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video pausing for 5 minutes then continues - Printable Version

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video pausing for 5 minutes then continues - Highelf - 2009-08-24


i'm using xbmc 9.04.1 on kubuntu 9.04 on AMD 4850e with AMD 780G Board and onboard HD3200. My TV is connected with HDMI, the sound with jack

to my stereo (plain old stereo sound).

I can play movies without having load issues, temperature is also fine. My issue is that the video and sound will freeze at random (some time

after 10 minutes of playing, sometimes after 30 minutes).
The exact trouble is the following:

1) I loose the sound, the video still plays for about 5-10 seconds.
2) The video also pauses. The log will sometime say
21:34:53 T:2854214544 M:2223603712 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - retrieved last data packet of queue
21:34:53 T:2854214544 M:2223611904    INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe detected, switching to forced 23.976025 fps

Sometimes the log won't say anything.
3) The video and sound restarts after exactly 5 minutes of pause (while I can't control xbmc, but have the paused picture visible)
the log will then always say:
21:39:44 T:2808081296 M:2226733056   DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::AddPackets - buffer underun (tried to write 1024 frames)
21:39:44 T:2808081296 M:2226733056   ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer
21:39:44 T:2808081296 M:2226733056   ERROR: AddPackets - failed to add leftover bytes to render
21:39:44 T:2808081296 M:2226733056   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:785388097.763874, should be:485632000.000000, error:-299756097.763874
21:39:44 T:2916051856 M:2226819072   DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - started caching
21:39:44 T:2808081296 M:2226819072 WARNING: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - device is not able to pause playback, will flush instead
The sound and video is out of sync of about 5-10 seconds, the "video" stuttering to be sync again with audio after maybe another 5 sec.

On the pastebin log I had the issue 4 times in one movie:
around 21:30, 21:39, 21:46 and 21:51

I also tried starting xbmc with pulseaudio stopped, no change.
Anyone any idea?

- CrashX - 2009-08-24

First thing I will try is recent builds of xbmc .. Your build is a bit old ..

- Highelf - 2009-08-25

So you suggest me to switch to svn? I'll start with it, but with my slow-internet connection it can take a while Sad

Is my issue known? If possible I'd like to stay on "stable" releases Smile


- alanwww1 - 2009-08-25

I have the very same problem, except with my navigation sounds. They tend to dissapear after pausing an ac3 or a dts movie for a 3-4 secs (than i can hear a click from my receiver changing the audio mode). With normal stereo movies i have no such problems. If i start playback again the movie plays fine, but i loose navigation sounds. If i restart xbmc nav sound come back.

i think this bug has to do something with audio card state. I read something about normal and data passthrough states. this is only an issue with hdmi output for me. The same card with spdif output works ok.

What i did is i changed playback device from default, hdmi (with custom asoundrc file) to hdmi,hdmi (without any .asoundrc file)

This case i don't have any nav sounds at all (which is a little bothering)

It would be good if one of the devs could fix this.

It would also be good if one can define in the gui (or in advancedsettings.xml) which playback device xbmc should use for navigation sounds.

- CrashX - 2009-08-25

What revision did you try ? I believe their was recent fix for DTS ..

- alanwww1 - 2009-08-25

CrashX Wrote:What revision did you try ? I believe their was recent fix for DTS ..

That fix is for a different story. My case was like this for a year since i tried xbmc first.

- Highelf - 2009-08-26

OK, I'm now using svn-release xxx of xbmc.
17:23:25 T:3056928624 M:2498256896  NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: GNU/Linux.  Built on Aug 25 2009 (SVN:22408)
To be sure, not to mix things up with alanwww1's bug. I'm using stereo/default output in xbmc. My receiver is stereo, the tv is connected with hdmi, no sound on it (although I once had sound over hdmi with dragonplayer).

This is a part of the log. My issue happens already one minutes after movie starts.

17:33:06 T:2869947280 M:2422407168    INFO: ffmpeg[AB0FEB90]:     Stream #0.1: Audio: dca, 48000 Hz, 6 channels, s16
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2422321152   DEBUG: PulseAudio: Opening Channels: 2 - SampleRate: 48000 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec DTS - IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false - audioHost: default - audioDevice: default
17:33:06 T:2853161872 M:2420211712   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(167000.000000, 0)
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2416566272   DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context failed
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2416566272   ERROR: PulseAudio: Waited for the Context but it failed
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2416738304   DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - Channels: 2 - SampleRate: 48000 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec DTS - IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false - audioDevice: default
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2416738304   DEBUG: Initialize - using alsa device default
17:33:06 T:2853161872 M:2416807936  NOTICE:  fps: 23.976025, pwidth: 1280, pheight: 544, dwidth: 1280, dheight: 544
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2414301184   DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::Initialize - packet size:4096, packet count:8, buffer size:8192
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2414301184   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 0: clock feedback
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2414301184   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:273022.659000, should be:24.444000, error:-272998.215000
17:33:06 T:2835348368 M:2414301184   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(85000.000000, 1)
And here the movies pauses as well as the soud a little bit later.
17:34:10 T:2835348368 M:2405244928 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - retrieved last data packet of queue
17:39:08 T:2869947280 M:2403446784   DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - started caching
17:39:08 T:2835348368 M:2403446784 WARNING: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - device is not able to pause playback, will flush instead
17:39:08 T:2869947280 M:2403524608   DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - stopped caching
17:39:08 T:2835348368 M:2403524608   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:-7712141.347000, should be:64042984.243911, error:71755125.590911

Do you have any other advice?

- althekiller - 2009-08-26

Please don't snip logs, use pastebin.com or similar.

- gimmmo - 2009-08-26

Quote:This is a part of the log. My issue happens already one minutes after movie starts.

I have the exact issue as yours since the first time I use xmbc about a year ago. I have the same 780G chipset with ATI HD3200 gracphics card. My CPU is AMD 64-bit.

First, I use AMD Catalyst 9.6 driver and then also Catalyst 9.7. Play around with the xorg.conf configuration but the issue still occurs.

Second, I upgrade to XBMC SVN release around 2 weeks ago and using Catalyst 9.6 then also 9.7.... the issue of video freeze comes more often!! Could happen every 10minutes...

So, I decided to return back to official release XBMC live. When Catalyst 9.8 was released a few days ago, I upgraded to 9.8. However, with current released XBMC-Live and Catalyst 9.8 the issue does not go away!

I'm not sure it's XBMC issue or Catalyst issue.

- Highelf - 2009-08-27

OK, sorry for log-snipping. Here a fresh complete log. Bug happening at 20:01:39.

Just for info, I'm using fglrx 9-7. My ubuntu is an x86 (32bit release).

The good part seems to be: I'm not alone. The not so good part seems to be: There is no solution?
So what could be the next step to help trying this issue? Shall I open a ticket in trac?


- Highelf - 2009-08-28

Today I tried it with catalyst 9.8 the situation didn't change.

I have a "real" debug log here with the issue. I still can't really see any abnormality.

I'm really desperate Sad


- CrashX - 2009-08-28

Was database scan finished when you played the video ?

- Highelf - 2009-08-28

I don't know about the database, I had no visual information about any progress (no progress bar). To be sure i disabled it. I also switched to todays svn (should be before the big announced breakeage Smile ) An again, same error happening round 21:35.
The last log line are always written (time stamp as prove), when the video and audios does restart to play btw. There is no line in the log corresponding to the time of the pausing.

The actual log is here.

- Sartsj - 2009-08-29

I am having the same problem with my XBMC. I run Ubuntu 9.04 in the minimal installation, with an XBMC compiled from SVN (r22201). Hardware is an Athlon II X2 250 on a motherboard with 780G chipset and HD3200 integrated gpu.

Everytime it pauses, the last line in the log is the line which says 'retrieved last data packed of queue', and the pause seems to be almost exactly 5 minutes. It also seems to happen at least 2 or 3 times during a movie.

I am going to play another movie and take notes on when it 'pauses' and for how long.

00:08 - Movie loses sound and pauses after a few seconds
00:13 - Movie unpauses

01:10 - Started watching another movie
02:35 - Movie loses sound and pauses after a few seconds
02:40 - Movie unpauses

Log on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f3b729707

- Zesh - 2009-10-08

Has there been any word on this? My newly built AMD/ATI system is doing exactly the same thing. Everyone in this thread seems to have an AMD processor with ATI graphics, something to that? This never happened on my Intel/Intel system (Mac Mini/Ubuntu).

I am running a Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H with integrated ATI Radeon HD4200 with an AMD Phenom™ II X2 550 Processor. Ubuntu 9.04 running Catalyst 9.9 (happened on 9.8 as well).

Video out is DVI (to HDMI on the TV end). Audio out is digital optical pass through.

XBMC is SVN revision 23429 (happened on 9.04.1 and previous SVN builds also). I am currently building revision 23526 to test when I get home this evening.

Here is the log from when the video started to the freeze. The freeze happens just before 19:49 where I first hit the Pause button then click the Play button again. Usually when the video is froze overlay items still function. When I hit stop on the remote it seems to attempt to end the video but it never succeeds.

The video does resume itself after a period of time. When I have walked away when a freeze has occurred it has resumed playing by the time I get back. After seeing this thread I am going to time it the next time it happens, see if it is a 5 minute timeout for me as well.

Any help would be great.

