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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Printable Version

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Stanlee178 - 2022-02-02

Hi Heppen,

Now that the latest kodi(nerds) releases support sort of Dolby Vision, in mkv and mp4, I would love to see an DV flag in the skin.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Adonis - 2022-02-16

Hi, guys! I think there's a bug with widget groups. When I create a widget group of 7 or 8 elements with different genres of movies, it only shows me 4 on the home screen and the others pretend they are going to load and never do.

I love that skin. Thank you for continuing it.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - inihendrix - 2022-02-18

Just installed an set everything up and works amazingly! Thank you for the awesome mod of my favorite skin of all time!

I only have one question (for the moment):

The "Last Played Channels" widget in the PVR section does not seem to update. Like if I change to another channel, that widget doesn't update to reflect that. The default Estuary skin handles that perfectly, and constantly adds channels to the list as you switch between programs.

Is there a way that I can get that to work and update itself dynamically?

Thank you and if anybody has a similar issue or solution, that appears to be the ONLY thing I need to make the skin the perfect setup for me.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - ArcticBeast - 2022-02-22

Is latest skin version v0.7.5? I'm getting error when trying to update repository, actually Kodi tries every time and fails, does it mean I'm also on outdated skin version? I'm still having that bug in Slim PVR Guide with visible channel labels despite I disabled them, now repository is giving the error.

Btw I'm having the 1st repository url in Kodi (from page 1), haven't tried with secondary url yet.

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - inihendrix - 2022-02-22

@heppen I apologize about the other post not being very detailed about my issue. I did some more research and actually know what my issue is now.

The "Last Played Channels" submenu widget does update, but lists the channels alphabetically instead of showing the actual last channel played.

How do I edit the order to list channels by last played, without the alphabetical filter?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Silent Knight - 2022-02-23

Hay hay been awhile doing a awesome job on the skin.

I noticed after the update the top and bottom of posters ave been chopped so some posters are missing parts of the title due to it.
any chance of a fix?

here is the before and after to show it, you can see on chamber of secrets the chop, some titles are much worse.
looking forward to a fix.



After update

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Xiclops - 2022-03-01

Hi all.

I’m aware Heppen has moved on to other skins and isn’t working on this one as much as he once was, but maybe somebody else can help me.

How tough would it be to include a piece of code giving users the option to prevent the OSD (eg during music playback) from closing. I’d like the OSD to remain visible all the time during music playback but don’t know how to go about this.


RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - wisheey - 2022-03-01

Hello, Any help please, i tried to get ( Favorites widget  ) to show TV shows or movies info with no luck, the only way worked was to use super favorites which unfortunately full of bugs..is there any way to fix this ?

Attached a screen shot to the problem.


RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Csabi1984 - 2022-03-01

Hi there. I would like to ask how stable is this version Smile? I would like to try Kodi on 19.3

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Anto2 - 2022-03-01


on the information screen of the movie the details are not translated into Spanish.
Is there a way to get them translated?

Thank you

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - htpcmac - 2022-03-05

Is there a way to make weather maps appear like the default skin?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Silent Knight - 2022-03-07

that looks like scraper issues, is that media on a drive? if so maybe use the program tinymediamanager and use that to build the meta data to point kodi to local

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - bekind125 - 2022-04-13

Hello! If I open the album information from the track information, then an overdub occurs. Likewise with music videos. Perhaps someone knows the solution to the problem? Before clicking on album info - https://ibb.co/XCr4j6Y After clicking on the album info -


RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Shasoosh - 2022-04-30

Apparently this skin was the source of a long lasting micro stutters I was having while watching movies.
Changing the skin eliminates the problem. Returning the skin and I can see micro stutters instantly.

Any one has an idea what can cause this?

RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - Smokeycoles - 2022-05-04

New Issues with widgets potentially?

Hi I am getting a lot of issues with crashing on the skin.
I am not exactly sure when it started.
I already feel like this post isn't going to be the most helpful.

I use a lot of widgets, some are done on playlists, some are done on autowidget programs, some are done on kodi and skin helpers.

Near enough each time I update the video library, the widgets begin to spin (update) - they freeze and Kodi crashes.

I am not really sure what to do, to help provide more information but 9 out of 10 times I get the crash.

I've not had much luck disabling certain widgets, the issue is better if I remove widgets from the Videos menu (under submenu I have update and clean); however I have noticed that I still get the crashing of Kodi if Im scrolling through the menus at the same time they update for whatever reason.

Im going to try recreating my menus and widgets on reloaded; and see if there is a difference.  But I like Resurrection due to the emulator roms views; any advice would be much appreciated?


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