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Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - Printable Version

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Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - NoPantsJim - 2010-11-11

I've confirmed yet again that the guys at TheTvDb are *big dumb jerks* (at least to me anyway), as they seem to be far more concerned with keeping everything on lockdown rather than actual functionality:


I can't recall ever seeing the option to pick DVD order instead of aired order in XBMC. Is it hidden somewhere or something that needs to be done in .nfo files?

- steelman1991 - 2010-11-11

Not at my HTPC at the moment, but think that this setting is available from the folder in 'file'mode - press 'c' or eqivalent remote command to bring up the context menu, set content and from the pop-up menu choose settings then DVD Order

- prae5 - 2010-11-11

In file mode select the folder that contains firefly, select set content, set it up as normal as a tv source, however when setting content make sure you set the option that folder contains a single show, click settings and then select use DVD order.

A quick search would have found all of this.

- FishOil - 2010-11-11

Aired order for The TV Database is the only way to go. Sorry, JMHO

A HUGE percentage of people get these shows way before the dvd release.
There has to be a standard and aired is it.

- NoPantsJim - 2010-11-11

FishOil Wrote:Aired order for The TV Database is the only way to go. Sorry, JMHO

A HUGE percentage of people get these shows way before the dvd release.
There has to be a standard and aired is it.

You're right, and I wish I could run aired order for everything because I'm one of those people who gets my shows before the dvd release. Still doesn't make sense to me to justify keeping an incorrect aired order on the site for a show with no chance of new episodes.

Going into file mode and setting the Firefly folder to DVD order and everything else to Aired order worked fine. It'd be nice if this info could be kept in an .nfo file so I don't need to remember to do it every single time I set up an XBMC, though.

- VonMagnum - 2011-02-12

The true storyline arch order is what is important, not where the network screwed up and aired them out of order (The Transformers cartoon is a good example) or even if the DVD has them screwed up out of chronological order. Either way (regardless of who screwed up), you want to watch a TV Show in the order the story progresses (chronological plot order).

In any case, I'm glad I found a thread that explains the setting in XBMC to re-order it (although it STILL shows the wrong "screenshot" for the episode, even after re-scanning all the episodes...OK, if I re-scan from "library" mode it changes the screenshots, but not from file mode). I finally found "dvd order" in the Wiki, but it's pretty obscure ("aired order" turns up squat, really). All I know is when I went to watch The Tranformers cartoon, it gave the wrong descriptions for any given episodes and a search for the true order of the episodes matched the DVD and I just now finally found the reason why the TV scraper matched them up incorrectly. I couldn't care less what order they aired in 1984. I'm watching them now and I want to see them in the correct order (the aired date is satisfactory to know; XBMC could always "list by aired date" or something. The point is that any given TV Show has a "true" order (by which the episodes should ultimately be labeled or tagged) and "aired" has nothing to do with it (network broadcast error).

In any case, I think the Database should have a true order and that should be the default for XBMC. I don't see why the database should be based on the needs of video pirates. Of course, I realize my opinion means squat but it still feels worth saying. If more formats had meta-tagging (hello M4V; you're the ONLY one, it seems), all of this would be unnecessary. I realize, of course, my opinion means exactly (or almost) squat (so no one get mad), but I thought it worth sharing anyway.

I hope meta-tagging makes it into the next XBMC release. Its scrapers get so many of my B-movie and foreign movies wrong and they're all correctly tagged in the M4V files with correct artwork, etc. It's the one area where Apple TV viewer is superior (well other than speed on 1st Gen AppleTV where XBMC cannot handle ANY 720p whereas Apple's viewer can). I realize meta-tagging was relatively unimportant to the majority of XBMC users in the past, but with the new release of XBMC for AppleTV2 and iOS devices in general, hopefully that will change (plus I recall reading that the existing reader for songs works for movies when relabeled so it wouldn't be too much work to add it for movies/tv). I mean tagging for songs has been around forever and is indispensable. It should be the same for movies in the future as disc formats will eventually disappear or at least become less relevant (like CDs have). All my CDs got tagged when I ripped them and so have my DVDs (in M4V). It just seems the rest of the world (AVI/MKV, etc.) doesn't seem to care for some odd reason. They should add official tagging support as well (at least for MKV which is the modern format of choice). Of course, on the reverse, it would be nice if M4V had DTS support.

- gabbott - 2011-02-12

NoPantsJim Wrote:You're right, and I wish I could run aired order for everything because I'm one of those people who gets my shows before the dvd release. Still doesn't make sense to me to justify keeping an incorrect aired order on the site for a show with no chance of new episodes.

Going into file mode and setting the Firefly folder to DVD order and everything else to Aired order worked fine. It'd be nice if this info could be kept in an .nfo file so I don't need to remember to do it every single time I set up an XBMC, though.

There is a solution.

Just export your database as single files and it'll create the nfo files if you ever need to scrape the show again.

- PhracturedBlue - 2011-06-02

Sorry to revive this old thread, but for future info to anyone who needs to do this, should you use the method proposed by prae5, you need to:
(a) do it before scanning the directory the 1st time, or you need to do it via change-content, and then remove the show from the video library and rescan)
(b) have the show filenames numbered in DVD order

Maybe this is obvious, but my assumption was that this was just a display filter, but it actually seems to just change which field from TheTvDb gets parsed as the episode #.

- Rafiki - 2011-09-05

Ok I have sorted out the DVD ordering thanks to you guys but now I'm having problems with how to name the Pilot correctly so it shows as episode 1 and then the next 13 episodes as 2-14? Any ideas?

Nevermind I figured it out, I just named the episodes 1-14 instead of 00-13.

RE: Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - leng - 2021-12-21

Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread, but I am trying to do this for "The Lost Room".  This show is slightly odd in that was originally broadcast as a three part miniseries but for unknown (to me) reasons the dvd has it as 6 shorter episodes.  Both the aired-order and dvd-order appear correctly in TheTVDB with 3 episodes in the aired order and 6 in the DVD order.

I had a poor quality version of the original miniseries and have since acquired the DVDs.  I am now attempting to scan in DVD order, having purged the original from my database.  Scanning with TheTVDB scanner gave me the aired order titles even when I made the suggested changes to the scanner, leaving thee episodes not added to the kodi DB.  Scanning with "The New TVDB" scanner failed completely with DVD order - the progress bar reported cleaning database then nothing further happened.  I tried adding a Season 01 subfolder and moving the files into it but the only difference was the "The New  TVDB" scanner now worked exactly as does TheTVBD scanner.

I am now at a loss.  I am pretty sure I can get what I want by exporting the .nfo files, usiing them as a template to create 3 more, then re-importing them but that is a hastle even for three episodes and would be unbearable if something similar happened.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

RE: Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - Karellen - 2021-12-21


I just checked the listing at TVDB and the 6 episodes won't scrape as they use TVDB's new Flexible Order system. Read here for more info... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=353635&pid=2942013#pid2942013

I have that show also. Don't know if you have noticed but the split between episodes is pretty poor between. The first, third and fifth episodes have no closing credits. It just suddenly stops. So once I ripped them from DVD, I joined the 6 episodes back into 3 episodes using MKVToolNix.

Your only other option is to create nfo files for the episodes.

RE: Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - leng - 2021-12-21

Thanks for explaining that - at least I know I am not going mad.  I had not noticed the missing ends on episodes 1, 3 and 5 but while trying to sort things out I did notice that episode 2 had no opening sequence, so it would appear that the 6 serial episodes were simply the three miniseries parts chopped in half without any cosmetic tidy-up.

Stitching them back together seems the best solution.  What would we do without MKVToolsNix?

I'm currently fighting with Dark Skies.  My set of DVDs doesn't match any of the available listings which I finally realised is because the DVD publisher took the double length Pilot episode and stuck it on the last disk of 5 as a "bonus item".   That one is easy to fix once you see that.  I believe there is a another set of the series which has the order TVDB offers as DVD.

RE: Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - Karellen - 2021-12-21


TVDB are writing their own new scrapers for Kodi. They are still a work in progress. But I just tested DVD order against The Lost Room, and it does scrape all six episodes. I note that TVDB has no artwork for those episodes.

If you still want the 6 episodes or you come across other shows with DVD Order, try using this scraper... https://github.com/thetvdb/metadata.tvshows.thetvdb.com.v4.python/releases

It's still in development but you can use it if you like. Just regularly check for updates if you choose to use it.

RE: Using DVD order instead of aired order for the show Firefly? - leng - 2021-12-22

You sir, are a fount of knowledge.  As for The Lost Room, now that I realise how tatty the single episodes are I've gone back to the miniseries layout.  However, I'll try your alternate scraper a run on Dark Skies to see what it makes of it.