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Apple TV2 - Xperience skin issue - Printable Version

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Apple TV2 - Xperience skin issue - johntdonoghue - 2011-04-23

I am relatively unskilled from a jailbreak/ssh perspective.

I installed XBMC on my ATV2 today, all worked well. I installed the Xperience skin and when I enabled it my screen is black except for the the occasional word appearing when I blindly navigate.

I've tried uninstalling XBMC but when I re-install it picks up on my previous skin settings and reverts back to the 'black' screen.

Basically I need some easy follow instructions as to how I can either delete the skin via SSH or alternatively totally uninstall XBMC so I can re-install 'from scratch' without having to go through the whole jailbreak process.

Apologies if the answer lies within these forums somewhere, I've dug around and anything relevant is a little over my head from a technical perspective.


Solution - xboxexpert - 2011-07-24

Download Putty (http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe) and get the IP address of the ATV2. SSH into the ATV2 using root as the username and alpine as the password. Once you are logged in type, without the quotes, "cd /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata", press enter then type "rm profiles.xml" press enter to delete the profiles file then type "rm guisettings.xml" press enter and go run XBMC you profiles should be reverted back to stock and your XBMC should run. Any more help please feel free to email me [email protected].