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Two questions about how to name files (range of episodes & multiple seasons per disc) - Printable Version

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Two questions about how to name files (range of episodes & multiple seasons per disc) - -=Rapidfire=- - 2022-01-05


i have continued to archive my disc collection and I have two questions about how to name files in two different situations:

1. Disc with many episodes >20
I have some discs with a lot of episodes on that disc.
When I use the naming convention (wiki) it wil reslut in very long filenames:

Show Title (1986) - S01E01E02E03E04E05E06E07E08E09E10E11E12E13E14E15E16E17E18E19E20E21E22E23E24E25E26E27E28E29E30E31E32E33E34E35E36E37E38E39E40E41E42E43E44E45E46E47E48E49E50E51E52E53E54E55E56E57E58E59E60E61E62E63E64E65.iso

Windows will not accept such a long filename. Possibly there are ways around this (long filename support in >Win10 which has to be enabled), but with a standard windows installtion it will not work.
In my case it was not such a big problem because i store my files on linux system and there this limitation does not appy.
But this name is "ugly". Is it possible to use a range operator like this?

Show Title (1986) - S01E01-E065

2. Disc with multiple seasons
There are some discs containing multiple seansons. I have not found a way to display this properly. I tried

Show Title (1986) - S01E01E02E03E04S02E01E02E03E04.iso
Show Title (1986) - S01E01S01E02S01E03S01E04S02E01S02E02S02E03S02E04.iso

I am glad about any help
