completely right!) How do you decide! Or maybe if you like this idea (of course not my clear business)) Then you do it somehow your way if you want to do something like that at all ..) But it seems that the trick with the trailer in a separate window is interesting SmileImage
Maybe it's not a bad idea. I will think of it.
Adding new widget aspect ratio require a lot of time to implement. I don't have time to do it yet ^^

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-27

It’s a pity that it takes a lot of time .. (I thought it’s done quickly .. At such moments, it’s a shame that you don’t understand such things (Well, it really looks beautifulSmile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 09:45)jokero009 Wrote: It’s a pity that it takes a lot of time .. (I thought it’s done quickly .. At such moments, it’s a shame that you don’t understand such things (Well, it really looks beautifulSmile
Not everything is easy to implement. Something require a lot of code to do. I'm working hard on this skin. Everyday I'm starting from morning and finishing in the evening even after pushing an update I'm still working further. There is a lot of ideas to do and a lot of code analyzing.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - andash - 2021-06-27

Hi is it possible to get widgets to refresh more often? Right now I have to reload the skin or start and stop a video to reload the widget.

I have a widget that uses an add-on to show next episode to watch but after I watch an episode the widget doesn't update with the next episode until I start to play something and stop it or refresh the skin.
Can embuary helper maybe help with this?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-27

I know what you spend on this as a full-time working day .. And even more( And fix even those mistakes that most other users do not even notice .. The main thing is that you have time for other things of your own besides working on Arctic: 2 .. I yesterday I just saw it by chance and I liked it so much Smile I just wanted to share it, you can tell someone else's idea to see if you like it and whether it is possible ..) But at first I thought just that adding posters and a disc is not so time-consuming and not so hard )) So I'm sorry if that) And as for trailers, it's really a good idea to do something like that .. The full-screen mode is not very good, but a separate window, and even with autorun, such beauty is generally indescribable beauty Blush

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 10:16)andash Wrote: Hi is it possible to get widgets to refresh more often? Right now I have to reload the skin or start and stop a video to reload the widget.

I have a widget that uses an add-on to show next episode to watch but after I watch an episode the widget doesn't update with the next episode until I start to play something and stop it or refresh the skin.

Unfortunately it's managed by Kodi itself. You can try to use AutoWidget to get some more control over widgets.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-06-27

In a sense, this is perfectionism!) And of course dedication ... Make everything perfect to the end (There is no emoticon that I would like to add (Feeling of admiration and respect **) Sad

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - tjost - 2021-06-27

repo or direct download. neither ist working.
the repo it unawaylable and the mod does not have the right version number won't install. Libreelec 9.2.6 or something.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Rijs43 - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 10:00)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-06-27, 09:45)jokero009 Wrote: It’s a pity that it takes a lot of time .. (I thought it’s done quickly .. At such moments, it’s a shame that you don’t understand such things (Well, it really looks beautifulSmile
Not everything is easy to implement. Something require a lot of code to do. I'm working hard on this skin. Everyday I'm starting from morning and finishing in the evening even after pushing an update I'm still working further. There is a lot of ideas to do and a lot of code analyzing.

Keep what you are doing and they way you want to do it.. no pressure from us as we are already very happy to see you working in this great work.

Keep up the good work!!!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-06-27

(2021-06-27, 07:50)iphonenexus Wrote: Nice job with the new PVR layout. It's nearly there but I think it needs some improvements.

  • Current program's remaining time overlaps with program description.
  • Time just cuts off due to its big font size
  • Maybe add 'Next Up:' before the upcoming program's name. It's not very intuitive. At first I thought it was current program name before I glanced up.

Also, did you get a chance to look at colored ratings in light theme? They don't look right. I've attached screenshot in one of my earlier posts if you want to see how they look.

It's already fixed Smile
Won't add "Next Up" tho. It's only need to one time to realize what is it and then you know so it's not necessary Wink

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