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Replacing "Studio" Flag - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Replacing "Studio" Flag (/showthread.php?tid=55716)

Replacing "Studio" Flag - theone5484 - 2009-08-01

Is there a way to replace the studio flag? Ideally I would like to show "Source - Video Codec - Resolution - Audio Codec"

I've tried looking in some of the .xml files in the 720p but I'm not very familiar with it. I've tried searching other threads but have had no luck.

Any help would be great!

- phil65 - 2009-08-01

theone5484 Wrote:Is there a way to replace the studio flag? Ideally I would like to show "Source - Video Codec - Resolution - Audio Codec"

I've tried looking in some of the .xml files in the 720p but I'm not very familiar with it. I've tried searching other threads but have had no luck.

Any help would be great!

look in includes_mediaflags.xml, line 330 downwards. (in hitchers mod)

- theone5484 - 2009-08-03

I've tried doing it using hitchers mod and its worked somewhat for me, however I already had everything setup using the information and "includes_mediaflags.xml" file from this post:

Is there anyway of replacing the studio flag using that file?