Solved [v18] A bug in resource.language.el_gr causes Kodi to crush in certain skins.
The {0:s} in the translated string 13210 instead of the {0:d} causes Kodi to crush when the language is set to Greek and when the skin is using any kind of AlarmClock built-in action in Home window. I didn't test all the skins or any other language but currently skin.bello.7, skin.arctic.zephyr.2 & skin.embuary-leia are affected.

I have fixed the issue in Transifex but i am posting it here just for reference purposes...

Thanks for that.  I thought all the bugs had been corrected in Greek, but thinking back it was mainly where the format specifiers had been transliterated from latin to greek.

scott s.
(2020-02-24, 21:59)nessus Wrote: The {0Confused} in the translated string 13210 instead of the {0:d} causes Kodi to crush when the language is set to Greek and when the skin is using any kind of AlarmClock built-in action in Home window. I didn't test all the skins or any other language but currently skin.bello.7, skin.arctic.zephyr.2 & skin.embuary-leia are affected.

I have fixed the issue in Transifex but i am posting it here just for reference purposes...

hello my friend this page doesn't exist.Can you fix it?
(2020-03-23, 09:37)akilas13 Wrote: hello my friend this page doesn't exist.Can you fix it?
What do you mean doesn't exist?. It opens fine for me. Are you logged in to Transifex and joined the Kodi Greek translation team?

By the way this is still not fixed in 18.6 release.

I just checked the strings, and it seems fixed now (I know it's an old thread).

Thanks for reporting this.

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[v18] A bug in resource.language.el_gr causes Kodi to crush in certain skins.0