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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - heppen - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 16:52)Iffzn Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 14:31)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 13:51)Iffzn Wrote: Hello thank you for the fast answer, I didnt mean the rating I mean the icons, heres a picture of it:


I also have another question, how can I add a Folder to the Main Menu? For example I have 2 folders, 1 for Anime and 1 for TV-shows on my harddrive, how do i add it to the main Menu?

Sorry if this is really obvious, I couldnt find out by googling...

Ah, sorry... Now it's clear Tongue
I explained 2 icons in this post: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=362941&pid=3049409#pid3049409
Folder icon is for TV Shows.

If you want to add folder to main menu, you can try to do this in this way: https://streamable.com/n4j0zj
Hope it helps Tongue

Hello again, I tried what you showed me, unfortunately when I try to do this under "Sources" it only shows me "UPnP" and not my folders, I dont know why 😔

Also I found 2 other things here I took some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/js0dXMu

Thanks for the help!
Please try to add sources this way: https://streamable.com/d3fqkf
Quote:The white border makes the "Recently added" very hard to read, if it would be possible to move that a bit upwards the problem would be fixed
It's already fixed. Just waiting for pushing an update Smile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 16:39)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 16:30)jokero009 Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 14:34)nfm886 Wrote: You should chill XD
I'm just wondering if you will change the posters?)

To be honest, I'm not planning it.
I understand you) Your decision is your rightSmile

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - jokero009 - 2021-07-14

In fact, these posters are very beautiful and neat) Please excuse me for such a stupid request..These posters are very striking in a good way!) Small posters would not be so conspicuous) There really is nothing to change here..0 And everything else is fineSmile Only I noticed that on some fanarts the images are shown not in n full screen but some part but this is only in some..)

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Aaiemron - 2021-07-14

Hello. In Flix View mode with Icons Only, is it possible to put the name of the selected menu item in the place of the circle? (See picture) Or higher maybe? 
It would be nice if you can add that as an option. Thanks


RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TrxpTiz - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 13:34)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 12:40)iMak Wrote: Is it possible to add an option to auto scroll horizontally for the ratings line?



Yes, I will look into it.
Im still yet to get my movie/ tv show titles to look like the second image.. Do I gotta use a specific video addon for that? I usually use Seren & FEN instead of tmdb

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Klojum - 2021-07-14


Make yourself familiar with our forum rules (wiki) and piracy policy (wiki). There is no room whatsoever on this forum for using or even mentioning add-ons that facilitate video piracy in whatever way.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Rijs43 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 09:32)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 00:06)Rijs43 Wrote:
(2021-07-13, 00:09)Rijs43 Wrote: Trailers are not working in v0.6.1 I have reverted back and played correctly so seems to be an issue with v0.6.1?


Hi pal,

Just to confirm.. my whole set up is exactly the same. I have installed v0.6.0 & 0.6.1 and both do not play local library trailers in flix view. I have reverted back to v0.5.7 and it plays smoothly, so seems to be an issue from 0.6.0. Addons widgets are playing trailers, but as said not for local library widgets.

Please test by downloading this zip file: https://github.com/nfm886/skin.arctic.zephyr.2.resurrection.mod/archive/refs/heads/testing.zip and give me a feedback if local trailers works.

Hi, thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately this did not resolve it and still not working.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - horizons1 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-13, 10:09)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-06-15, 01:03)horizons1 Wrote: I see that on the random movies home screen widget the movie clearlogo now appears. Me no likey. But unchecking clearlogo in Furniture has no effect. Maybe that's not the setting, but how can I disable?



Hey! Sorry if it took too long to fix it but now it's fixed. I will push this change with today's update in the evening Smile
Not a problem! I appreciate you getting to it!

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Rijs43 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 10:03)nfm886 Wrote:
(2021-07-13, 22:28)Rijs43 Wrote: Hi,

Just gentle reminder if you can implement local library icon on widgets of TMDBhelper.. so if a file is available on local library from Trending widget this is being highlited with an icon on top right corner of the poster. I know this is working for Arctic Horizon so hope this will not cost you a lot of your precious time.

As said.. just to keep this as a todo Smile
Please show me a screenshots how it is looks like.


This is how it works.. hope you know what this is about Smile

When the TMDBHelper plugin creates a list, it calls Kodi JSONRPC to retrieve the dbid, title, year, and default id of all items in the library. It then looks through the list of default IDs for an ID that matches the IMDb ID listed on TMDb for that item. If it can't find that, then it looks through the list of titles for a match, then it looks through those matching titles for one with a matching year (it needs to match year because otherwise you would get Robocop 2014 when the item listed is Robocop 1987).

If a match is found, the Kodi DBID for that item is returned. The DBID is then added to the item's ListItem.DBID field. In the skin, any item from a plugin that has a DBID is assumed to be a library item and so the library indicator is displayed.

The library indicator (square icon) is shown on the right upper corner of the poster. Similar to the watched indicator.

See example in link. First & Third files are in local library and second one not.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TrxpTiz - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 19:14)Klojum Wrote: @TrxpTiz

Make yourself familiar with our forum rules (wiki) and piracy policy (wiki). There is no room whatsoever on this forum for using or even mentioning add-ons that facilitate video piracy in whatever way.

ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - rodainas - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 20:53)TrxpTiz Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 19:14)Klojum Wrote: @TrxpTiz

Make yourself familiar with our forum rules (wiki) and piracy policy (wiki). There is no room whatsoever on this forum for using or even mentioning add-ons that facilitate video piracy in whatever way.

ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

Could you post or link the exact image you are referring to, it would be easier for someone to help you with that.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - TrxpTiz - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 21:16)rodainas Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 20:53)TrxpTiz Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 19:14)Klojum Wrote: @TrxpTiz

Make yourself familiar with our forum rules (wiki) and piracy policy (wiki). There is no room whatsoever on this forum for using or even mentioning add-ons that facilitate video piracy in whatever way.

ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

Could you post or link the exact image you are referring to, it would be easier for someone to help you with that.
https://imgur.com/37epQxX Like how "Godzilla" title looks in the second image

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Rijs43 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 21:23)TrxpTiz Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 21:16)rodainas Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 20:53)TrxpTiz Wrote: ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

Could you post or link the exact image you are referring to, it would be easier for someone to help you with that.
https://imgur.com/37epQxX Like how "Godzilla" title looks in the second image

In tmdbhelper add your omdb key in. Have in skin settings clearlogo on.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - rodainas - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 21:23)TrxpTiz Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 21:16)rodainas Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 20:53)TrxpTiz Wrote: ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

Could you post or link the exact image you are referring to, it would be easier for someone to help you with that.
https://imgur.com/37epQxX Like how "Godzilla" title looks in the second image

Indeed clearlogo, if you are using library items you need to have scrapped the clearlogo for your movies, it will not work with every movie because some dont have clearlogos available.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - lkj23 - 2021-07-14

(2021-07-14, 21:23)TrxpTiz Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 21:16)rodainas Wrote:
(2021-07-14, 20:53)TrxpTiz Wrote: ok but can I get some info on how to get my titles like that?

Could you post or link the exact image you are referring to, it would be easier for someone to help you with that.
https://imgur.com/37epQxX Like how "Godzilla" title looks in the second image

With universal movie scraper I have got almost all clearlogos

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