"HOW-TO..." threads dangerous?
Wooo... many opinions Wink

Be as it might, users learn this the hard way, but many of
the questions coming into the support forums are because of they trying
some old how too's - I've helped a few with just that problem Wink
So something will backfire on us here.

Also, at least giving an honest user the message that this can seriously borc the system is at least a chance we owe the users.....

A good wiki section is a good idea, and i could sure as hell help to check the guides sporadicly and update/adjust if necesary.

Another problem with the how too's is that even though OP is outdated, by scrolling trough like 100's of posts will get you to fixes that others have learned.
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The-Boxhead Wrote:Wooo... many opinions Wink
A good wiki section is a good idea, and i could sure as hell help to check the guides sporadicly and update/adjust if necesary.

Another problem with the how too's is that even though OP is outdated, by scrolling trough like 100's of posts will get you to fixes that others have learned.

IF the how to is any good. The op should be strongly encouraged to move the guide to the wiki and maintain it there with the help from the rest of the community. Discussion could continue with the first post or posts pointing to the wiki article.

Also more and stricter moderation in some forums would help, if a discussion goes off topic for pages, or ends up arguing about pointless shit it won't help the signal to noise ratio. Also more faqs at the top of the forums might help as would closing and archiving old and out of date threads and forums. XBMC Announcements for example.

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"HOW-TO..." threads dangerous?1