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No Video on Playback (Just a black screen) - Printable Version

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No Video on Playback (Just a black screen) - Ava_lon - 2010-02-01

Hi Guys!

I was trying to find an answer in the forum, but with my english vocabulary it isn't easy.
So I considered to open a new Thread.

Well, my problem.
I was using an older (0.79 or something) version of XBMC and the Aeon Theme.
Today I found the Transparency! Theme and because of some problems with Aeon I was loading the newest Version of XMBC (this one which is compatible wit Trans 2.11) and also the Transparency 2.11.
Its all working fine and looking much better... Tanks for that.
But my problem is... I can't watch videos.
Everytime I start a Movie like mpeg or avi or DVD (doesn't matter) I hear the sound, but see nothing.
I tried some changes in the configuration, but can't solve the problem.
If anyone has an idea, please help.

So long!

- ronie - 2010-02-01

read the sticky on how to report problems in a useful manner. ;-)

not skin related, moving to:
General Help and Support

- Ava_lon - 2010-02-01


Im sorry, will do so next time.
Tanks for moving. Hope somebody can help now.
Btw, a link to a post with equal content would be helpful, too.


- jhsrennie - 2010-02-01

Download and run the DirectX installer from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=04ac064b-00d1-474e-b7b1-442d8712d553

The XBMC setup sometimes doesn't install DirectX properly for reasons we can't figure out.


- Ava_lon - 2010-02-01

Thanks, I will try this.
Hope it helps.
I tell you if its working.

- Ava_lon - 2010-02-01

Thank you very much!
This has solved my problem!
Now it works perfectly!
