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Can you run 2 xbox's on xbmc kai? - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Can you run 2 xbox's on xbmc kai? (/showthread.php?tid=9886)

- bboy123 - 2005-02-11

a friend and i were thinking of setting up a lan party and playing on kai. we would have about 8 people on 2 xbox's and then connect to kai and play with 8 others. to do this i would think you would need 2 instances of the kai engine. the thought was

router 1 connected to:
computer 1
xbox 1
router 2

router 2 connected to:
router 1
computer 2
xbox 2

what do you think? will it work?

- Nuka1195 - 2005-02-11


this is what i can confirm.

using mech assault, i have two xboxes connected to the same router. xbox1 modded using xbmc is hosting a game in xlink kai. xbox2 unmodded is able to join this game through the lan. my friend at his home is able to join the game and see both xboxes.

so if you setup your lan properly i don't see why this wouldn't work.

edit: i'm running kaid on the router.