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Film studio Flag Icons - Post new ones here! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Film studio Flag Icons - Post new ones here! (/showthread.php?tid=48315)

- FernFerret - 2009-04-20

I basically just don't feel like sending pm's since i'm lazy, but here is an announcement for image submitters: I will be adding edit and remove pages soon, can't promise when though...


- FernFerret - 2009-04-20

MaxNL Wrote:Solved changing the string from "Shout! xxxxx" to "Shout"

I presume you changed this in the XML file?

If so, i'll get this changed ASAP


- kulprit - 2009-04-20

Thanks ccMatrix, perfect. Do I have to resize it before use in xbmc? To what size might i ask.

- ccMatrix - 2009-04-20

kulprit Wrote:Thanks ccMatrix, perfect. Do I have to resize it before use in xbmc? To what size might i ask.

I think 161x109 is the size all other images use. You might want to check in the aeon/media/flags folder for the position and size of other codec images so that it matches.

- MaxNL - 2009-04-20

FernFerret Wrote:I presume you changed this in the XML file?

If so, i'll get this changed ASAP


Yes in the xml file as you said


- FernFerret - 2009-04-21

Max, it has been fixed in the DB, and cc: yes 161x109 is the correct size for the overall image, I don't remember exactly, but Halibutt does, on what the size of the internal one should. It's in this topic somewhere... it's just uh 20 pages long, and i'm too busy to find it, so maybe he'll reply...


- v0lrath - 2009-04-21

FernFerret Wrote:Max, it has been fixed in the DB, and cc: yes 161x109 is the correct size for the overall image, I don't remember exactly, but Halibutt does, on what the size of the internal one should. It's in this topic somewhere... it's just uh 20 pages long, and i'm too busy to find it, so maybe he'll reply...



- ccMatrix - 2009-04-21

So for the one with the mp3 icon this would be correct? I didn't really want to post it here since this is no studio icon but since the person who requested this asked here...


- v0lrath - 2009-04-21

ccMatrix Wrote:So for the one with the mp3 icon this would be correct? I didn't really want to post it here since this is no studio icon but since the person who requested this asked here...


I think it should be added to the database. I'd add it, but I'm not sure how to name it to make it work in the XML file

- FernFerret - 2009-04-21

hmmm i'll make some changes to the databases so that all types of icons can be added, that's why i put the tv/Movie field, it will soon have all types. This change will take place at earliest tuesday.


- kulprit - 2009-04-21

Yeah i've got it all working myself for the mp3 logo, thanks for posting it, but had worked it out myself. Can post the xml info and the logo if you like. Will post a screenshot when I get home.

Here we go, the logo isn't perfect so if anyone finds one they think will look better please post it.


- ccMatrix - 2009-04-22

I've created a logo for "Babylonian Productions", the studio behind Babylon 5. The logo is based on the image shown at the end of the show. I tried to clear it up as good as I can while still retaining the background plate.


- paul - 2009-04-22

Fernferret will your includes_mediaflags.xmls work ok with the new Auriga build as i have tried one of your earlier packs and it stops the flags showing up in the new list views.
I do hope so as i am hopless at writing .xmlOo

- scrolling - 2009-04-22

I have a request for these three. Thanks.




- FernFerret - 2009-04-22


I'll make sure it does this weekend, I haven't seen any new updates since he last updated the XML which was a while ago i thought...


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