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Cosmetic support for banners in sickbeard - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Cosmetic support for banners in sickbeard (/showthread.php?tid=75650)

Cosmetic support for banners in sickbeard - branlr - 2010-06-15

I have nothing to offer as far as downloading banners. However, if you are using xbmc or another media manager type program to scrape the banners, I have modified the comingEpisodes template so that it will show your already downloaded banners in the Coming Episodes screen without squishing them. I also removed the text title, since banners tend to suffice in terms of displaying the title. It just seemed redundant.

The file can be downloaded here:

To install, overwrite the existing comingEpisodes file in "\SickBeard\data\interfaces\default"

So, just to be clear, this does NOTlet you download banners with sickbeard. You will want to turn off folder.jpg downloading in sickbeard if you use this. This merely allows you to keep using your existing banners without it looking squished in sickbeard's "Coming Episodes" interface.

Didn't work for me - vincheesel - 2010-07-13


I tried installing this on my PC, I got the error below...

Is it compatible with Sick Beard Alpha 454 and above?

Can you please assist?


500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cherrypy\_cprequest.pyo", line 660, in respond
File "cherrypy\lib\encoding.pyo", line 193, in __call__
File "cherrypy\_cpdispatch.pyo", line 25, in __call__
File "sickbeard\webserve.pyo", line 1625, in comingEpisodes
File "sickbeard\webserve.pyo", line 123, in _munge
File "Cheetah\Template.pyo", line 1004, in __str__
File "_Program_Files__x86__SickBeard_data_interfaces_default_comingEpisodes_tmpl.py", line 221, in respond
NotFound: cannot find 'qualityStrings'
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