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Film studio Flag Icons - Post new ones here! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Film studio Flag Icons - Post new ones here! (/showthread.php?tid=48315)

- stoplis - 2009-05-05

Ok I've updated my pack to include the new flags.

Added: Manga, Bandi, Paramount Vantage and Sony Classics studio flags
Fixed: Paramount/Paramount Vantage detection
Fixed: Sony/Sony Classic detection
Fixed: Comedy Central in Paramount detection
Tested and confirmed.


Halibutt, could you please update your first page with the new link.

- Halibutt - 2009-05-05

stoplis Wrote:Halibutt, could you please update your first page with the new link.

- Neku - 2009-05-05


Bandai Visual Company

Lions Gate Films

Big Talk Productions


- Halibutt - 2009-05-06

Neku Wrote:REQ:
All uploaded to FF's site (except for Liongate we already had). Also uploaded some of the recently-submitted logos from the forum. As usually, I have no chance to give credit to their authors as I can only upload logos under my own name. Contact FF to correct that.

- Imaginos - 2009-05-06

don't you think this lionsgate is nicer that the one we already use ?

- stoplis - 2009-05-06

I personally like the current one, nice and simple. The logo we already have is the one that is used at the start of all of their films anyway, never seen that other one before.

- Halibutt - 2009-05-06

stoplis Wrote:I personally like the current one, nice and simple. The logo we already have is the one that is used at the start of all of their films anyway, never seen that other one before.

I actually prefer the lion, but it seems it hasn't been used for ages now...

- azido - 2009-05-06

i'm missing one for "Concorde" (for example 12 monkeys has this as studio set) though i did not find any good source yet to create one.

- Neku - 2009-05-06

I'm looking for this studios:

Appleseed Film Partners
3 Arts Entertainment
Chris Lee Productions
Big Primate Pictures
Tequila Gang
Mirage Enterprises
Brandywine Productions
Tim Burton Productions
Art Linson Productions
Digital Frontier

Could't find images for it. If any1 could help would be grat.

- krypt2nite - 2009-05-06

azido Wrote:i'm missing one for "Concorde" (for example 12 monkeys has this as studio set) though i did not find any good source yet to create one.


- logictester - 2009-05-06

how about Gunn Films (for example Bedtime Stories)?

- azido - 2009-05-06

krypt2nite Wrote:http://www.vector-logos.com/result-ru.html?search=Concorde

ok, this one doesn't look like the logo on my dvd, but fair enough i guess i'll stick with this one until i find a better one:

feel free to use/improve it.

- FernFerret - 2009-05-07

Hopefully (for real this time) an update this weekend.


- stoplis - 2009-05-07

I have quite a few studio requests for ones missing from my films:

Fox Atomic
Am Psycho Productions
Capella International
Eric's Boy
Bangkok Dangerous
Mike Zoss Productions
Pandora Cinema
Golar Productions
Hobby Films
Chris Lee Productions
Camelot Pictures
Be Gentlemen Limited Partnership
Dark Horse Entertainment
Blueprint Pictures
Blackfriars Bridge Films
Geffen Pictures
Largo Entertainment
Resident Evil Productions
Apatow Productions
Figment Films
Crowvision Inc.
3 Arts Entertainment
Skellington Productions Inc.
David Kirschner Productions
Goldcrest Pictures
Aardman Animations
Blue Askew

Any would help.

P.S. I've added the new Studio flags (Banai Visual, Imagemovers, etc.) but I'll wait until a few move have been posted before I upload the next update, unless someone is despreate.

- Jamdez - 2009-05-07

I've create these flags

Management 360

Alloy Entertainment

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