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HDMI audio passthrough doesn't work for Aspire Revo - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: HDMI audio passthrough doesn't work for Aspire Revo (/showthread.php?tid=67799)

HDMI audio passthrough doesn't work for Aspire Revo - Maxwell Smart - 2010-01-19

So I followed all the guides and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the Aspire Revo to output sound over HDMI. My current setup is HDMI from the Revo to my LCD HDTV, and then optical toslink from my HDTV to my Logitech Amplifier. This exact setup works flawlessly when using it with my Xbox 360, so I don't understand why it won't work with the revo. I have tried both checking and unchecking the DTS passthrough boxes, and each is set audio is setup to hdmi. Also I have tried it with and without the downmix to stereo option as well.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get this to work?

- myrison - 2010-01-19

To try isolating the problem, you might run the Revo straight to the receiver first before going through the TV. That way you'll know if it is the TV HDMI <-> Toslink conversion that is causing the issue or something in the Revo.

I'm guessing you might not have an HDMI receiver which is the reason you're running it this way. With the way you've described above though, there are just too may variables to try and troubleshoot with what you've provided.

- Maxwell Smart - 2010-01-19

You are correct, I do not have an HDMI receiver, which is why I'm using it as described. I know it is not an issue with the pass through however, as it works perfectly with my Xbox 360. Is there any log information or other information I can provide to help diagnose the issue?

- headcase - 2010-01-19

Set output digital, ac3 on, dts on and then set both output and passthrough device to custom plughw:0,3. Turn downmix to stereo off.

From cmd do aplay -l just to make sure your hdmi is card 0 device 3.

I couldn't get audio via hdmi on my revo to work using 'hdmi' as instructed, I had to use plughw:0,3. I've got the same setup as you ... hdmi -> tv -> optical to receiver.

- Maxwell Smart - 2010-01-21

Do I just type those into custom? Because I entered them as you said and I'm still getting no audio. I don't even get sound out of the speakers on the TV when I have my optical out unplugged from the TV. Is there something I'm missing? Maybe a different setting?

- Maxwell Smart - 2010-01-21

Nevermind, figured it out, turns out that having the 1.5GB RAM in combination with a 512MB video buffer caused the sound not to work and suspend/shutdown not to function properly, hopefully this helps out anyone with a similar issue.

- Veavictus - 2010-01-22

headcase Wrote:Set output digital, ac3 on, dts on and then set both output and passthrough device to custom plughw:0,3. Turn downmix to stereo off.

From cmd do aplay -l just to make sure your hdmi is card 0 device 3.

I couldn't get audio via hdmi on my revo to work using 'hdmi' as instructed, I had to use plughw:0,3. I've got the same setup as you ... hdmi -> tv -> optical to receiver.

OMG! Thank you so much! This completely fixed my audio issues. I've been browsing these forums for weeks, trying all sorts of stuff. I now have full 5.1 and it sounds amazing. I'm using my Aspire Revo > HDMI > TV > Optical > Receiver and this is the solution that fixed it all. Seriously i can't thank you enough! Big Grin

- TheSiege - 2010-03-22

Ok so I am having a problem still, AC3 plays at full level with no control from the revo
DTS is muted and PCM plays just fine. I have my revo going to my TV to my receiver

hdmi to the TV optical to the reciever. any ideas?