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[MOD] Qwerty Keyboard Mod for PM3.HD Skin - Printable Version

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+----- Thread: [MOD] Qwerty Keyboard Mod for PM3.HD Skin (/showthread.php?tid=51609)

[MOD] Qwerty Keyboard Mod for PM3.HD Skin - Silverxxx - 2009-05-24

Hi, I made a qwerty keyboard mod for the hd skin, after reading a post on here and remembering how much i didn't like the "usual" one.

I dont really know how to post code on forums, so uploaded the code to Wikipedia

the file is 720p/DialogKeyboard.xml

please make sure that no one else has edited the code, since it's wikipedia after all. Hope this helps. I was unable to test some functionality since i use a mouse, but it's all there and i hope i haven't made any mistakes.

please backup your original file

- ronie - 2009-05-24

Thanx for his mod! Just tested it with a remote and it's working just fine.
There's only two small issues, the <onup> definitions for the letters L & M are incorrect.

<onup> for L should be 79
<onup> for M should be 74

Thanx again, i really like this qwerty keyboard. ;-)

- Silverxxx - 2009-05-24

thanks, i changed them, i remember correcting 'm' but obviously the change got lost in the multiple wordpad windows.

- nicoli_k - 2009-05-24

very nice! Thanks for taking the time to do this. It works great.

- Jezz_X - 2009-05-24

if you want to paste them to somwhere people can't change them try a site like pastebin.com ot pastbin.ca

P.S when I get a chance I will take a look at this and maybe add it to PM3.HD as an option like pm3 has

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