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AMX Control - Printable Version

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AMX Control - jeffwalker60 - 2009-10-30

I am trying to build a module in AMX Netlinx (Home Automation) to control the XBMC. I am pretty new to the xbmc world. The module is currently sending a POST command as follows:

SEND_STRING dvIP, "'POST /cgitb.py HTTP/1.1',13,10,
'Accept-Language: en-us',13,10,
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',13,10 ,
'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate',13,10,
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;
Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;
.NET CLR 2.0.50727)',13,10,
'Host: ',IP_ADDRESS,13,10,
'Connection: Keep-Alive',13,10,
'Cache-Control: no-cache',13,10,
'Content-Length: ',ITOA(LENGTH_STRING(<COMMAND>)),
'Content-Type: text/html',13,10,
'Authorization: Basic Og==',13,10,13,10,

************************************************** *******
Although I can connect up okay to the port each command is returning:

HTTP/1.1 404 Site or Page Not Found
Server: GoAhead-Webs
Date: Thu Oct 29 11:32:26 2009
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html

<html><head><title>Document Error: Site or Page Not Found</title></head>
<body><h2>Access Error: Site or Page Not Found</h2>
<p>Cannot open URL</p></body></html>

************************************************** **
Please give your suggestions and let me know of a parameter that may be off.

Thanks, in advance.

AMX Driver - Firestorm17 - 2009-11-05

I am pretty new to the XMBC world as well, but I have been trying to do a lot of reading. And although I have done some Netlinx programming, I haven't done much on the IP side of things.

Based on what you posted, what port are you trying to open to make your connection?

On the aside, it's pretty cool you are trying to make the AMX driver. I hope you post it here, so we can give it a shot. Are you creating the ability to see all the data on the touch panel, or will it be strictly IP control to manipulate the interface?

- aedile - 2009-11-05

Hey glad that some more advanced control systems are starting to get in the mix here. It looks like you are trying to go for IP-based control which is cool. If you are interested in trying an IR-route, you might want to start here:

There are some new things that have come up since then like allowing the new key mappings that are not addressed in the initial write-up, but that got me pretty far at the time. I have since ditched the mx-3000 and am moving into a control4 setup (admittedly, neither are NEAR as advanced as an AMX setup).

Keep us posted with progress. I think more and more folks are going to start integrating XBMC into high-end theaters and anything we can do to add to the knowledge-base will only make it easier.
