[MOD] Simple Album Art visualization for PM3 - Skin Mod - ted209 - 2009-05-04
Here's a quick attempt at a simple album art visualisation.
My aim is to have a simple full screen album art with album/track information on screen.
Step 1:
Make a text file called advancedsettings.xml with the following content, and put it in your UserData folder:
Code: <advancedsettings>
(I believe 512 is the maximum art size XBMC allows - please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like 720x720 cover art!)
Step 2:
I'm modifying the PM3 HD skin MusicVisualisation.xml. Here is my current version:
Code: <window id="2006">
<control type="image">
<!-- codec & viz infos -->
<control type="group">
<animation effect="fade" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
<control type="image">
<description>Dialog Footer</description>
<control type="image">
<description>media info background image</description>
<texture border="10">dialog_middle.png</texture>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[musicplayer.Codec,Audio Codec: ,] $INFO[musicplayer.Channels, - Channels: ]
$INFO[musicplayer.Bitrate,Bitrate:,kbps]$INFO[musicplayer.bitspersample, - Bits:,bit]$INFO[musicplayer.Samplerate, - Freq.: ,kHz]</label>
<control type="label">
<description>Presets label</description>
<label>$LOCALIZE[250] - $INFO[Visualisation.Name]</label>
<control type="label">
<description>Presets label</description>
<label>$LOCALIZE[250] - $INFO[Visualisation.Name] - $LOCALIZE[20166]</label>
<control type="label">
<description>Presets label</description>
<!-- media infos -->
<control type="group">
<animation effect="fade" time="1000">VisibleChange</animation>
<control type="group">
<control type="image">
<description>Dialog Footer</description>
<control type="image">
<description>media info background image</description>
<texture border="10">dialog_middle.png</texture>
<control type="fadelabel">
<description>Artist label</description>
<control type="fadelabel">
<description>Title label</description>
<control type="fadelabel">
<description>Album label</description>
<control type="fadelabel">
<description>time label</description>
<label>$INFO[musicplayer.Time]$INFO[musicplayer.Duration, / ]</label>
<control type="label">
<description>Playlist Pos No</description>
<label>$INFO[musicplayer.Playlistposition,$LOCALIZE[435] ]$INFO[musicplayer.Playlistlength, / ]</label>
<control type="label">
<description>PartyMode Enabled</description>
If anyone would like to help out and improve this, I'd be very grateful.
- rudeboyx - 2009-05-06
what does this do exactley. a screenshot would be good
- Jezz_X - 2009-05-06
indeed the masses need screenshots not code
- ted209 - 2009-05-09
Ok, ok, screenshot added. I know it's simple - what do you guys think?
I guess maybe I should offset the album art to the right and have more space for text.
Please feel free to tweak it yourselves.
- rudeboyx - 2009-05-10
not to shabby but could do with some kind of visualization in the background maybe. just seems a little sparse. and also a progress bar would top it off
nice job though
- joebrady - 2009-05-22
rudeboyx Wrote:not to shabby but could do with some kind of visualization in the background maybe. just seems a little sparse. and also a progress bar would top it off
nice job though
I agree, I might try out my rudimentry skinning skills to play with this one a bit. I'd like the visualization in the background too.
But this would be nice for my 7 inch display in my truck.
Still wish we could get the Artist Fanart to show in this window...maybe one day.