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All the new features in Dharma? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: All the new features in Dharma? (/showthread.php?tid=77497)

All the new features in Dharma? - mobious - 2010-07-20

Just wondering if there is a list of some sort? I can't seem to find it.

- jmarshall - 2010-07-20

There's a bit on the milestones page on trac.xbmc.org. Unfortunately just what whoever writes the page picks up on.

You could always trawl through the changelog Wink

- mobious - 2010-07-20

Wow a ton of additions, add-on sounds like it's gonna be awesome. Can't wait! I donated the first time I got Camelot and I will donate again once dharma is out, you devs deserve every penny you get because xbmc is awesome!

- mkortstiege - 2010-07-20

mobious Wrote:Wow a ton of additions, add-on sounds like it's gonna be awesome. Can't wait! I donated the first time I got Camelot and I will donate again once dharma is out, you devs deserve every penny you get because xbmc is awesome!

Thanks Wink

- Roelio - 2010-07-20

mobious Wrote:Wow a ton of additions, add-on sounds like it's gonna be awesome. Can't wait! I donated the first time I got Camelot and I will donate again once dharma is out, you devs deserve every penny you get because xbmc is awesome!

+1 After wasting a lot of money on premature Media players Confused I finally found my home. It's think it's time to pay the right people :cool2:


- mlbblitz - 2010-07-20

+1 agreed completely i now have my mother in law, my boss and a few mates wanting it set up for them, the best media centre software anywhere. Thanks heaps for all your time and effort

- art76 - 2010-07-26

+1, big thanks to the devs for their hard work but also the community for all the extra things like skins, addons, scripts etc.

Just donated again as also excited to see Dharma almost ready for release. I think I have donated more to opensource projects in the years than I have purchased full retail products.. funny how that works.

- g0pkh - 2010-07-26

Quote:After wasting a lot of money on premature Media players I finally found my home. It's think it's time to pay the right people

I couldn't agree more. I have made my first donation today too.

So eagerly waiting Dharma. Nod

- kortina - 2010-07-27

I can't wait for Dhama!

I have previously donated, and will donate another $25 when this release is out.

I have just ordered an Intel X25 SSD to put into my XBMCLive setup.

- Roelio - 2010-09-21

I just installed the Dharma beta 2 and damn this is just AWESOME!

Made my first donation 5 minutes ago Wink

- linuxluemmel - 2010-09-22

Made my donation also yesterday ;-)

- linuxluemmel - 2010-09-23

Funny ,-) I'm still no donator ...
I spend my donation 2 days ago

- jmarshall - 2010-09-23

@linuxluemmel: Thanks for the donation - not sure if we received any emails regarding this from paypal which seems odd - if you have paypal transaction details, please PM me with it and I'll look into it.


- calibos - 2010-09-24

I tried to donate eons ago when I installed XBMC on 5 softmodded xboxes. It was rejected. My money obviously wasn't good enough! Big Grin I'll be donating when I swap out all me old xboxes for Ion boxes with Dharma in a few months when personal finances free up. AFAIK I am running a 4 year old build on those old xboxes! A few scripts have stopped working alright but it still plays every SD video file I through at it. Big family of TV addicts us so thoses boxes still get hammered with usage 16/7. Best piece of software ever!!

- linuxluemmel - 2010-09-28

jmarshall Wrote:@linuxluemmel: Thanks for the donation - not sure if we received any emails regarding this from paypal which seems odd - if you have paypal transaction details, please PM me with it and I'll look into it.


Did you get my pm Jonathan about the donation ?

I guess paypal have my money since a week by today NoNoNoNo