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Solved Controller input stopped working initially - Printable Version

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Controller input stopped working initially - Hamsterkill - 2024-07-11

For the last few days, Xbox controller input hasn't been registered by Kodi, initially after startup. If I connect a keyboard, input from both the keyboard and controller start working. I can then unplug the keyboard and the controller will remain functional.

Not sure what changed exactly. Perhaps a weird addon update? I noticed my weather addon got did isabled as "broken" around the same time, though I'd not think that would interfere with input.

Is anyone else seeing this on Xbox Kodi 21? I can try and get a log sometime tomorrow.

RE: Controller input stopped working initially - Hamsterkill - 2024-07-11

Okay, I think I have this figured out.

It seems the Multi Weather addon being broken created a race condition where kodi would not respond to *any* input (keyboard or controller) on around 75% of program starts. On one of the starts that worked, I removed Multi Weather and replaced it with NOAA, and it seems more reliable again, now.

Marking solved for now.

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