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Hulu Plugin Development Thread - Developers only! - Printable Version

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- rwparris2 - 2009-03-10

Locutus73 Wrote:Here’s a simple PERL script to get auth parameter from the decrypted pid
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
print $auth;
The asterisks has to be changed with a “secret string” that is embedded in http://www.hulu.com/player.swf
As highlandsun said Flare is a useful tool to decompile swf files and getting stuff…

does the auth string change frequently or...?

- jonm42 - 2009-03-10

rwparris2 Wrote:does the auth string change frequently or...?

As soon as they read this thread. As soon as they read it. I think the path of embedding a (very) lightweight browser like framework would be better in the long run -- they can't break the user experience for running in a browser like environment. Can we do that with AIR/Webkit?

- rwparris2 - 2009-03-10

jonm42 Wrote:As soon as they read this thread. As soon as they read it. I think the path of embedding a (very) lightweight browser like framework would be better in the long run -- they can't break the user experience for running in a browser like environment. Can we do that with AIR/Webkit?

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I think webkit is a great idea, but Hulu regularly breaks boxee & plex who both use webkit to display hulu content.

- jonm42 - 2009-03-10

rwparris2 Wrote:I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I think webkit is a great idea, but Hulu regularly breaks boxee & plex who both use webkit to display hulu content.

Do we know if it's malicious, i.e., on purpose?

- rwparris2 - 2009-03-10

jonm42 Wrote:Do we know if it's malicious, i.e., on purpose?

The Hulu thread on the plex forums says they're '100%' sure. Really it doesn't make sense that they would constantly be changing back-end stuff on the site if it wasn't to purposely stop people from leeching their content (even if they leech the commercials at the same time Rolleyes).

- n9mjg - 2009-03-10

jonm42 Wrote:Has anyone checked out the Front Row plug in (appliance) called Understudy? May have some potential. Go see http://code.google.com/p/understudy/source/browse/trunk#trunk/Hulu ...

Yes, and several of us have been encouraging the developer to port it to the apple tv. Understudy works well on my MacBook Pro.

- jonm42 - 2009-03-10

rwparris2 Wrote:The Hulu thread on the plex forums says they're '100%' sure. Really it doesn't make sense that they would constantly be changing back-end stuff on the site if it wasn't to purposely stop people from leeching their content (even if they leech the commercials at the same time Rolleyes).

That makes no sense to me either. I've worked on large-scale websites before (WebMD anyone?) and you generally cannot justify the IT overhead to just go fiddle for that percent of your traffic. Made no economic sense then, makes even less now.

Ahem. So has anyone managed to get the secondary key stuff wrapped up in a package we can deploy? Or is it still too much of a moving target?

Hulu plugin common.getHTML weirdness - jonm42 - 2009-03-11

I am in the midst of trying to simplify the plugin by writing some common routines that stuff can call like addEpisodes, etc. Right now I'm looking at the RSS (_rss.py) module and am having some very odd results.

This snippet works for each and every RSS feed I give it:

xmlsoup = BeautifulStoneSoup(common.getHTML( common.args.url ))

and this one only works for highest rated, and just waits for a while and then returns nothing at all:


This particular snippet has been used elsewhere to grab non-RSS pages and works like a champ.

I've tried working with different URLs to get to the feed (see examples in common.py for the various forms) but no luck. I've tried wrapping the second form as an argument to another call. No luck. Nothing in the log. It just terminates the python thread as being idle, and nothing comes back.

Ideas, debugging thoughts, etc. quite welcome. Thanks.

- rwparris2 - 2009-03-11

That doesn't really make any sense, are you sure the url is what you actually want? As I'm sure you can see, the first snippet you posted does exactly the same as the second one, plus a little more.

jonm42 Wrote:I am in the midst of trying to simplify the plugin by writing some common routines that stuff can call like addEpisodes, etc. Right now I'm looking at the RSS (_rss.py) module and am having some very odd results.

This snippet works for each and every RSS feed I give it:

xmlsoup = BeautifulStoneSoup(common.getHTML( common.args.url ))
and this one only works for highest rated, and just waits for a while and then returns nothing at all:

This particular snippet has been used elsewhere to grab non-RSS pages and works like a champ.

I've tried working with different URLs to get to the feed (see examples in common.py for the various forms) but no luck. I've tried wrapping the second form as an argument to another call. No luck. Nothing in the log. It just terminates the python thread as being idle, and nothing comes back.

Ideas, debugging thoughts, etc. quite welcome. Thanks.

- jonm42 - 2009-03-11

rwparris2 Wrote:That doesn't really make any sense, are you sure the url is what you actually want? As I'm sure you can see, the first snippet you posted does exactly the same as the second one, plus a little more.

I'm passing the same URL to the one that works as to the one that doesn't.

- Locutus73 - 2009-03-13

- highlandsun - 2009-03-13

Cute. Just a small note - Andrej's original script had two bugs in it; the version you're using is the one I fixed.

- jonm42 - 2009-03-13

Anyone? The actual GET call looks like

def getHTML( url ):
    print 'HULU --> common :: getHTML :: url = '+url
    cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
    if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
    opener.addheaders = [('Referer', 'http://hulu.com'),
                         ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
                         ('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/')]
    if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
    return response

which looks quite reasonable to me, and, as mentioned, works all over the places for other web content.

- rwparris2 - 2009-03-13

jonm42 Wrote:Anyone? The actual GET call looks like

def getHTML( url ):
    print 'HULU --> common :: getHTML :: url = '+url
    cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
    if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
    opener.addheaders = [('Referer', 'http://hulu.com'),
                         ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
                         ('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/')]
    if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
    return response
which looks quite reasonable to me, and, as mentioned, works all over the places for other web content.

something else in your code is going wrong. what you're describing doesn't make sense. If foo() causes problems bar(foo()) will too, no matter what.

do this to prove it to yourself.
print 'getHTML successful'

- jonm42 - 2009-03-16

Here's the actual code -- plug it in as the _rss.py module in Hulu/resources/lib and alternate which method is called. Tell me what the results are. The only one that works for me in both is highest rated, the rest, not so much...

import xbmcplugin
import common
import sys
import re

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup, BeautifulSoup

class Main:

    def __init__( self ):
        if common.args.mode == 'RSS_Shows':
            xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
            xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ))

    def activateShowPage( self ):
        import xbmc, urllib
        print 'executing--> %s?url="%s"&mode="TV_Seasons"&name="%s"&fanart="%s"&plot="%s"&genre="%s")' % (sys.argv[0], urllib.quote_plus(common.args.url), common.args.name, urllib.quote_plus(common.args.fanart), common.args.plot, common.args.genre)
        xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.activatewindow(MyVideoLibrary,%s?url="%s"&mode="TV_Seasons"&name="%s"&fanart="%s"&plot="%s"&genre="%s")' % (sys.argv[0], urllib.quote_plus(common.args.url), common.args.name, urllib.quote_plus(common.args.fanart), common.args.plot.replace(',',' ').replace('"',''), common.args.genre))

[color=red]    def addShowList( self ):[/color]
        print "\n\n adding show list \n\n"
        # name, url, thumb, plot -- plot can have embedded newlines, which do not compute...
        items=re.compile('<item>.+?<title>(.+?)</title>.+?<link>(.+?)#.+?<img src="(.+?)".+?</a><p>(.+?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(content)
        mode=('RSS_Play', 'RSS_Shows')[common.args.name=='Recently Added Shows']
        for name, url, thumb, plot in items:
            fanart='http://assets.hulu.com/shows/key_art_' + name.split(':')[0].replace('-','_').replace(' ','_').replace('\'','').replace('"','').replace(',', '').lower() + '.jpg'
            # display show plot if asked for; we've already extracted it from the page above, so no overhead
            plot=('', plot.replace('\n', '\r'))[common.settings['get_show_plot']]

            common.addDirectory(common.cleanNames(name), url, mode, thumb, thumb, fanart, plot, genre)

[color=red]    def addListings ( self ):[/color]
        print "\n\n adding listings \n\n"

        xmlsoup = BeautifulStoneSoup(common.getHTML( common.args.url ))

        items = xmlsoup.findAll('item')
        for item in items:
            name = item.title.contents[0]
            url  = item.guid.contents[0]
                    p = re.compile('&lt;p&gt;(.+?)&lt;/p&gt;')
                    plot = p.findall(item.description.contents[0])[0]
                    p = re.compile('<p>(.+?)</p>')
                    plot = p.findall(str(item.description))[0]
                plot = 'Unavaliable'
                p = re.compile('media:thumbnail.+?url="(.+?)"')
                thumb = p.findall(str(item))[0]
                thumb = ''
                fanart = 'http://assets.hulu.com/shows/key_art_'+name.split(':')[0].replace('-','_').replace(' ','_').replace('\'','').replace('"','').lower()+'.jpg'
                fanart = ''

            genre = common.args.name

            if common.args.name == 'Recently Added Shows':
                common.addDirectory(name, url, 'RSS_Shows', thumb, thumb, fanart, plot, genre)
                common.addDirectory(name, url, 'RSS_play', thumb, thumb, fanart, plot, genre)

Thanks for reading this far. Any hints would really really be appreciated, as I'm seeing this behaviour elsewhere now, too. Maybe I have a ghost in the machine Confused.