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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 12:04)Silent Knight Wrote:
(2021-07-10, 21:53)nfm886 Wrote: Short video with quick look how Flix View looks right now: https://streamable.com/hi4019 Wink
Just added option to switch between profiles, maybe someone will like it Big Grin

Great idea as one can be setup for kids where i can have the kid friendly stuff on only. love that idea.

It's already updated to be more friendly to use. Now you don't have to type profile name... Instead of you can just choose your profile from LoginScreen Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

OK! We are close to final product Smile
Please take a look on it: https://streamable.com/glyr19 and this: https://streamable.com/rztdr0
If you want to test this out without waiting, please download this zip file: https://github.com/nfm886/skin.arctic.zephyr.2.resurrection.mod/archive/refs/heads/flix-view.zip and give me a feedback!
I think I will push an update maybe today in the evening or tomorrow Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - djgreedo - 2021-07-11

Firstly - thanks for all the work that has gone into this skin. It's fantastic!

Is it possible with this skin to have a widget that contains multiple playlists and clicking a playlist plays the playlist instead of displaying it?

I want a widget on the music menu item that shows all my music playlists and plays them when clicked. I have pointed the widget at the music library's Playlists item, and this gets the playlists to show on the widget, but clicking a playlist displays it instead of playing it.

EDIT: the playlists are smart playlists

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-11

It's fine! I especially liked how you implemented the line that shows the name of the studios and other details!) I really like it!) I sincerely want to thank you for working so much time on a new layout for those who asked you ... Aesthetically, I really like it!) Smile At first, on the first day, only when you did it, it seemed simple to me and without any interesting details. And as if fanart and implementation of everything .. I'm very sorry again! Now that's great! I haven’t used the Flix view for a very long time, again due to lack of time + we have just crazy heat .. And when I come home I have no strength and desire to watch something)) Basically I really want to sleep) I really want to download and try a new layout !) When I get home I will definitely look forward to it!) Thank you so much for your hard work on this layout!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 13:41)djgreedo Wrote: Firstly - thanks for all the work that has gone into this skin. It's fantastic!

Is it possible with this skin to have a widget that contains multiple playlists and clicking a playlist plays the playlist instead of displaying it?

I want a widget on the music menu item that shows all my music playlists and plays them when clicked. I have pointed the widget at the music library's Playlists item, and this gets the playlists to show on the widget, but clicking a playlist displays it instead of playing it.

EDIT: the playlists are smart playlists

For now I don't know solution. But I will try to figure it out.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - pvhoang - 2021-07-11

Looks awesome!! Will there be an option to remove the profile switch completely (for folks that always just have 1 profile).

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - pvhoang - 2021-07-11

I have display ratings enabled, but not all of them show up (like rotten tomatoes) , thoughts?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 18:34)pvhoang Wrote: Looks awesome!! Will there be an option to remove the profile switch completely (for folks that always just have 1 profile).
Actually I can add this option Wink

Quote:I have display ratings enabled, but not all of them show up (like rotten tomatoes) , thoughts?
Yes. Please go to TheMovieDb Helper addon and enter OMDb API key there. Also make sure you have enabled TheMovieDb ratings: https://imgur.com/rQJfZR1 in Skin Settings > Library

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 18:34)pvhoang Wrote: Looks awesome!! Will there be an option to remove the profile switch completely (for folks that always just have 1 profile).

https://imgur.com/AkS05rB Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - pvhoang - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 19:03)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-11, 18:34)pvhoang Wrote: Looks awesome!! Will there be an option to remove the profile switch completely (for folks that always just have 1 profile).

https://imgur.com/AkS05rB Smile
Quick and SLICK! Thank you!!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-11

I just woke up and saw that now you have completely updated the skin itself already in the repository) Everything works perfectly just like in the video with which you introduced usSmile But I noticed that I have, for example, both posters and landscape for some reason cropped..that is, there is a black line at the bottom and at the top and the posters themselves are very different, it seems, from those on the video Image..And for some reason, the trailers on the TV show do not work for me(This is not so necessary, but if it worked, it would be very interesting!) For some reason, when I turn on the Russian language of cody himself, I just have the moviedb helper error coming out from below when I hover over the TV show, and if cody himself is switched to English, then there is no error, but the trailers do not run( In general, I really like it very much! This is amazingly implemented! Only here are two problems that I noticed when updating unfortunately(

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-11

(2021-07-11, 20:43)jokero009 Wrote: there is a black line at the bottom and at the top and the posters themselves are very different, it seems, from those on the video https://imgur.com/vaNyh6i

Yeah, I noticed it too but wanted to introduce this layout as fast as possible ^^
(2021-07-11, 20:43)jokero009 Wrote: And for some reason, the trailers on the TV show do not work for me(This is not so necessary, but if it worked, it would be very interesting!)

From what I tested it worked. Probably some tv shows are not recognized well. 
(2021-07-11, 20:43)jokero009 Wrote: For some reason, when I turn on the Russian language of cody himself, I just have the moviedb helper error coming out from below when I hover over the TV show, and if cody himself is switched to English, then there is no error, but the trailers do not run

Hmm... that's kind of weird. Would be nice to see log file when error occures.

Thanks for your feedback! Smile

Now.. it's time to fix bugs Wink

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-11

I really like the implementation of all the details in the new layout!) One animation only already insanely pleases!) I want to thank you again!) I wrote to you then that I really like the current layout and I will stay on it, but now of course Flix View is my favoriteSmileSorry if that's an idea, but in the place where the studio is shown with a red icon) You would be able to make them change as it is implemented, for example, in Bingie Mode..I just remembered that the studio itself switches to genres there and it also looks very beautiful and interesting) And as for the TV shows, I think they are not reproduced probably because most TV shows are Russian, I think if you change the language, the trailers might have worked)For example, the trailer works for Rick and Morty)) But this is the only TV show that has a trailer working..)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-11

Ah, sorry..I was wrong) It does not change to genres.) It just shows the genres. Nothing needs to be changed in the line where the red icon is) But now there is an opportunity to see a lot of information about the film itself and it is very beautiful!) I just like itSmile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-11

I'm sorry that I started bothering you so often..I found another problem( Perhaps you also noticed it...)When switching from 1 to 6 of the widget, this is the problem unfortunately( The posters are cut off and if you go further, it simply does not show the posters Image But I just created new icons and added widgets there) So in principle this is not a problem  Wink

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