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Film studio Flag Icons - Post new ones here! - Printable Version

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- ekim232 - 2009-10-08


Do you think you could help me out with the icons I posted above?

I appreciate anything you can do.

- Halibutt - 2009-10-08

Sorry for my long absence, I updated the first post to point at FF's site.

- azido - 2009-10-08

Halibutt Wrote:Sorry for my long absence, I updated the first post to point at FF's site.

he still lives Wink

- Halibutt - 2009-10-08

Yup, alive and kicking. But guys, you don't need me any more, do you Smile The project is up and running regardless of whether I'm here or not.

Anyway, anything more I should add to the first post?

- ekim232 - 2009-10-09

I know Digital said he could make a tutorial, but if there is anyone who could headline making the requests I think it would influence more people come out with request. This would make it better for the community to fill in the gaps that are missing in the studios. I have been trying to learn for myself so I can assist as much a possible but I just can't seem to get it right.

- Halibutt - 2009-10-09

ekim232 Wrote:I know Digital said he could make a tutorial, but if there is anyone who could headline making the requests I think it would influence more people come out with request. This would make it better for the community to fill in the gaps that are missing in the studios. I have been trying to learn for myself so I can assist as much a possible but I just can't seem to get it right.
It's simple.
  1. Find the logo (preferably in some vector format)
  2. Open the logo file with Gimp, PS or any other decent program
  3. Resize the logo so that it doesn't exceed 82x125 pixels (it could be 82 pixels high and 20 pixels wide or 80 pixels high and 120 wide, doesn't actually matter as long as the dimensions do not exceed 82x125)
  4. Paste the resized file onto a clean, transparent file 109x161 (height x width); you could use any of the existing files, Ctrl+A, Delete the contents and paste a new logo.
  5. Save, upload to FF's site and voila

- knight5272 - 2009-11-15

Could someone please make some studio tags for these and upload: Thankyou very much!!


- Spidey_00 - 2009-11-16



- knight5272 - 2009-11-23

Thanks Spidey!!

- ekim232 - 2009-12-09

If anyone can help me out with the one below that would be great. Thanks in advance for anyone who can assist!


- ppic - 2009-12-09

is that ok?


- ekim232 - 2009-12-09

ppic Wrote:is that ok?


It needs to be 161x109 and transparent. I have been trying to learn how to do it because I got a lot I want to do. I have just been using a blank template from other studio icons, but I am having trouble getting the images to look clean.

Thanks for helping out.

- ppic - 2009-12-09

ok i see

better ?


- ekim232 - 2009-12-09

ppic Wrote:ok i see

better ?


That is great. I took your image and placed it on a 161x109 frame and resized it a bit. Now it looks perfect in most skins. I am using photoshop elements, but I am not good at getting the images transparent without quality loss. Any tips would be great. I have had people try to help before, but just can't get it.


- ppic - 2009-12-09

ho yes, forgot the size Big Grin

I'm not really skilled for graphism, i've just reverse color, add transparent layer and suppress the black color.

with the Gimp.

a tip, always work with the biggest sized image, reducing is the last things to do (my opinion)

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