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XBMC for Xbox Freezes during Playback - Printable Version

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XBMC for Xbox Freezes during Playback - putrification - 2010-12-13

So, yesterday we spent a good 4 hours going through builds and testing them to see which ones we could get to work for UPnP streaming (I'm using TVersity). A lot of them froze up when we tried to load the server, and finally we settled on Babylon 9.04. We began watching some movies streamed from my PC and soon realized that the Xbox would freeze after about 45 minutes of playback. It froze to the point that it needed a hard reset to go back to normal. It did this several times, and finally we just decided to FTP the videos to the hard drive and watch them from there, but it continued to freeze. So, I'm stumped. I must've tried like 12 builds yesterday. Can anyone give me advice on which build I should be using, or what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

- paul - 2010-12-13

XBMC for XBOX is no longer supported on this forum, please visit http://www.xbmc4xbox.org/ .

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