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Videos not showing in Video List / Missing Tv series - Printable Version

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Videos not showing in Video List / Missing Tv series - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-02

OK, So this problem appears to be pretty unique, because no searches turn up anything recent that is the same.

I have my files shared on a Win7 machine.

sources.xml reads as follows:

<path pathversion="1">smb://USERONE-PC/Movies/</path>

When i use the 'Videos' menus choice of XBMC to look at the actual files on that particular share... not all videos are listed.

The same thing happens with Tv Series. If i navigate to the folder that holds the tv series... XBMC will display 1,2,3 of the series. MISS OUT 4,5,6, and then show 7,8,9.

Naming conventions are the same across all the TV Series.

Has anyone any advice on how to narrow this issue down / fix it?

- mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-02


I reinstalled XBMC and still the installation won't view certain files in the videos list.

However, even using the System --> File Browser utility WILL NOT show these files.

That would indicate it is a permissions problem with the Windows 7 share. BUT i've been in and verified that the relevant user has READ and READ/EXECUTE permissions.

Therefore... is it possible that the system is not showing the files because of the NAMING CONVENTIONS , or perhaps the CODECS are a problem?

Any advice greatly appreciated, because I am really confused.

***Second Update - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-03

This issue keeps getting worse too...

There is no 'definacy' to the issue. Upon booting into XBMC some videos are not shown, then on a reboot, other videos are not shown and the ones that were missing first are back?!

It is still happening, so any advice greatly appreciated.

- Auri - 2011-04-03

I'm intrested in this post aswell, since I have the EXACT same problem.
I wonder if anyone has a cause or solution for/to it.

I even updated the linux distro, let apt-get install all updates of all packages and did all the steps you already wrote above, meh this is an annoying problem ... it can't be we are the only 2 with this problem surely !

- Auri - 2011-04-04

Any new update anyone ?

Still no success - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-04

Woohoo! Someone responded. Nice Smile

I've still got no information on fixing this.

1. I did NOT perform any updates. My revo is running a stock downloaded XBMC.

2. The fact that this has only just started to happen would indicate that its a windows problem. e.g. perhaps a windows update messed up the sharing facility. BUT all windows sharing settings would seem to be set correctly.

Tonight I think i shall try and copy a few files over to ANOTHER pc on the network to see if the same thing happens.

- Dobyken - 2011-04-04

mcai8rw2 Wrote:Woohoo! Someone responded. Nice Smile

I've still got no information on fixing this.

1. I did NOT perform any updates. My revo is running a stock downloaded XBMC.

2. The fact that this has only just started to happen would indicate that its a windows problem. e.g. perhaps a windows update messed up the sharing facility. BUT all windows sharing settings would seem to be set correctly.

Tonight I think i shall try and copy a few files over to ANOTHER pc on the network to see if the same thing happens.

Have you guys tried mounting the drives instead of using smb?

sudo mount -t smbfs //servernameorIP/shared_folder/
/media/windows_share -o username=Guest,password=

If that works you can create/edit the fstab file to mount it on boot.

- mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-04

Dobyken! thanks for the advice sir! However ... i'm sorry. It did not work.

wierdly, i do exactly this... and the same thing happens, i get a list of only a portion of the folders in my windows7 shared directory. Its so odd.

The only thing i have noticed... (this may be complete coincidence) is that the movies all stop on the 'THE' movies... e.g. The Mask, The Thing, The Usual Suspects etc...

Again, any advice greatfully recieived.

- Auri - 2011-04-04

I will try the mounting and if it works I'll drop it into the fstab, but as mcai8rw2 pointed out it will probably not work.

Funny is with my it's also movies that start with "T" ... the tourist, true grit, ....

I even tried to devide them over different folders that I would share from eachother so that the files per share/dir were small as I thought it could have something todo with the amount of dirs, or nested dirs, bus the problem remains.

So weird ... Sad

- Dobyken - 2011-04-05

mcai8rw2 Wrote:Dobyken! thanks for the advice sir! However ... i'm sorry. It did not work.

wierdly, i do exactly this... and the same thing happens, i get a list of only a portion of the folders in my windows7 shared directory. Its so odd.

The only thing i have noticed... (this may be complete coincidence) is that the movies all stop on the 'THE' movies... e.g. The Mask, The Thing, The Usual Suspects etc...

Again, any advice greatfully recieived.

It very well could be something with Win7. From the Settings>info screen in XBMC what version does it say? " I did NOT perform any updates. My revo is running a stock downloaded XBMC" Doesn't tell us what version you downloaded nor whether you're running Live, Ubuntu or what. The fact that it gets stuck on the T's is interesting in that there's code in XBMC that eliminates "The" when sorting but to be honest I haven't seen anything that indicates there's any problems with the logic otherwise there would be hundreds of people having problems. The reason the developers are not helping is that they get tired of telling users to turn on debugging in XBMC and paste a copy of your log that includes the movie scan to a site like pastebin.com. Also include whether you you have "Scan Recursive" and "Use foldernames for movie names" checked in your source setup. Be specific on your network setup Give an example of the full path and name of a movie that's not scanning.

Debugging! I liek it. - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-05

Thanks dobyken,

I will most certainly be switching on debugging and displaying my code when i get home this evening.

I also recall seeing that there is an option to enable /disable the "The" filtering. So i shall try and turn that off later to see if it helps.

Regarding your other points, the details are as follows:

Version = xbmc-10.1-live.iso , installed directly onto an aspire Revo hard disk.

Regarding the "Scan Recursive" and "Use foldernames for movie names" points you make... i believe these are soley in the 'Library' part of XBMC.

So far i am not even using the Library part. All i am doing is trying to view the FILES in the VIDEOS menu option.

My network setup is as follows:
  • Win7 x64 PC with 3tb networked storage.
  • The user "everyone" has read access. Also the user XBMC has read access
  • PC and REVO-XBMC are connected via linksys wrt54gs with dd-wrt.
  • my sources.xml file has read many different things (i've tried loads)
    \\USRNMTongue[email protected]\tvseries

I think the real telling part of this will be once i can get hold of my debugging info.

Thanks again for your time.

***Edit... i just remembered as well... the movies successfully list the "The" movies. But then stops at "Tron"... not sure if this is relevant. in fact... i fairly sure its NOT relevant, because even my tv series are nowhere to be seen... "an.idiot.abroad.s01e05.China.mkv" etc...

- Dobyken - 2011-04-05

If you can't see your files in through the Videos menu then it is most likely a network or filename issue. If they don't show up in Videos then there's no way XBMC can see them for scanning. In the XBMC settings is a file manager. Have you tried using that to view files? Since you're running Live I assume you don't have a GUI desktop installed so you can't run Thunar or other file manager. That's the only thing I don't like about live...if you have problems it's hard to troubleshoot them. You said it didn't make a difference if you mounted the shares but if you do it again try opening a terminal and CD to the files. Just curious as to whether or not you can view them from the command line. I'm not aware of any method of viewing SMB shares from the command line without mounting them.

It's quite possible that one series/episode/movie has an illegal character which is causing the read to stop at that point. Live is Unix so it's quite possible to have a file that works fine on one system and not the other. I haven't run Windows 7 since I tried the betas but you might want to give user XBMC read and write to the shares.

Aha! i've got it! - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-06

Aha! I;ve got it!

Right... i have managed to get XBMC to display all the videos in a certain folder. Without missing any out.

This is what i found out.

I use Ember Media Manager to scrape for movie posters, fan art, things like that...

During the process of scraping, ember media manager generates LOTS of .jpg, .nfo, .tbn files... all of which contain the data for the movies in question.

If you delete all the extra files (jpg, nfo, tbn) files, and then look at XBMC i think you'll find that all of your movies are displaying correctly.

I have no idea WHY this ember media manager should be a problem. AS it has all worked perfeclty fine up until now.

Perhaps now that i have narrowed it down anyone else can offer any info on what could be causing that!

(ps During the deleting process PLEASE be careful not to delete your mives files.)

Disregard that, I suck c**s - mcai8rw2 - 2011-04-07

Actually... forget that last thread about me solving it. I thought it would work because I tried deleting all jpg,nfo,tbn, tgmd files that ember media manger created.

It WORKED for a couple of the TV series i had... so i went crazy and got rid of every single jpg,nfo,tbn, etc... in my entire collection.

Sadly, when i went into the videos part again, STILL some of my movies weren't listed.

Neither could i see the folders in the 'File manager'. Therefore by deduction the ONLY thing remaining is either:

1. Illegal Characters in movie titles (doubtful on this because my movies aren;t called anything wierd)

2. Windows 7 Permissions / Sharing thing. I am going to be revisiting the Win 7 part this evening.


- Auri - 2011-04-07

mcai8rw2 Wrote:Actually... forget that last thread about me solving it. I thought it would work because I tried deleting all jpg,nfo,tbn, tgmd files that ember media manger created.

It WORKED for a couple of the TV series i had... so i went crazy and got rid of every single jpg,nfo,tbn, etc... in my entire collection.

Sadly, when i went into the videos part again, STILL some of my movies weren't listed.

Neither could i see the folders in the 'File manager'. Therefore by deduction the ONLY thing remaining is either:

1. Illegal Characters in movie titles (doubtful on this because my movies aren;t called anything wierd)

2. Windows 7 Permissions / Sharing thing. I am going to be revisiting the Win 7 part this evening.


aaaah I'm going crazy on this also, I just can't figure it out :/
One thing I'm gonna test this weekend is create a linux/unix local user on my WIN7 PC and give it read/write permissions (currently read/write is set to EVERYONE)